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Dual monitor issue


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Having some display issues. Can anyone help with this. Notice how my 2nd monitor on the left is not using the entire monitor. They are both the exact same monitor setup at the exact same resolution.





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is it HDMI? you might need to make it stretch to full screen in ATI or nvidia control panel


I think this is the issue. I have a DVI to HDMI adaptor and it did not fix the problem. But I did change switch the cords from one monitor to the next and now its just fliped. So it is an issue with the HDMI,

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It's AMD in the AMD Catalyst Control Center if I go under "desktop properties" for some reason if I go under desktop 1 (the monitor with the smaller screen) my select able resoultion maxes out at 1680x1050. Or there is HDTV options that don't help either.


My mother monitor is at 1920 x1080

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Open up CCC. In the top left corner is a drop down, go to "Desktops & Displays". You should see your monitor in the lower left, right click on it and "Configure". Then look for "Scaling Options" near the top and scale it up until the border goes away.
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Lol should have just called me


I was going to today Chris If I didn't get it to work thought I would throw that up on CR before I went to bed. Working great so far man almost got it setup the way I should.


Open up CCC. In the top left corner is a drop down, go to "Desktops & Displays". You should see your monitor in the lower left, right click on it and "Configure". Then look for "Scaling Options" near the top and scale it up until the border goes away.


Your a savior. I think my version of CCC might be different than yours but I eventually found it. Got it Thanks man!


Nice 00 wallpaper, by the way.


Thanks, I love 00! The movie was lame but the series was the best.

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