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New CR Group


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Okay first, if you read above I stated that I will include anyone who wants to make an effort to participate. Second if there can be groups for motorcycles and "trolls" I feel that there should be a group for people who have an interest in specific types of autos. I started this because finding a club for my car "fiero" is impossible in Columbus. I have had no intention in leaving people out. If anyone is offended well my apologies but I refuse to be bullied! I may be new to Columbus racing but I am in no way new to the car scene and forums. I am a nice person and will befriend anyone but do not take kindly to people strong arming me because they feel inferior! If anyone has a direct issue with me please feel free to approach me. I am more than willing to listen to your concern and find middle ground with you.




I feel so inferior with my backseat now.




For those who like to claim First Amendment - that only applies to the government, not private organizations. What this boils down to is that this is a privately owned and operated forum - your membership is a privilege, not a right. If you can't follow the rules, and want to be a problem, we reserve the right to remove you or what you say on here.
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Being bullied and "strong-armed" would have been me deleting the group, closing this thread, and not-so-politely telling you to go fuck yourself.


However, I kindly explained the situation and asked you to message me.


Since this is the Internet, I'll assume everything has been taken out of context and we'll move on. If you still insist on accusing me of certain tactics, that's where we'll have a problem.

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Mouthing off directly to the owner of this website probably won't get you very far. Fyi...


Edit - there's probably not much point in having a Columbus Fiero group for all 5 of them that haven't (yet) burned to the ground.

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