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Close encounter with Jaws...


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That might be the best video I've ever seen. Wow, I bet he's never felt more alive when get got back on that rock.


I've never been afraid of beaches, I'm always the one that tries to go as far into the ocean as possible. But harbors and places like where this took place, fuck that.


A couple of years ago I was in Cabo riding on a jetski with a girl sitting on the back holding on to me. We stopped right in front of that famous rock with the hole in it, when she threw the balance off and tipped the damn ski over. We got back on the ski in record time :lol:



We did a Kayak tour of that area as well. Hell we went snorkeling not far from there and there were no worries. You have greater odds of hitting the mega millions 3 times a row than getting bit by a shark on vacation..

Edited by Jones
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I've never been afraid of beaches, I'm always the one that tries to go as far into the ocean as possible. But harbors and places like where this took place, fuck that.


I routinely catch 5ft+ Sharks off public beaches, usually less then 25ft from shore. Scary thing is how fast I often hook up with one. Like whenever im Shark fishing i'll set my watch, 90% of the time i'll hookup in under 20min. Smallest Shark i've caught is 4ft, biggest just a tad over 7.


Mind you they really don't become active/move in close until sunset.

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Are there are lots of sharks around that place?


We did a Kayak tour of that area as well. Hell we went snorkeling not far from there and there were no worries. You have greater odds of hitting the mega millions 3 times a row than getting bit by a shark on vacation..


It wasn't necessarily sharks that kinda freaked me out, it's just the idea of not knowing what could be down there. It was my first time there so I'm not familiar with the place at all, and I know it has to be deep as fuck cause cruise ships park there all the time. A crab would have freaked me out.


Growing up in South Africa I think made me not really worry about sharks that much because it's pretty much impossible to get in the ocean and not be in Great White territory. They do have shark nets out in the water by touristy beaches, so that helps, but they can still get around them.

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It wasn't in an aggressive stance it was just curious as to wtf he was, wasn't going nearly fast enough and just wanted a sense of what he was. Sharks don't like us we have too much bone, we just sadly look like seals when on top of the water. Still be scared shitless lol


They are amazing creatures and when you are in the water you are no longer in control, they are and I wouldn't want to be on the business end lol.


Yes, and they take BITES to INVESTIGATE their pray, just a nip fromt that fucker could kill you.


@ 1:01, if dude kept swimming and did not turn around and act aggressivly, I'd bet the shark would have taken an "investigative" bite out of his leg.

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I would love to do the cage diving as well. I love sharks and, if the job market studying them was better, would go to school for it. I really want to go to the southern tip of Africa and watch them jump out of the water catching sea lions.


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