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Man stopped for open carry


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I respect one's preference regarding the way THEY carry their OWN gun. I just took issue with the fact that the officers aren't following the letter of the law and keep fucking with this guy when all he has done is obey the law. Plus' date=' when that other guy took the side of the officers I was amazed; even more so when I read he carries a gun himself.

If this guy had gestured towards his gun or put his hand on his gun then the situation might be justified. The issue is the chief knows he is within his rights to carry openly and is still fucking with him. His personal agenda is not necessary and is certainly not above the law of the state.[/quote']

I do want to make one point clear. I do not agree with the harrassing this guy.

They should not given it is legal.

Maybe I should phrase it as - I Understand why. Not agree.

I can't help but think though if everyone carried openly what the crime rate would be like....I dare say a lot lower.

Edited by balaormiga
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[Craig's father catches him with a handgun]

Mr. Jones: What's that for?

Craig: Protection.

Mr. Jones: Protection from who?

Craig: Me and Smoke... I've got to walk Smokey down to his house.

Mr. Jones: Aw, man... your mother and I never would've moved to this neighborhood if we'd known you need a gun to walk down the damn street.

Craig: You know how it is 'round here.

Mr. Jones: Oh, no, son. That's not the way it is. You kids have been nothin' but punks. Sissified. So quick to pick up a gun. Too scared to take an ass-whipping. [Raises his fists] This is what makes you a man. When I was growing up, this was all the protection we needed. You win some, you lose some. But you live, you live to fight another day! Now you think you're a man with a gun in your hands, don't you?

Craig: I'm a man without it.

Mr. Jones: Put the gun down.

[Craig complies]

Mr. Jones: C'mon, put up your dukes.

[Craig raises his fists]

Mr. Jones: Now you're a man. Your uncle picked up a gun, too. He found out the hard way. Twenty-two years old. You've got a choice. This is all you need, alright?

Good Movie.

Hey Smokey.

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Never heard of a family heirloom or a gift?

Why should I pay money to exercise my right to carry a gun?

Individual' date=' inalienable rights are free and shouldn't come with a user tax.

Really? You started that one so you have to support your claim. How exactly can I prove that a crime wasn't committed when a crime wasn't committed? The burden of proof is on you this time.

That's a fairly idiotic response. I don't need some halfwit CCW instructor to tell me how to handle a firearm. Plus, if you ever engage in conversation with some of them you'll find out how flawed your 'logic' really is.

I don't think people should have to carry insurance to drive a car. Plus, driving is a privilege and not a right.

I don't see any holes. I see you making up ridiculous claims that you cannot support with any kind of evidence or reasoning. Plus, a permit to conceal is a privileged granted by the state. The right to own/carry a gun is a right protected by the Ohio Constitution. Plus, if you did your research you'd find that it was a number of several open carry marches that got conceal carry legalized in this state. I'd hit the books before you come back to this thread with more uninformed, misinterpreted hogwash about gun laws.

I'm done with this guy. NEXT! :boxing:[/quote']

My statements are my opinions. It is through discussions such as this opinions are changed. I agree with you on some but not all.

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I understand completely. The only way to broaden our own viewpoints is to listen the those of others. I appreciate the banter and I'm sorry if I got a bit short with you. I get my feathers ruffled when I hear about people being abused by the system. We don't have to agree on how a gun should be carried but we definitely need to stick together when rights are being trampled. Even if we disagree with those rights.

Agree 100%

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not sure why anyone in any country would prefer to have one more right taken away.

if i wanted to live in england, i'd live there. hell, it probably would've been a shorter plane ride.

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Know it? I wore one too. LOL. Kudos to your man.

Everyone please keep defending our right to bear arms.

Except balognamiga. :D

He no like us po'folk to havz gunz. LOL.

Edited by jagr
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Know it? I wore one too. LOL. Kudos to your man.

Everyone please keep defending our right to bear arms.

Except balognamiga. :D

He no like us po'folk to havz gunz. LOL.

Hey not true.... I just said being poor is not an excuse for not getting a CCW. If you don't want one or think you need one... just say so but no excuses.<---- I think I'm stepping into this one LOL

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