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"they live" anyone ever seen it


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I was looking for a clip of the old cult movie "the warriors" to educate Ron Burgundy and came across this.


Never heard the bubble gum version of that line :wtf:

I like the line "I only came here to do two things, kick some ass and drink some beer. Looks like we're almost outta beer."

Dazed and Confused

Edited by nochknstrps
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dude I love that movie. Rowdy Randy Piper FTW. He kicked some ass in that movie. The other guy is the voice of "Arbiter" from Halo. I think his name is Keith David. The do an awesome alley fight scene. They actually copied the fight scene in a South Park episode between timmmay and the other kid that walks on crutches. Look it up. Shit is too funny.

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That's one of my favorite movies!!! I watch it every time it comes on.

Was that a John Carpenter flick? I couldn't get enough of his movies.

I just downloaded "Prince of Darkness" on a torrent this past weekend.

Another great flick in that same theme is "The Thing". OMG..GREAT MF'ING MOVIE!!

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That's one of my favorite movies!!! I watch it every time it comes on.

Was that a John Carpenter flick? I couldn't get enough of his movies.

I just downloaded "Prince of Darkness" on a torrent this past weekend.

Another great flick in that same theme is "The Thing". OMG..GREAT MF'ING MOVIE!!

Yeah "They Live" is an excellent flick; I too loved "The Thing".

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Being a fan of late night sci-fi channel, I've seen it many times.

And looky, it's on google video, all grainy but free for all to see.

(you have to click the title up at top to open another tab or window, google videos don't play in threads here)


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