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Accident report dispute


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I was in a accident where someone hit me on 270.


The vehicle fled the scene. I called 911 immediately and followed him 5 miles before he stopped.


Ended up in Whitehall and since it happened in gahanna they sent us back to gahanna.


The officer said he couldn't ticket him because he had a different story of what happened. I had witnesses behind me but he said since they were co workers it wouldn't help.


He made a claim on my insurance. I finally got the police report and it is VERY vague. Not much detail and nothing about fleeing the scene.


Pretty much he said she said.


What may not matter to them sucks for me fighting this situation.



I left a message for the srgt on duty but never called me back.



What do I do to fix this, or am I stuck with it now?

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same thing happened to me when someone side swiped my Jeep on 270. Cop stated that since we pulled over away from the point of impact he would not ticket either of us I went after them via the woman's insurance and they basically told me to pound dirt ended up going through my insurance and they went after them but due to the vague report filed it as a no fault accident. Best thing you can do is try to file with their insurance if nothing comes of it go through yours get your vehicle fixed and chalk up that people are assholes.
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Since he claimed with my insurance I claimed with his insurance and gave my side of story with witness name and numbers. They are "investigating" I got quotes for both insurance companies. But feel I should be in contact with someone at gahanna over this deal.


When he hits me why should I pay my deductible and put a claim on my insurance when it's his fault?

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My wife and another lady collided coming out of a parking lot - woman was coming in, wife was going out. The police officer did not cite either of then since it was on private property and he said they were both "crowding the middle". I heard nothing about it until 6months later when I found out my insurance company settles with the other for 3500. I tried to fight it but apparently Ohio is an arbitration state and an arbitrator ruled in their favor. I was like, how did they come to that conclusion without, you know, talking to the people there?
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Work back with your insurance co. and let them and their team fight it. They won't want to pay if they don't have to. Likely will settle but in the mean time, work to insure they don't ding you for an accident.
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He told the officer he "feared for his life"


I guess it would help if I told the story from the beginning.


I left work at 3. At Hamilton and 270 south it's 4 lanes. Hamilton road on ramp to 270 merges to lane 4 (1 being closest to the median, 4 being furthest to the right) after merging behind the car that hit me I got in the left lane (lane 3) because lane 4 is broad street only.


At the same time the guy whipped his car into lane 3 in front of me. Due to traffic flow in the left 2 lanes at 3pm I got back into lane 4 to safely go around him. Once I got 80% in front of him he swerved into the left rear of my truck.


I started slowing down and going off the freeway like any normal person would do in an accident. He took off. Instantly I called 911, told them I've just been hit and the driver is fleeing. Told them the direction we were going. When the guy noticed he wasn't getting away he pulled into the golf dome at broad and Hamilton. Dispatch Told me to NOT get out of the vehicle (maybe CHL showed up) so I said ok I'm waiting for an officer before I get out. I parked on the opposite side of the parking lot.


At that time the guy jumped out of his car and stormed toward my truck. Yelling and taking photos or something. I stayed calm and told dispatch what was going on, then he went back to his car.


Whitehall came and said since it happened in gahanna we had to go there immediately to file a report. I got there first and told the officer everything, took a ride in his cruiser to show him exactly how and where it happened. The guy didn't show for over and hour. The officer said "he fled once, and you had to chase him why would Whitehall hope that he shows up to gahanna? For all we know he left and went home.."


He claimed he "feared for his life" I asked the officer WHY would you get out of your vehicle and storm up to my truck if you feared for your life.


His story to the officer was he was in lane 4 when I merged over (which he was, but he was in front if me). He said he had a truck to his left and a car in front and I merged over on him. He had nowhere to go except let me hit him. I said that makes no sense. That is not how it happened but IF IT WAS how it happened why wouldn't he hit the brakes and let someone merge over?? The officer said it didn't make sense to him either he's just telling me his side.

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Damn, what a dirtbag POS. Unreal how there are people in this world that are brought up to think that is fine. Oh shit, ran into somebody. Welp, gonna drive away. Oh shit he followed. Well ill just flip the script on him and make up some shit then claim the insurance on him. :mad:
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This sounds too damn familiar. Same shit happened to me about 4 or 5 years ago. Without anything on the report you are out of luck. Save yourself time and frustration and move on :( I know it sucks, but there isn't anything that you can do at this point.

Vigilante justice :gabe:

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Would it be worth while to call gahanna and complain that nothing was put in the report?


Take him to small claims court?


Yes and yes. If you have witnesses I would totally take this dirtbag to small claims court and grind him into the ground. This is the type of stuff that our legal system was set up for, real issues.

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There's this game that they play on The Blitz. It's called "White, Black, Mexican, or Other". I'm going with Other. LoL.


When my aunt was staying with me, stole my T/A and wrecked it, I had to file with my insurance company. Then my insurance company was going to go after her insurance company. I'm not sure if anything came of that piece. I had to take her to court to get my $500 deductible back, which I did.


I hope you get everything out of this POS that you can. And keep any eye on your insurance premiums for the next year. Your insurance will most likely raise your rates.

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Its been said, but to summarize:


- Just pay your deductible if need be now, to get your car fixed, as insurance will most likely settle on no fault accident.


- At the same time, preferably before insurance settles, take him to small claims court. You have witnesses, you can get the officer to come in, or at least hte report, and you have logical sense on your side.


- Learn from this, dont road rage, and when it is obvious someone else is, just get yourself out of their way and the situation... you may not have had to deal with any of this had that occurred.

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Its been said, but to summarize:


- Just pay your deductible if need be now, to get your car fixed, as insurance will most likely settle on no fault accident.


- At the same time, preferably before insurance settles, take him to small claims court. You have witnesses, you can get the officer to come in, or at least hte report, and you have logical sense on your side.


- Learn from this, dont road rage, and when it is obvious someone else is, just get yourself out of their way and the situation... you may not have had to deal with any of this had that occurred.




I shouldn't have to pay a deductible and have my insurance go up due to him hitting me. If insurance settles with nothing then I will fix the issue myself before claiming on insurance.


I don't think you read the story correct... I did not road rage. And I tried getting around him to avoid any conflict. So I don't get where you think I caused or could have prevented him turning into me.

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