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Brandon's Trial Started


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Put yourself in her shoes, in her situation...

you were hit by someone involved in a drag race, that person is dead, and you're injured. Do you really care if the guy he was racing is sitting in a jail cell? does that affect your life in ANY way whatsoever?

in a civil case, you're financially reimbursed for the pain and suffering it causes you and your family. THAT makes a difference...

Having the partially responsible party sitting in a jail cell just increases the financial load for the rest of us (taxpayers).

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So charging Brandon for George's death would give her comfort? :wtf:

Just answer this one question: Was Brandon at all responsible for George's death?

After you answer that, understand that the family would want Brandon to pay for being partially responsible. Call it assault, call it whatever you feel is fair. But, if he got charged with manslaughter, he'd have his life ruined, too. That is fairly equal to George being dead and his family (other than is seemingly idiot wife) having their son/brother/cousin, etc. dead. It is also fairly equal to what the girl is going to be going through for the rest of her life.

He'd be out in a short period of time on good behavior or something similar. Hell, they'd probably get a minimal sentence, but he'd still have that charge on his record and that would be something he'd pay for all the remaining years of his life.

Assault is not enough. If I were the mom and dad of George, I'd pursue Brandon in civil court, as well. He was partially responsible. He accepted the race, he even planned it knowing the guy was wasted. He forced the situation to occur by racing instead of saying "no". He had a choice, too.

Brandon gets to walk away from an illegal act that resulted in a death and a permanently injured person. He walks free and clear. Do you think that is even remotely fair to anyone involved?

Again, I hope he gets his ass handed to him in civil court. Money doesn't make anything better, but it is another example of a bit of comfort knowing the guy paid for his mistakes.

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Put yourself in her shoes, in her situation...

you were hit by someone involved in a drag race, that person is dead, and you're injured. Do you really care if the guy he was racing is sitting in a jail cell? does that affect your life in ANY way whatsoever?

in a civil case, you're financially reimbursed for the pain and suffering it causes you and your family. THAT makes a difference...

Having the partially responsible party sitting in a jail cell just increases the financial load for the rest of us (taxpayers).

Look, I'm done. You guys all like this guy or were friends with these idiots. That's cool.

I'll part with this and the reason why I quoted you. Brandon shared responsibility the moment he accepted the race. He accepted racing, he accepted being a part of an illegal act. He accepted not caring too much for George being that he was drunk. He accpeted that he could have been killed or that he could get injured.

HE RACED GEORGE. His actions were 1/2 of the equation. George wouldn't have got killed had there been no race. The girl wouldn't have been hurt had there been no race.

Again, if George would have driven home drunk, crossed the center line and died and hurt the girl, it would be a totally different deal. He was racing someone who was totally agreeing upon the act and the possible results.

Why is 1/2 of the equation not being thought of here? Had there been no race... Think about it.

I'm done.

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Again, I hope he gets his ass handed to him in civil court. Money doesn't make anything better, but it is another example of a bit of comfort knowing the guy paid for his mistakes.

Money makes things a LOT better than having someone sit in prison...IMO

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The news article said:

According to police, not only was Staton drag racing moments before the crash, but he was also legally drunk.

legally drunk is the phrase they use when BAC is at or damn near the limit. I doubt he was "wasted"

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Look, I'm done. You guys all like this guy or were friends with these idiots. That's cool.

I've got NOTHING invested in this, I know NONE of the parties involved. I just see "eye for an eye" vindication and punishment as totally useless in an "involuntary" situation.

the reason for punishment is to inhibit behavior. Would a prison sentence inhibit future unlawful behavior more than a civil suit? I doubt it...

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"Wasted" doesn't seem like the right thing to say. George was a big guy and a big drinker whose tolerance was quite high. I know this because I have been around him. So saying he's wasted probably wasn't true.

Second, info came out from somewhere over a year ago that the race had ended before George lost control. He was running on slicks and skinnys in 30 degree weather. It was thought that while he was braking the skinnys were the reason he lost control and crossed the median.

I don't really know why i'm interjecting this and it will more or less just stir the pot but I thought I'd throw it out there.

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