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want to cut back on pop


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Day two... still not enough water. But still no caffeine. I can't just drink to be drinking... I have to be thirsty if that makes sense. I can go pretty much all day without drinking much if I'm not doing anything. And today at work it was cold and rainy, we were busy but the cold kept me from being thirsty.
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Most people's thirst mechanism isn't enough to keep them fully hydrated. If your pee isn't almost clear you need more water


And often people confuse hunger and thirst. Drink even if you don't feel thirsty and often you'll eat less.

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Anyway, drinking soda was largely a part of me beginning to put on weight when I was younger. I was drinking probably 5-6 cans of regular soda a day and then decided it was time to change that.


Started drinking iced teas and water more often. If I really needed something to trick my mind that I was drinking a soda, I drank a ginger ale, Fresca, or some kind of club soda.


I've basically found that any regular soda just tastes absolutely disgusting to me anymore, and the only thing I can actually enjoy is a Diet Coke with a lemon wedge.

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Most people's thirst mechanism isn't enough to keep them fully hydrated. If your pee isn't almost clear you need more water


And often people confuse hunger and thirst. Drink even if you don't feel thirsty and often you'll eat less.



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Don't dehydrate yourself whatever you do as you cut back. Stay hydrated above all else, even if it isn't super convenient.


"Can't drink when I'm not thirsty" is a nuts, get serious...


You don't want a kidney stone, trust me.

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I work in foodservice and was drinking 8 16oz sodas a day. I quit using the machine at work 2 years ago cold turkey. This does not mean I don't treat myself on occasion, but since I spend 40 hrs a week at work I only drink water there. I had headaches for about a week, but after that felt much better.

What everyone has said about your pee being (mostly) clear is true. If it's not your dehydrated.



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  • 2 weeks later...



No caffeine or soda at all for 10 days. Did have some pink lemonade from Hot Heads, I filled up the sticker card and you get a free entree with purchase of 21oz drink, was way too sweet. As far as the p90x im going to get that after the vacation, I've been doing sit-ups and push-ups to get my body ready instead of just jumping in head first. I am down to 208lbs now.

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No caffeine or soda at all for 10 days. Did have some pink lemonade from Hot Heads, I filled up the sticker card and you get a free entree with purchase of 21oz drink, was way too sweet. As far as the p90x im going to get that after the vacation, I've been doing sit-ups and push-ups to get my body ready instead of just jumping in head first. I am down to 208lbs now.


Good for you man. Seriously. Also, I'd recommend throwing in some squats as well.

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I will give you a copy of P90x and Insanity, providing you supply a 16GIG thumb drive. you live in Newark, right? I can meet you at 161 and 62, if you chose to take me up on this.




You messaged me a few weeks ago saying you were needing to get things together. Here you go. Let's make something happen.

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  • 6 months later...

Just wanted update this.


I've been at Sears for just over a year now and when I started I weighed 260ish pounds. Unfortunately I haven't taken Mojo up on his offer, yet, but I plan to. We are cleaning out our junk/storage room and making it a compact exercise room for both of us. But after cutting back on pop, thanks to the mio suggestions, and not eating as much along with the daily exercise of lifting tires and just general physical labor at work I am now down to fluctuating between 205 to 210. I now have some arm muscles! The lowest I did get to over the summer was 200.6 pounds. I just want to thank all of you for the help and suggestions. Now to work on the under belly flab and manboobs some more. I do still drink pop but not nearly as much as I used to, and caffeine is managed using the mio energy for the first mug of water for the day. I can now make a 2 liter last about 3 to 4 days instead of 2 hours.

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congrats. find a routine you can stick with long term. that's the challenge. did the mt dew tattoo shrink?


bet you have a lot more energy now with all the weight off. for motivation, try carrying a 50lb dumbell up and down the stairs a few times, and realize that's what you did daily 7 months ago

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Your joints and back will thank you years down the road. Good to hear some progress man, congrats.




I've lost ~100 lbs. I carried 100 lbs across the gym a few times once to "remember". It sucks. Make it a workout routine with the 50 lbs and steps suggestion. It'll help you move ahead. :)

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