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House Bill 203


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Start with the 30 foot rule. Do you know what that is? How quickly can you sit down in a crowded area and remember everyone and what they look like? Try it sometime with another friend. Look around, sit down, close your eyes, and let your friend ask you where certain people are. You should be aware of everyone around you at all times without constantly looking at them. Anyone carrying a concealed weapon needs to perfect this. If someone in your 30 feet bubble makes you feel uneasy for any reason you move away from them. Even if they get offended with you walking away you still do it. You can be a racist that is still alive. That is better than being dead or in prison for breaking a law.

I carry when I have a reasonable suspicion someone might try to do me harm. I don't think in any 12 hr ccw class you would get a measurable amount of people who would learn, certainly not master the 30' rule. I do not have my ccw to be a hero I have it in case there is an immediate threat to me or my family's life. Carrying is not a certainty that I will be safe its there to MAYBE give me a fighting chance if the opportunity arose in a specific situation. If someone makes me feel uneasy in a 100' bubble I move away. If I was in a sticky situation my firearm wouldn't be the first thing to come to mind its a last resort not the first.

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I highly suggest taking extra firearm training classes/ running lots of drills while shooting so that you can be prepared for an attack. Just standing shooting at the range doesn't do a whole lot to prepare you for an attack.


The point of your CHL class is to make sure you know how to handle a firearm safely so you can carry it around in public.


My CCW class went over the 12 hours and I took a lot of valuable information home with me. I also think I had two very very good instructors teach my course.

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I carry when I have a reasonable suspicion someone might try to do me harm. I don't think in any 12 hr ccw class you would get a measurable amount of people who would learn, certainly not master the 30' rule. I do not have my ccw to be a hero I have it in case there is an immediate threat to me or my family's life. Carrying is not a certainty that I will be safe its there to MAYBE give me a fighting chance if the opportunity arose in a specific situation. If someone makes me feel uneasy in a 100' bubble I move away. If I was in a sticky situation my firearm wouldn't be the first thing to come to mind its a last resort not the first.


If you are going to get a CHL you should carry all of the time, my opinion. My 12 hour class stressed on the 30' circle around you. We even did a live test of it in the shooting range. One person placed a gun on the table and fired at a target while another person in 5 lanes away ran 25 feet as fast a possible. Why? Because studies have shown that 30' is a safe distance for a knife wielding maniac running at full speed to be within stabbing distance only if you can quickly unholster and get a sight picture. There are some youtube videos of police testing this if you are curious. Your gun won't do anything if someone stabs you in the stomach. At that point you have about 15 minutes to get to the ER before you bleed out. I would think even less if you get stabbed more than once.


Carrying a firearm MUST change your attitude and demeanor. You should never put yourself in a known environment that gives you a negative reasonable suspicion of your safety. Find an excuse to not do or go in this environment. No one is forcing you to. No more speeding, aggressive driving and tailgating. No more being angry. Don't drink ANY alcohol, period. And swallow your pride if someone starts shit with you. Tuck your tail between your legs and remove yourself from the situation. If you do all of this and you still feel your life is in danger you have a choice to make.

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Carrying a firearm MUST change your attitude and demeanor. You should never put yourself in a known environment that gives you a negative reasonable suspicion of your safety. Find an excuse to not do or go in this environment. No one is forcing you to. No more speeding, aggressive driving and tailgating. No more being angry. Don't drink ANY alcohol, period. And swallow your pride if someone starts shit with you. Tuck your tail between your legs and remove yourself from the situation. If you do all of this and you still feel your life is in danger you have a choice to make.


This x1000.

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Carrying a firearm MUST change your attitude and demeanor. You should never put yourself in a known environment that gives you a negative reasonable suspicion of your safety. Find an excuse to not do or go in this environment. No one is forcing you to. No more speeding, aggressive driving and tailgating. No more being angry. Don't drink ANY alcohol, period. And swallow your pride if someone starts shit with you. Tuck your tail between your legs and remove yourself from the situation. If you do all of this and you still feel your life is in danger you have a choice to make.



I don't usually agree with Trowel, but this is spot on.

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I carry when I have a reasonable suspicion someone might try to do me harm..


Really? SMH.... If everyone knew when something bad was going to happen the world would have less deaths.


I carry all the time, and if I go into somewhere that doesn't allow it I try to go somewhere else. You NEVER know when a threat will happen. You could be at your cake store when a robber comes in demanding buckeye cupcakes and puts a gun to your head. You wont have a way of taking action because you didn't feel your life would be in danger that day.

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Carrying a firearm MUST change your attitude and demeanor. You should never put yourself in a known environment that gives you a negative reasonable suspicion of your safety. Find an excuse to not do or go in this environment. No one is forcing you to. No more speeding, aggressive driving and tailgating. No more being angry. Don't drink ANY alcohol, period. And swallow your pride if someone starts shit with you. Tuck your tail between your legs and remove yourself from the situation. If you do all of this and you still feel your life is in danger you have a choice to make.


Jesus, would someone let this guy give a class already? I appreciate that insight a TON, for realz.

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Carrying a firearm MUST change your attitude and demeanor. You should never put yourself in a known environment that gives you a negative reasonable suspicion of your safety. Find an excuse to not do or go in this environment. No one is forcing you to. No more speeding, aggressive driving and tailgating. No more being angry. Don't drink ANY alcohol, period. And swallow your pride if someone starts shit with you. Tuck your tail between your legs and remove yourself from the situation. If you do all of this and you still feel your life is in danger you have a choice to make.


This is why I don't carry a firearm when repoing vehicles.


I learned a long time ago when to gtfo of a bad situation.

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Really? SMH.... If everyone knew when something bad was going to happen the world would have less deaths.


I carry all the time, and if I go into somewhere that doesn't allow it I try to go somewhere else. You NEVER know when a threat will happen. You could be at your cake store when a robber comes in demanding buckeye cupcakes and puts a gun to your head. You wont have a way of taking action because you didn't feel your life would be in danger that day.

Earlier this week I sold my rv. I met the buyer in an abandoned parking lot and he handed me a fist full of cash. I was carrying because the risk was present that someone might try to do me harm. If someone came into the cake shop and put a gun to my head would I take the risk of reaching for my gun and potentially make things worse? You can never plan for every situation nor would I want having a gun on my hip give me a false sense of security. I play the odds and the odds state that I probably wont have an issue living my life normally and trying not to put myself in a situation I may have to pull my gun. Your right you can never know when you may have a need but I lived 34 years without needing one and if the time comes I wish I would have had it then I will live with it if in fact its not a situation where I lose my life. Look at how many people that pull a gun in an unwarranted situation yet they feel completely justified. I don't want to get to the point the first thing that comes to mind when I decide to do something is "it will be ok, I have a gun with me". I am responsible for my own safety and I am well aware that I am just as likely to have harm done to me whether I have a gun on my hip or not.

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Earlier this week I sold my rv. I met the buyer in an abandoned parking lot and he handed me a fist full of cash. .


that's just bad planning. Why would you purposefully put yourself in that situation?

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The abandoned parking lot was the storage yard I kept the rv at. The plates were expired, and there was no insurance on the rv. I didn't want to necessarily break the law or risk a ticket so I played the odds that everything would be fine. My gun was there in case I needed it to TRY and make things safer for me. I am just as likely to meet someone in a parking lot at 2am with a fist full of cash to buy something. Unfortunately sometimes for me I run the risk to hopefully reap the benefits these situations come with.
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I have had a gun pulled on me twice. I didn't panic and this was long before ccw was allowed. Had I of been carrying theres a chance I may have either pulled mine or done something to elude to the fact I was carrying which would have probably pissed the guys off. Theres always a chance something could happen, I don't live my life based on this. Like I said if the situation warrants it in my mind I carry. Someone knowing I have a pocket full of cash warrants it for me. I also may have a pocket full of cash and if no one knows I might not carry. If I worried about what "could" happen every second of my life I would drive myself crazy. If someone pulls a gun on you guys do you think your really going to have a chance to pull yours? Perhaps in an ideal situation but when someone asks for your wallet I bet most will reach for their wallet rather than their gun. Once the guy gets your wallet and runs away are you going to shoot him in the back? Your talking about a 10 second interaction that's more likely anything you have to be concerned with. In a specific situation yes you might have time to pull your weapon but if you let having a gun give you sense of safety your kidding yourself.
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Jesus, would someone let this guy give a class already? I appreciate that insight a TON, for realz.


This was covered more than once in my 12 hour class. I can't believe other teachers do not cover this. Oh wait I just forgot the world is full of idiots. That is my fault sorry :(

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I have had a gun pulled on me twice. I didn't panic and this was long before ccw was allowed. Had I of been carrying theres a chance I may have either pulled mine or done something to elude to the fact I was carrying which would have probably pissed the guys off. Theres always a chance something could happen, I don't live my life based on this. Like I said if the situation warrants it in my mind I carry. Someone knowing I have a pocket full of cash warrants it for me. I also may have a pocket full of cash and if no one knows I might not carry. If I worried about what "could" happen every second of my life I would drive myself crazy. If someone pulls a gun on you guys do you think your really going to have a chance to pull yours? Perhaps in an ideal situation but when someone asks for your wallet I bet most will reach for their wallet rather than their gun. Once the guy gets your wallet and runs away are you going to shoot him in the back? Your talking about a 10 second interaction that's more likely anything you have to be concerned with. In a specific situation yes you might have time to pull your weapon but if you let having a gun give you sense of safety your kidding yourself.


I really think you should rethink this. If someone robbed me and asked for my wallet I would give it to them. If they run away fucking awesome. I AM ALIVE NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. I won't run after the person and for sure will not shoot them. You are crazy to do anything else in that exact scenario.

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Lol. So your the person who gets shot and dies because your hoping "here Mr. Robber, take what you want I know you wont kill me"


do you know the percentage of people killed in a robbery, theft, or invasion?




I have had a gun pulled on me twice. I didn't panic and this was long before ccw was allowed. Had I of been carrying theres a chance I may have either pulled mine or done something to elude to the fact I was carrying which would have probably pissed the guys off. Theres always a chance something could happen, I don't live my life based on this. Like I said if the situation warrants it in my mind I carry. Someone knowing I have a pocket full of cash warrants it for me. I also may have a pocket full of cash and if no one knows I might not carry. If I worried about what "could" happen every second of my life I would drive myself crazy. If someone pulls a gun on you guys do you think your really going to have a chance to pull yours? Perhaps in an ideal situation but when someone asks for your wallet I bet most will reach for their wallet rather than their gun. Once the guy gets your wallet and runs away are you going to shoot him in the back? Your talking about a 10 second interaction that's more likely anything you have to be concerned with. In a specific situation yes you might have time to pull your weapon but if you let having a gun give you sense of safety your kidding yourself.
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I don't think whether I have a gun on me necessarily decides if I live or die in a robbery, theft or home invasion. Those are the more likely scenarios in which you might have to draw your weapon. A home invasion doesn't require you to have a ccw to protect yourself so I wont consider that. A theft I most likely wouldn't know about until its happened so I guess a robbery is a more reasonable scenario for me to warrant carrying. If I am being robbed I will assume the robbers gun is out and I wouldn't necessarily have any opportunity to pull mine. How many would risk attempting to pull your gun just because someone is standing in front of you pointing theirs? If I was being robbed and I thought I could pull mine and not risk making the situation worse I probably would but that's not the first thing that's going to cross my mind.
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....SMH....you got it all figured out.


My record for staying alive I believe is just as good as anyone else's in this thread. I assume I have it figured out just as well as you do. We all do what we feel is safe for us. I don't think anyone is crazy for doing what they feel is best for them. Our lives are all different and what you might feel is dangerous I may not. I figured out nothing more than what is best and what works for me. I like to think that I have put more thought into my safety other than " I have a gun I will be safe".

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Lol. So your the person who gets shot and dies because your hoping "here Mr. Robber, take what you want I know you wont kill me"


do you know the percentage of people killed in a robbery, theft, or invasion?


Exactly..... I had a niece who was kidnapped and raped, then thrown in the trunk of her car, before the shitbag set it on fire, she was alive, had she had a firearm either with her or in the trunk, the outcome would have most likely been different.

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I like to think that I have put more thought into my safety other than " I have a gun I will be safe".


It's not about feeling safe, it's about having a fighting chance. I can't find the video, but there was a shop owner (watch repair I think?) that was in 3 self defense shootings at his store. I take his philosophy, which was something like this: I'd rather go out fighting than depend on the good nature of the guy pointing a gun at you.


That being said, if you are carrying a gun, that doesn't mean you have to use it. And just because someone may get the drop on you doesn't mean you won't have a chance to defend yourself (hint: people do it successfully all the time because most crooks are cowards and don't want to get shot over a few bucks).


The great thing about 'Murica is that it's your choice. Just don't go trying to legislate it on me.



Back to the topic, I don't think the training should be required, especially since most people can open carry or use lethal force to defend themselves without a firearm without getting an Ohio License to Carry a Concealed Handgun.

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