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Go to the Doctors.


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Im going to air out some serious issues going on in my family and extended family because i dont really have anywhere else I can.


I have 3 People in my life right now who are living hospital life. Im overwhelmed mentally.


1) My Grandma on my dads side who's had alzheimers for the last about 8 years was just diagnosed with cancer and is on hospice care.


Shes an awesome woman who was the epitome of what a grandma is. She was a shoulder to cry on, an aspiration of a mother i wanted to be, and essential to my care as my dad was single dad. I lived within 5 minutes of my grandparents (all 3 of them) my entire growing up life. I knew them all very well and am very lucky to have had all of them till well into my 30's. She was one of my favorite and most influential people growing up. I was the first person in our family she forgot, living away from yoru family sucks.



2) My Brother in law. He's been in and out of the hospitcal since august due to pancreatitis complications. He's a mostly healthy guy, active, eats healthy, maybe a bit too much chipotle, but overall healthy man. His pancreas though is shit and we dont why.


He is now diabetic and had to have multiple surgeries including one tomorrow to drain the stuff in his stomach and this 6'6" 220lb man has been dwindled down to i would bet around 150lbs due to all of this.

I have no clue if any of this was preventable. they have two children, and my SiL is terrified about losing her best friend.


3) My Best Friends Brother who i consider to be my brother as much as i consider her to be my sister. Known them since i was 11. (will refer to him as broter from here on out

His family has been plagued with health issues and he's always had a fear of doctors. They lost thier dad in his early 50's to colon cancer, which if he had gone to the doctors more frequently, they would hae caught it and he would liekly still be alive today.

Friday, i got a call that they were taking my brother to the ER because his foot was swollen and looked really gross.


Turns out he's diabetic and he has ostemyolitis in his foot and they may need to amputate. I was at the hospital all last night and day today THey have removed most of the tissue/muscle/from the top of his foot and are worried the infection is going to kill him. ALL of this undiagnosed diabetes related.


I have listened to all his doctors, I sat there with Mom when they asked if they could take his foot when they came out during the surgery. I have traveled this country with Him and his sister, i have walked all over New York City and swam in Missouri rivers with him .. how could this be happening?

Mom told them no. Figure something out was all she said.. so they are trying things, but the docs were still concerned this morning. Im still concerned, at the very least, he will not be able to drive normally again, (its his right foot)





All i can say is Go to the fucking doctors. 1x a year, get a check up. Please for the sake of your children, your family and least of all yourself.


Encourage the women in your life to get regular checkups to. Mammograms and PAPs despite what the government says SHOULD BE ROUTINE.


The mental hell my family is going through on all sides right now is almost to much for me to handle.


Whats worse is in the last few weeks, We here at CR have seen others going through their own medical issues and supported each other. SUpport your family as you would your friends. That sounds weird to say, but its true.

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I've already learned this myself, the hard way of course. The other day at work my blood pressure went through the roof, I may have had a mini-stroke from it. When I finally made it to the doctor hours later it was still 180 over 106. I'm only 30 and now on blood pressure medicine. My mom just now thought it was relevant to tell me this runs in the family, so when I see my sister next week she's going to get a fun warning.
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I've already learned this myself, the hard way of course. The other day at work my blood pressure went through the roof, I may have had a mini-stroke from it. When I finally made it to the doctor hours later it was still 180 over 106. I'm only 30 and now on blood pressure medicine. My mom just now thought it was relevant to tell me this runs in the family, so when I see my sister next week she's going to get a fun warning.


My grandma didn't tell my dad that type 2 diabetes runs in the family till he was diagnosed at 56. When that happened I went around and drilled everyone on our family history and gave it directly to my doctor.

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I'm due for a PAPs soon.


All jokes aside I have a hard time trusting doctors. I go to them, no doubt about it! but finding a good doctor is getting very hard to do as well. My dad has an auto immune disease. I remember going to my doctor and saying hey I've noticed similar symptoms that my dad's doctor described in my urine (TMI?) can you run a screen?


Had me pee in a cup then just looked at it and said 'nah I don't see anything' and dumped it out. Dude...send the stupid thing out to a LAB geez


Still trying to find a doctor I like :(

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Berto hit the nail on the head for me. I've been going to the doctors off and on for at least 10 years now trying to diagnose a throat/neck problem that's been bothering me. I've had ultrasounds, MRI's, throat strobe-a-scopes, and a camera put through my nose and down into my throat. None of them have been able to say "yep this is your problem" and only a few have offered up a "well it could be this" to me. It's pretty frustrating to KNOW that something isnt right but not be able to find anything. Only thing that gives me any real comfort is I figure if it was some form of cancer I would be dead by now.
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I'm due for a PAPs soon.


All jokes aside I have a hard time trusting doctors. I go to them, no doubt about it! but finding a good doctor is getting very hard to do as well. My dad has an auto immune disease. I remember going to my doctor and saying hey I've noticed similar symptoms that my dad's doctor described in my urine (TMI?) can you run a screen?


Had me pee in a cup then just looked at it and said 'nah I don't see anything' and dumped it out. Dude...send the stupid thing out to a LAB geez


Still trying to find a doctor I like :(


Talk to your friends and family and ask who they see. Ask them why like AND dislike thier current doctor. Decide what you want out of a doctor.


I currently HATE our PCP, but im too lazy to search for another doctor. Thier facility is good and honestly, i should just try another doctor in their practice, despite that, i still go in for annual physical every year.




thanks everyone for letting me rant a bit. My Faux-Bro only ended up losing most of the tendons and tissue on the top of his foot, and lost one of his toes.

My Brother in laws surgery went well on sunday, and so far, my grandmother is status quo, but all she does is sleep now. :( She has been lucid though and knew who all her kids were in the last few days. Thats been a nice thing to go out on, i suppose.

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Berto, I understand your frustration. When my wife started having problems with Gluten she went to three separate doctors who said, "well, you are getting older..." and acted like all her crazy symptoms were common things for aging women. The fourth doc suggested she may have a gluten sensitivity and all her symptoms disappeared in 2 weeks. However, it was just luck that she went to him and was on the verge of giving up in docs after the first three offered no hope.


Keep at it and try not to get discouraged.

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