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Grand Prix karting, fresh start


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I just received an email about a Groupon deal on Grand Prix



hopefully this link works...

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Dam it was a blast last night. This time I was able to get in three sessions in a row and my fastest was a 1.01.840.


Also running with rich awesome, good clean fun it was.



Something worth mentioning is GPK has decided to pull the employees off of the ‘Fastest’ boards. So we will not longer show on the Fastest of the Day, Last 7 Days or month boards.

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Dam it was a blast last night. This time I was able to get in three sessions in a row and my fastest was a 1.01.840.


Also running with rich awesome, good clean fun it was.


Did my advice help you in the back section?


that was awesome fun indeed... I only managed that 62.4 lap. Maybe another session and I would have gone faster, but I was tired lol

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It did. Approaching the middle part of the slick section the ‘horse shoe’ if you will, I got much better. Treating that as a single turn where you ark it through is the way to go. As always, getting it straightened out sooner the better, which doing that allowed me to.


I think I was faster at the entry of the slick section but I would need another Kart in the area to base something off of to be sure. To be honest I think I was giving up too much on entry. Cause I damn near got run over on entry once but I don’t know if that Kart was just dive bombing or was on an actual line. Then the next turn I broke too hard and lost it and was running alone again. So didn’t get a good gauge.

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Joe , good to bump into you today down there.


I had a blast with my company on our outing today.


Curious, does the heat effect track/ performance? After reading this thread I was hoping for better results today. I got into the high :36's and was just a tick off of joe's lap which was quick lap of the day but was hoping to be quicker. Maybe I just need more laps and loose some weight with my 215lb ass

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Good to see you too, Andy.



It really is a day to day thing. Kent; who works there and holds a track record, and I were talking about that today. Best times are put down"typically" between 4 and 6 pm on hot days. However, there has to be people running the karts too to have tires and pavement to a good temp as well. Today was terribly slow. My line is pretty settled, and has laid down a high 34. I've been in the 35's most of the time, but today was 36's to 38's for most people, at least while I was there. Kent and I were also considering it might be time for tire replacement on some karts. So in short, I'd say it's day to day.


I will say there are times when non driving shitheads are in there to wreck karts with their friends. I ran with some today who tried to drive vengeful at me after passing him. I let him do his thing, he screwed it up and slammed into the wall. The corner worker black flagged him. So, good call on them seeing that stuff.

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I went today with a group and this is what I found out....


In the name of saving $$$ on wear n tear on tires, they've bumped down tires pressures from 25 psi front, 30psi rear to 20psi front, 25psi rear.... today (possibly since yesterday)


fastest I was able to do was 36.7s.... which is almost 2 seconds slower than what I normally (I've done 34.9 and a bunch of 35.0 and 35.1).


Grip is definitely suffering, as that Juggernaut guy who holds the track record at 33.1 did "only" a 35.7 today

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I was there yesterday, running it backwards. That place is just fun fun fun. Unfortunately, I'm not able to make it there for this super track today. I should be there for the next one. The times have decreased, but I think that might be a good thing. The karts are still pleanty fast in the mid to high 30's for normal track.


They have had some over aggressive, one race people show up there. But, that is why they have the cop there, to keep the peace and ensure no one is drinking and driving.


There was a glaze on the tires last week that came from a tire pressure change and the cool temps. They took all the karts out to the parking lot and ran them to scuffed up the tires, and bingo, the grip was back.

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