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How come no one takes credit...


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for leaving bad rep?


I was on my user CP today and glanced at my "rep."


The breakdown is this:


20% of those who left me negative rep left their Sig.


69% of those who left me positive rep left their Sig


So, how come a majority of you people who feel the need to leave negative rep don't say who it's from? Just curious.


Not putting this in the kitchen as it's not meant to start a fight, but is a legit question. However, if the mod's deem it necessary to move to the Kitchen, it is what it is.

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Trolls and fucktards also like to leave other people's names for rep.


Good point. Is there a reason that when rep is left the actual username of who left it is not automatically generated?


Your neighbour probably registered so she could neg the hell out of you.


Doubt it. If she is too stupid to understand the HOA rules and the law, I doubt she would be able to get on here to leave me neg rep...however; you never know I suppose.

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