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2013 Gifts for the Ladies in your life- From another womans persepective


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Gifts for the Ladies in your life- From another woman's perspective


I HIGHLY suggest Etsy.com


Etsy, Etsy Etsy.


First off she'll be pleased you bought something "handmade", second supporting small business, third, its something unique.


I highly suggest figuring out her favorite color and using their color picker to help shop.



If she likes jewelry, and you need her ring size, find a ring she wont miss and take it to be sized.. its free.


IMHO, gift cards are for your friends, great aunt patty and your boss.

put some effort into your significant other, mom or sister..


That being said..






Dr. Who



I learned a great thing from Alton Brown, almost no tool in yoru kitchen should be single use item except a garlic press.

Knife Sharpener, Nice

Knife Magnet

Henckles Sanakto Knives

Digital Scale

Food Processor

Nice Metal Mixing Bowls

NEW cutting boards

Digital meat thermometer

Cookbook holder- http://www.foodnetworkstore.com/jumbo-cookbook-holder-by-clear-solutions/shop/136856/?ccaid=FNFROOG136856&






New Garden Gloves

Seeds from thier favorite store

A plant that would fit into thier current garden (this will take reserach on your part)



http://naturebox.com/ (monthly box of goody samples)



Etsy- Figure out what she likes and go there. (make sure the shop is in the USA or you will not get it in time)

Eco Friendly/Upcycled Jewelry


What about a handmade wooden jewelry box? https://www.etsy.com/search/handmade/woodworking?q=Jewelry+box&view_type=gallery&ship_to=US



Photos- Lots of Photos, Seriously. If you have kids, Get them an album of photos. It can be 10 photos or 100. THEY LOVE THIS.



Photos- Lots of Photos, Seriously. If you have kids, Get them an album of photos. It can be 10 photos or 100. THEY LOVE THIS.





Joannne Fabrics GC


Pattern Books

Each of these types of women, has somethign they specicifly like to work on.

Example- My mother in law love to make cardigans and throw blankets; all the designs she makes are form the 80's I have gotten her updated books with clever new designs and she LOVES having new challenging patterns to work on. Take note of whatever they like to creat and find a new book of patterns for them.



** i will keep adding and editing this for the next few days, keep checkign back and dont hesitate to ask questions, i love to shop and will help you guys out in any way i can**

Edited by damreds
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