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Turbo lag


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The car only has 20k on it ...wasn't sure if opening it up with an sri and bov if that would help

Have you had it since early on or is this a new to you car? BOV won't help other than sound. Stock ones can leak. Start there test wise. Also the MS3 runs in a recirculation mode not venting out. Switching that will cause issues.

Getting bad turbo lag unless over 3600 rpm any suggestions on how to fix the issue..2013 mazdaspeed3:fuckyeah:

In addition to the above I ask because by the factory tune the cars are crippled boost wise in first and second gear.

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So you are saying it has no power in 4th or 5th gear under 3k?


If he is saying that then the easy way to fix this is down shift....or get a motor with more power. ...




Not sure if this is a serious post or not, if thats the case ^

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If he is saying that then the easy way to fix this is down shift....or get a motor with more power. ...


Not sure if this is a serious post or not, if thats the case ^


MS3's have plenty of power/torque. You shouldn't however push the gas pedal down under 3k in 4th or 5th; you absolutely need to downshift. The car moves into boost at about 2,900rpm. On the highway the good part is in 6th at 72mph you're right at about 3k rpm wise thus passing in 6th doesn't really require a shift. If you want to really move past someone, just take it to 5th. If you want to sound like a bat out of hell passing, drop to fourth and power shift into 5th.

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I'm saying in lower gears above 3 grand it sputter spools but then smooths out at higher boost ...and in 4th or 5th when I'm going 70mph or more it does the same thing when I step into it


at 70mph you're likely at 3,500 rpm. 4th you're well into the 4's. If it's sputtering into the 3's and 4s rpm wise, you need to have someone look at it. Side question.....do you know if the previous owner tried to flash a bad tune on it? Check the potential modification points and the program that's flashed onto it.


I use a very mild tune on mine but can easily flash back to stock. Will bump it up to a more aggressive tune once I add a down pipe and higher capacity fuel pump to support things. I'm in no hurry though.

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Maybe a dumb question but I have never seen it before I found a wire that was tucked away in a round clip to my mere and into my fuse box and then I don't know where it went after that but the end up by the mere had a phone jack cable end on it any ideas what that was for
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