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Is it Legal or Illegal?


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Shotgun. You don't have to worry about aiming as your running away. :gabe:


Fox 5.3 Pepper Spray. I doubt a dog is going to take a shot of that and keep coming. If you end up getting your dog too at least it's pretty certain not to kill them.


It's also a lot easier to defend the deployment of pepper vs a round from a gun. Not to mention much safer given the family is with you and your in a neighborhood.


I really advise that vs a gun simply because you don't need any more hassles so why put a gun into a mix where one isn't really necessary.


Just my thoughts.

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Scary situation. I have a fear of letting my 2 year old around dogs I don't know. I am aware that any dog can bite but dogs I don't know worry me the most. I've found they'll, in my experience, turn around and leave you alone with a deep "Get out of here" or something similar. I try to keep away from all dogs while out and about but it's a pain in the ass when he sees a "puppy" as he calls them all and wants to pet them every time. lol
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I continuously yelled at it to go, and kept pointing it in the direction of his house. It didn't help.


Im not out to kill a dog, but in the case of one ripping a body part off of a family member I wanted to know if its legal to shoot.


When I was attacked when I was younger, beating the dog in the head, punching it, trying to release its jaw was no match. When it did release it got my arm. When a dog flips into attack mode im not getting anywhere near it.

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At me? No. I've broken up dog fights at the dog park by tackling and restraining dogs. I have opposable thumbs, a giant brain, and 100lbs on most dogs, it's really not hard. Also I have man testicles.


But I guess if all you have is a gun, everything looks like a target.


Ok, so you ZERO experience with this situation, just as I thought.


Now, let me tell you how things work in this situation since I have been in it. Yelling at a dog that has intentions to rip you apart does no good at all.


Guy that lives across the street had a black lab that went after multiple people on our street. The dog jumped a fence and bit a kid.


Later the dog got out again, ran across the street from the guys house, cornered me before I could get in my house right after I got off work. I screamed at the dog, clapped, and it kept getting closer and coming after me. The only thing that saved me was being able to get back into my car.


I called animal control, they "knew" of the dog, gave the guy a ticket. Later when Cordell and Paul were at my house the dog again ran from across the street and up towards my garage where we inside. Paul chased the damn thing off with a shovel.


Finally the dog came across the street, again, and attacked a lady in my yard and tore her up good. Guess what? She was yelling at the dog and it gave no fucks. We almost had to go to court to testify for her.


Animal control finally too the POS dog and put it down.


Cliffs: You go ahead and be a man and take your chances yelling at a dog that is in attack mode, I've learned my lesson and won't.

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When I was attacked when I was younger, beating the dog in the head, punching it, trying to release its jaw was no match. When it did release it got my arm. When a dog flips into attack mode im not getting anywhere near it.


Have to go for the throat. Grab that thing and rip it out. Here's an instructional video.


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At me? No. I've broken up dog fights at the dog park by tackling and restraining dogs. I have opposable thumbs, a giant brain, and 100lbs on most dogs, it's really not hard. Also I have man testicles.


But I guess if all you have is a gun, everything looks like a target.


Doesn't sound like you've ever been around a dog in attack mode.


I was asked to watch my friends dog (not positive what it was, some type of mastiff pit bull mix, 80-100 lbs) at a track day a few years ago. Some guy with a lab starts walking his dog over and thought it was funny when my friends dog stood up and lunged towards his dog, so he starts laughing and brings his dog closer. At this point I'm yelling and pulling as hard as I can on the choker and can't hold the dog back any more. Even though the dog is wheezing for breath it attacked the lab and would have tore it to pieces. Luckily, my friend was close and ran over. He put a stop to it just as it was biting the labs throat. The dog only listens to him. I was yelling, hitting, and choking the dog and it didnt give a shit. If a dog like this is in kill mode it will only listen to its master, if you are lucky.


To the OP, I wouldn't let this dog anywhere near my kid. The pepper spray sounds promising.

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I continuously yelled at it to go, and kept pointing it in the direction of his house. It didn't help.


Im not out to kill a dog, but in the case of one ripping a body part off of a family member I wanted to know if its legal to shoot.


When I was attacked when I was younger, beating the dog in the head, punching it, trying to release its jaw was no match. When it did release it got my arm. When a dog flips into attack mode im not getting anywhere near it.


That sucks. I've got no experience with one in "attack" mode. Just the normal barking, hair raised, etc. That alone is enough to make you nervous.

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Yes it is. I just cited the ORC in another a thread a couple weeks ago. Bottom line is if the dog attacks or comes at you, the wife or your child in an aggressive or menacing manner, you can kill it. If it attacks your dog, just put yourself in the middle, take a bite on the arm and then shoot it. Fuck people who don't keep their dog on a leash or in a fenced yard.


I'll dig up the link.


Or are properly trained.


I have no issues with people who have control over their dogs not having their dogs on a leash, as cited here:



But that is about 1% of the population. So the rest of this population needs to do exactly as you stated, on a leash or within a fence. It's unfortunate it has to be that way, but it is what it is.

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At me? No. I've broken up dog fights at the dog park by tackling and restraining dogs. I have opposable thumbs, a giant brain, and 100lbs on most dogs, it's really not hard. Also I have man testicles.


But I guess if all you have is a gun, everything looks like a target.


You were apparently "high" when you wrote this......


Fox 5.3 Pepper Spray. I doubt a dog is going to take a shot of that and keep coming. If you end up getting your dog too at least it's pretty certain not to kill them.


It's also a lot easier to defend the deployment of pepper vs a round from a gun. Not to mention much safer given the family is with you and your in a neighborhood.


I really advise that vs a gun simply because you don't need any more hassles so why put a gun into a mix where one isn't really necessary.


Just my thoughts.


Pepper spray will slow them down..... a little, if the dog is hell bent on killing you, it doesn't have much effect, as I found out once, wound up dispatching the canine.


That sucks. I've got no experience with one in "attack" mode. Just the normal barking, hair raised, etc. That alone is enough to make you nervous.


Attack mode, they will not let go, there is a big difference between a trained dog and one that is just nuts. I was bit once by one that was probably just crazy, lots -o- stitches, lots of pain and a lot of time in the ER, looking back, shooting it would have been less painful.....for me.


Your experience may differ from mine, but if your safety or life is in danger, by all means, defend yourself. Dog bites are usually nasty and rabies shots suck.

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Fox 5.3 Pepper Spray. I doubt a dog is going to take a shot of that and keep coming. If you end up getting your dog too at least it's pretty certain not to kill them.



Pepper spray sounds like a bad idea around a small kid. There's a good chance of the kid getting an indirect face full of it.


As a dog owner I'll do anything possible to avoid killing someone else's dog. I know I would be very upset if someone killed my pal. Def have a very serious talk with the dog's owner too, for both your son's safety and the dog's.


On two different occasions I've had a dog come up to me and growl and snap. Both times the dog ended up on the ground looking up at me, and wondering what just happened with thoroughly rung bells.


Now the two dogs working as a team that Ryan K9 posted would be a serious problem.

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I used to have a black lab that I got from my stepbrother who was unable to take care of it any longer. Normally, it was a really nice friendly dog but on occasion something in his head would flip and he would go into attack mode. He did it to me a few times, but each time I managed to stop him before he could hurt me or my other dog. When he attacked my mom with no one else around, he got put down. Best decision ever, I wish I would have had the guts to have him put down sooner. A dog like that is a time bomb waiting to harm someone.


If a dog is just being defensive, its easy to show it you are in charge. 9 times out of 10 they will chill out pretty quick. The other one though.... if it comes after me, it's going to get hurt more than I am. I don't care if the owner is standing beside the dog, they need to have complete control over it at all times that its outside.

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I pepper sprayed a two yr old child as it attacked my dog yesterday. I'm pretty sure it was the neighbors kid Gage whom frequents the local pet cemetery. I've seen him there piling up rocks n shit, babbling about the ground being sour and playing chicken with semi trucks. The fuck man. You can never be too safe.
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