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Anyone near the University of Dayton that wants to ride today


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Hello all....my name is Darius and with the optimal weather that we have today I wanted to see if anyone was interested in riding today...just got my bike chain fixed and was thinking of riding at about 11am or so.....if anyone is down get at me (513) 310-5026.....you can call or text....just looking to meet some new people in the area and ride for a couple of hours....:)....should be fun...take care and ride safe out there today people!!!!! :cheers:

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by the way.....for anyone reading this thread +1 to dustinsn3485 for hooking me up w/ my new chain and sprockets...my bike runs like a champ now.....anyone looking for work done hit this guy up....best mechanic I know....he know's what he's doing and his prices cannot be beat :bow:....just thought I'd let you guys kno

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