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A/Z Ford Plan Pricing?


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The only ways to get TRUE A or Z plan pricing is to be a DIRECT relative of a current Ford employee (FoMoCo not a dealership) or a Retiree.


Both price structures are below invoice.


D plan is for Dealership employees and families


X plan is friends/family/supplier.



ANYTHING else (G plan E plan) are made up sales gimmicks


More info here: http://www.at.ford.com/news/cn/Pages/Clearing%20Up%20Confusion%20from%20A%20to%20X%20to%20Z.aspx

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Good info, thanks! Ok well I'm not aware of anyone in my family having worked for Ford but I know I qualify for X plan through my employer. Is that the best deal I'm likely to get? Can X plan be combined with current rebates?


That link says A/Z plans may be compatible with current discounts but doesn't mention if X plan is also.

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