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Government shutdown = no wayne national forest


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Government shutdown is impinging on our right to ride! Im bummed got a new bike finally and they are closed. I wonder what the consequences are for getting caught riding there...lol if any rangers are even there I highly doubt it. There are so many back trails and secret areas to get onto the trail, how the hell are they going to inforce it or is it a big gray area?! Im greatly disappointed thats like the only place I ride at. I didn't really realize it was federal land, the states need to take back some power in my opinion. States should run shit like this not the govt because they cant agree on an issue.




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I didn't really realize it was federal land.


Wayne National Forest.


...and yes, that sucks. Love riding there. My quad is down right now though so it's a non-issue for me as far as riding goes. Don't know how shutting down the forest, which makes money in licenses, helps the problem.

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even though it's federal land it's patrolled mostly by STATE game officials so those guys are still working. Just saw 1 today in his truck. The forest itself isn't shut down...just the trails and camps which I know for you guys that ride the trails that isn't much consolation but for those of us that hunt it's a huge deal. I'll just have to camp on the side of the road instead of the free camp I usually stay at. That article says the camps that hunters traditionally use will remain open but both camps where I go were locked up last week. Probably because they're also used by people that ride the horse trails.
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Ride anyway. It's your own form of peaceful revolution. It's not the citizens fault the government can't get it's act together, so why should we the people not enjoy the land?


This. I'll be going for a cruise Friday. I plan on hitting up Wayne National on the trip. I won't be doing a lot of off roading, but I won't be letting this shit stop me from doing what I will.

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I have camping reservations the 25th - 27th at another national forest campground along the Ohio river. I'm really hoping things are "resolved" by then.


I read a blurb yesterday that said congress was going to approve some individual funding on "popular" programs and National Parks was listed. There was no time frame as to when that might happen but it made it sound like it would be this week. Hopefully they'll get it done and you'll be able to do your trip. I'm going for the early muzzle loader weekend this weekend. My plan is to just camp on the side of the road which isn't ideal but I've done it before in the past. The other option is to take my chainsaw down and create my own camping spot that doesn't have a lock on it......the forest service may frown heavily on that though when they do get back to work. :D

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Instantly get 5 stars and the military on your ass.




Yeah im " " this close to just going and having fun regardless of whats closed. I wonder about those with season passes...that sucks glad i didnt buy one. It's kinda dumb if you think about it because the national parks do bring in $$$

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Here ya go, OP.


A 250cc middle finger to the government shutdown


"As absurd as this whole “government shutdown” thing is, there’s a silver lining. Our nation’s national parks are, for the most part, now vacant. If you have the means, the determination, and the willingness to risk a brush with law enforcement, you can enjoy our protected lands as they’re rarely viewed: without flocks of tourists spoiling the experience."




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