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Fined and ticketed while Hunting. Help?


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pay the fine....learn from it....move on. Let me ask you this....when did you guys discover the plug was missing? I can see your mistake because I did it years ago. I remembered it after we got to where we were going to hunt. I just took my knife and cut a sappling and used that as a plug. At the end of the day though your buddy just messed up.
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I passed all this info along to my buddy, says he's gonna think ot over, but sounds like he's going to take it to court just for the chance it can be removed off his record. Court date is Dec 18, ill fill you guys in on what happens. As far as when the plug came out, he thinks he either took it out or it fell out while cleaning his gun prior to this day. Once we noticed this as well as the ranger, we did the same as you and put a twig in the mag, still the ranger decided to write the ticket though.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, i went with my buddy to his court date this morning. What a mess. The judge sounded confused by the charges, and my buddy tried explaining his case, but the judge didnt sound too interested as he had probably 100 or more people waiting to go through today. He ended up reducing the fine from $100 to $50 plus court costs by pleading no contest. Ended up being a 3rd degree Misdemeanor with no way around that. Guess it can be exsponged after a year though. Also found out that because of the charge, he had to go to court and wouldnt have been able to just pay the fine by phone or whatever. Just one more way for the man to suck some money out of you i guess. Either way, lesson learned, even though it was a little harsh of the Ranger considering we fixed the problem on spot. Probably put a bad taste in my buddies mouth too considering this was his first time deer hunting. I know a couple of you wanted to know how this turned out so figured i would share.
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Without reading every post in this thread, did the LEO have probable cause to stop and question you? Are the laws different with Park Rangers than other LEO's? I can't imagine it would be.


The licensing laws allow them to enforce the regulations through random checks

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Without reading every post in this thread, did the LEO have probable cause to stop and question you? Are the laws different with Park Rangers than other LEO's? I can't imagine it would be.


We was walking along 665 to meet some friends and keep hunting. We was unloaded and obviously not hunting at the time, which is why i figured he would be lenient. I dont know what kind of authority they have in terms of random searches and what not. Im not mad at the ranger necessarily, just disappointed he didnt give us a break given the circumstances.

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lenient game warden.....that's some funny shit right there. :D Not gonna happen. Those guys get hard on's writing tickets...no way they go easy. Also....as best I can tell....short of being god there's no one else with as much power as they have. They can pretty much do whatever they want. I was walking out during bow season one year after hunting the afternoon and had one that had parked up the road and hid in the bushes waiting on me to come out. First thing he did was put the flashlight in my eyes which isn't cool to begin with so I knew who I was dealing with before he even said a word. After he checked my license and all that shit he had his drug dog work my truck. I didn't have anything to hide so I wasn't worried about it but I'm sure some people would've flipped out about it. Guy was a douche just like every single game warden I've ever talked to. It's just par for the course. The lesson to learn here is don't do anything wrong and you have nothing to worry about. Going out without your plug in your gun during gun week is just asking for it whether it was intentional or not. That's like the 2nd thing on their list they check. License.... then plug.
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