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anyone make sushi at home?


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I got the itch today to maybe try making some. Nothing crazy, salmon/tuna, avocado, cream cheese, cucumber. I found that Tensuke market by aki hana sells the fish, and probably everything else ill need.


Just wondering if theres any tips or tricks i should keep in mind.

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When making the sticky rice keep your hands wet. Keep water near you and don't be afraid to use it or you will be a mess. Also sticky rice is different than regular rice. Regular rice can work but it wont stay together as well.


One of the seaweed wraps tastes much better than the other one but I cant remember off top of my head which one it was.

Get a bamboo mat for the rolls. They are like 2 bucks and worth it. Think I bought 5 of them.


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went to the market and had one of the guys show me what all i needed. after the first 2 attempts coming out looking horrible, i finally got the 3rd roll to come out a little better and #4 was best. look/presentation, i give myself a 4/10. taste, 8/10. i was surprised how excellent it was. i got stuffed as fuck off of it and went into a food coma for a couple hours. lol


and thanks for the tips about keeping my hands wet with that rice. jesus that stuff sticks to EVERYTHING. found that i had to wash off the blade of my knife after cutting each piece or the rice would stick to that while cutting and tear the roll apart a bit.



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went to the market and had one of the guys show me what all i needed. after the first 2 attempts coming out looking horrible, i finally got the 3rd roll to come out a little better and #4 was best. look/presentation, i give myself a 4/10. taste, 8/10. i was surprised how excellent it was. i got stuffed as fuck off of it and went into a food coma for a couple hours. lol


and thanks for the tips about keeping my hands wet with that rice. jesus that stuff sticks to EVERYTHING. found that i had to wash off the blade of my knife after cutting each piece or the rice would stick to that while cutting and tear the roll apart a bit.




Where's a good place to buy a mat and the ingredients? I want some fresh stuff.

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Yous should read this.




I am sure you can be more discerning when making your own as opposed to buying it at a run of the miss restaurant. I will probably try making my own sometime as I do love sushi, even if all I have experienced is the stuff this chic is telling me I shouldn't eat.

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Where's a good place to buy a mat and the ingredients? I want some fresh stuff.


I got it all at Tensuke on Old Henderson by Aki Hana. Initial investment was about $50, but that included stuff like $12 for rice (which ill have 8-10 more uses) $4 for rice vinegar the mat, stuff like that. Id only need fish/veggies/cream cheese to do those again, so maybe $20-25?

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Krogers and Giant Eagle both carry everything you need. I should have mentioned the blade. I keep a paper towel and cut sushi by the faucet in kitchen. After every slice I rinse the blade and give it a quick wipe wet blade again and cut next piece. If not knife blade gunks up and you just rip your sushi apart lol.



Also I make it with and without rice vinegar. I prefer it better without the rice vinegar. Wife likes it with it.

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I've made my own sushi before, used cooked tuna and Umi and sliced cucumbers

Just normal Nori you'd find and short grain "sushi" rice from Texas.


Like stated above keep your hands wet while handling the rice.

do thin layers, don't over pack it.

and when rolling I didn't use a mat but instead got the roll started then used the palm of my hands to finish it.


I also made sushi with Buffalo chicken because 'MERCA!

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