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Health Insurance from where?


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So my wife's insurance was dropped as of Jan 1 of this year. She is currently 17 weeks prego so i am paying out of pocket right now. But now that we are married and we currently have 1 child i need to purchase some insurance for us all.


I called anthem yesterday and it was like 700 a month for just the wife and our kid. . I really want to steer clear of using healthcare.org and anything to do with ObamaCare.


What are some of my options? We own our own business so insurance through employer is out. Should i just call all the insurance companies? Does Ohio have somthing set up? This is all new to me. I am a perfectly healthy 31 year old and never had insurance. I have always paid everything out of pocket rather then paying a monthly fee. But now that i am responsible for more then just me i guess its time to get insurance for the house.

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I called anthem yesterday and it was like 700 a month for just the wife and our kid. . I really want to steer clear of using healthcare.org and anything to do with ObamaCare.


Like it or not, any policy you get is going to be ACA compliant, so you can't avoid "anything to do with Obamacare." In fact, without Obamacare you wouldn't be able to get coverage for this pregnancy because it's a pre-existing condition, so if you buy this policy from Anthem for $700/mo you're benefiting from Obamacare.


Since you can't escape the provisions of Obamacare, you might as well just go to healthcare.gov and see what policies are out there on the Ohio exchange. After seeing CR members get hosed by family medical bills recently, I'm surprised anyone still has the stomach for being stubborn about this.


Voice your opinion at the ballot box, but buying health insurance isn't a political activity.

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Listen I am seeking help because i do not know what to do. I am currentl shopping for healthcare for my family to avoid any serious medical bills that could cripple my family.


I know about healthcare.gov but was wondering if there was any other options. If there isn't i will go that route so my family is covered.


Thank you for your advise though. I appreciate it.

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Like it or not, any policy you get is going to be ACA compliant, so you can't avoid "anything to do with Obamacare." In fact, without Obamacare you wouldn't be able to get coverage for this pregnancy because it's a pre-existing condition, so if you buy this policy from Anthem for $700/mo you're benefiting from Obamacare.


Since you can't escape the provisions of Obamacare, you might as well just go to healthcare.gov and see what policies are out there on the Ohio exchange. After seeing CR members get hosed by family medical bills recently, I'm surprised anyone still has the stomach for being stubborn about this.


Voice your opinion at the ballot box, but buying health insurance isn't a political activity.


Literally the perfect answer.


Yes, you do have other options to Anthem's $700 a month. Obamacare, which can be found on a wonderful, amazing and perfectly executed website at http://www.healthcare.gov

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Like it or not, any policy you get is going to be ACA compliant, so you can't avoid "anything to do with Obamacare." In fact, without Obamacare you wouldn't be able to get coverage for this pregnancy because it's a pre-existing condition, so if you buy this policy from Anthem for $700/mo you're benefiting from Obamacare.


Since you can't escape the provisions of Obamacare, you might as well just go to healthcare.gov and see what policies are out there on the Ohio exchange. After seeing CR members get hosed by family medical bills recently, I'm surprised anyone still has the stomach for being stubborn about this.


Voice your opinion at the ballot box, but buying health insurance isn't a political activity.




I have been contemplating switching to Obummercare.

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