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GoPro+Lions+Man= ?


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Aside from seeing animals that poweful up close, and this guy having balls of steel, this is a badass video. Gives you a sweet look into a land not many people get to see.

This may stem from growing up with lion king as well, but it definitely shows the potential of the newer gopro's.

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Do that long enough and bad things will happen. History has proven this. Balls of steel or brains of steel. Jury is out IMO.


Cool video nonetheless.


It may or may not, but he obviously enjoys it. What is life if it is spent doing something you don't enjoy? I'd rather die happy doing something I love, than die doing something I despised and filled with hate.

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I'd rather die happy doing something I love, than die doing something I despised and filled with hate.


I agree, he likely has a low reading on his "give a fuck meter". However if one can't do do something they love without dying, they are likely doing it wrong.


Again, cool video. Awaiting story of his being attacked though....oh wait...he already has on more than one occasion. Be smart....don't die. Now awaiting his death.

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I agree, he likely has a low reading on his "give a fuck meter". However if one can't do do something they love without dying, they are likely doing it wrong.


Again, cool video. Awaiting story of his being attacked though....oh wait...he already has on more than one occasion. Be smart....don't die. Now awaiting his death.


I'm sure if this was your wife or child then you wouldn't be "waiting" on their death. But you seem to be the most pessimistic asshole on CR, so this comes as no surprise.


If you want to take your chip on your shoulder out on someone, do it to whoever is causing it. Not someone you've never met.

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I'm sure if this was your wife or child then you wouldn't be "waiting" on their death. But you seem to be the most pessimistic asshole on CR, so this comes as no surprise.


If you want to take your chip on your shoulder out on someone, do it to whoever is causing it. Not someone you've never met.



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you seem to be the most pessimistic asshole on CR, so this comes as no surprise.


Says the guy who stalks me to create a bitch fest derailed urinary Olympic thread of every post I make. :rolleyes:



If you want to take your chip on your shoulder out on someone, do it to whoever is causing it. Not someone you've never met.
I have no chip on my shoulder? But again, coming from the one of CR's finest at trying to pick fights....hey, is that a chip on your shoulder?
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Incredibly awesome.


Do that long enough and bad things will happen. History has proven this. Balls of steel or brains of steel. Jury is out IMO.

Cool video nonetheless.

The same can be said about having children or any number of things you do every week. As someone who's raised and cared for many, many various animals (some quite powerful and dangerous) both at home and for a living, I can say the understanding you develop with an animal cannot be understood by someone "from the outside". And just like any other relationship between two people or why that relationship fails, only those involved truly understand what happened and most often it's the human who has failed.


It may or may not, but he obviously enjoys it. What is life if it is spent doing something you don't enjoy? I'd rather die happy doing something I love, than die doing something I despised and filled with hate.

This man gets it.


I agree, he likely has a low reading on his "give a fuck meter". However if one can't do do something they love without dying, they are likely doing it wrong.


Again, cool video. Awaiting story of his being attacked though....oh wait...he already has on more than one occasion. Be smart....don't die. Now awaiting his death.

I understand what you're saying here and would not judge you for it, however, because you don't understand/get it, perhaps you should use the same restraint. ;)


You two don't need to start pulling each others hair in the pics and vids section. Simmer down, or head to the kitchen. You're both above this behavior.

lol However, I'm not sure anyone is above it on this forum.

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I agree, he likely has a low reading on his "give a fuck meter". However if one can't do do something they love without dying, they are likely doing it wrong.


Again, cool video. Awaiting story of his being attacked though....oh wait...he already has on more than one occasion. Be smart....don't die. Now awaiting his death.


Holy negativity batman.


Cool video. Shows they are living creatures capable of affection, and not just killers.

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This guy reminds me of Timothy Treadwell. Guy lived with Bears...they ate him and his girlfriend.


All it is going to take is one male who wants to be the Alpha, and this guy will be dead.





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You're both above this behavior.


Survey says.....*BZZZZZZ*. Nope.


So, this is a badass vid, and I have much respect for any man that has the nuts to develop a relationship with a whole herd of things that could eat him accidentally. It's crazy, but so is being special forces, or a race car driver. Props.


On another note, Pretoria is the capital of South Africa. So, just some perspective, you live in Columbus, and you drive up to Loudenville to maybe go canoeing. Better be careful, though, because there is A PRIDE OF FUCKING LIONS that live up there. They share that space with A CACKLE OF FUCKING HYENAS and SOME CHEETAHS and a JAGUAR. So...going for a walk in Africa = nope.

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A few observations:


1. I can't remember the last time I was at a zoo, but those things are WAAAAAY bigger up close than I realized.


2. That lion ripped that mirror off that car like it was nothing.


3. Their mouths are seriously bigger than his entire head.

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On another note, Pretoria is the capital of South Africa. So, just some perspective, you live in Columbus, and you drive up to Loudenville to maybe go canoeing. Better be careful, though, because there is A PRIDE OF FUCKING LIONS that live up there. They share that space with A CACKLE OF FUCKING HYENAS and SOME CHEETAHS and a JAGUAR. So...going for a walk in Africa = nope.


The area where that game reserve is, is about 30-45 mins from where I grew up. We used to go on tons of little weekend getaways to that area, lots of little resorts, good fishing, good golfing, popular area for hang gliding...I believe the wildest animal I ever encountered while going on a walk there might have been a gecko.


Then I moved to Columbus, Ohio, where fucking deer, coyote, skunks and who knows what else run around in your backyard...


I'd take my chances in Africa.


1. I can't remember the last time I was at a zoo, but those things are WAAAAAY bigger up close than I realized.


That's because lions in zoo's are fucking sickly looking.

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Then I moved to Columbus, Ohio, where fucking deer, coyote, skunks and who knows what else run around in your backyard...





I mean, you have been both places, so I can't really argue with you, but I'm not trying to go strolling around in the savannah.

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