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Work out crew

The Man of Steele

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Do we have one? I have slowly been eliminating the years of drinking and Taco bell. Need some suggestions on how to lose the last 30lbs. Started last September at 259 lbs. Currently around 215 and holding.


I have a form of Asthma that takes running out of the mix.


I cut out pop, and almost all fast food. Also some portion control.

Edited by The Man of Steele
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I lean up by a stricter diet, not to much cardio as diet is faster to get results if you have discipline in eating.


where are you at now body fat percentage wise and what are you trying to get to?

I walk around 9-12% depending on my bulking or cutting phase. 12% when my diet is relaxed and I'm trying to gain, 9% when I lean down with strict diet, I want to get to <8% walking around, but I need to give up some strength for that which Im usually not willing to do.

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I lean up by a stricter diet, not to much cardio as diet is faster to get results if you have discipline in eating.


where are you at now body fat percentage wise and what are you trying to get to?

I walk around 9-12% depending on my bulking or cutting phase. 12% when my diet is relaxed and I'm trying to gain, 9% when I lean down with strict diet, I want to get to <8% walking around, but I need to give up some strength for that which Im usually not willing to do.


Boom. Good clean diet and great workout plan cardio isn't needed to cut.

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Joe are you talking about worki g out or afr's . No idea what my body fat is. I got some love handles and some beer gut that needs to go.


ok so your 20+%

you just need consistency with a better diet that gives you the nutrients you need while reducing calories.

you just Need to stick with it and be patient

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I'm an avid distance runner so the cardio aspect has always been easy for me, but the easiest thing I've noticed over the years is simply drink more water. I consume a gallon a day minimum and it's extremely easy for me to do anymore.


Start with a litre a day and see how it works out for you.

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I drink at least 3 litres of water a day, I was thinking more alon the lines of sit ups, push ups and stuff to help cut down the love handles and beer gut.



do you know how many sit ups push ups and stuff you would have to do to equal not eating one muffin?

if your goal is to build muscle then lift heavy weights, if its to lose fat, diet!

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Abs are made in the kitchen, not by doing sit ups.


well not completely true. You still need to do sit ups to develop the abs.

you have to do both, they can be hiding under fat, but if you dont have the muscle there if you are lean, obviously you cant see any ab lines.

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Jesus, 1,000 is not a sustainable diet. Maybe for short term, but you really can't do that long term.


1,500 is good for a diet, and of course it depends on what it consists of. Yes, 6 candy bars is 1,500 calories, but there's no nutrition.


If you eat a high protein, lowER carb diet, you'll do great. Nothing wrong with carbs, just don't go all out on every meal. Typically I stop eating carbs 5-6 hours before I know I'm going to go bed.


Stretch is correct on where abs are made. I do abs consistently but I have a bad diet (I'll admit, I've slipped after bulking, I never really went back to leaning haha).


Good luck man. Google the "Bizzy Diet" from MusclePharm. It's a damn good diet for a regular person who doesn't have hours a day to spend at the gym. I've kept off 40 pounds for 4 years now by following something similar to this (I change it up, but always follow the same core).

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1000 calories a day. (I'm down 60ish lbs) since February.


I hope to hell you're working out, too. :( As it was said, 1000 calories a day is not sustainable over the course of your life. I lost over 100 pounds by cutting back on food, but also working out a lot. A "fad diet" will never keep the weight off. I can think of a few people on this very site that lost a ton of weight and packed it right back on because they didn't 100% make that life style change... :(

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This is the reason I'm hesitant on posting anything on this board.


It's been cleared by my doctor.. which I'd trust way more than any of you on here. I have regular check ups with him and everything is perfectly fine. I went off my BP meds, plantar faciitis went away, and its amazing what happens when you lose 60 lbs how much more you want/can do.


I did change my lifestyle. I don't eat much, don't work out. However I just did start walking last night about a mile a night. I also quit drinking beer which I know was a huge factor. Kinda hard to work out when you've had back issues for 25 years, foot problems, and other issues come up which prevents you from doing certain things.


I know everyone has their own opinion on how things should be done. If you were 365 lbs like me you had to do something drastic. This was the way I saw it. If I fail at it.. that's on me. At 360 lbs I didn't want to do shit.. I still don't but I've come to realization I need to start doing something. Dropping 60 lbs has been great. I'm planning on dropping another I dunno 50 at least. let me worry about that part :).

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