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F*cking moles in my yard! help!


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My Parents have had moles off and on over the last 20 years. They have used those mole killers that come in the cone shaped containers.


If they ever skipped a year... they came right back....


...fucking rodents...





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last summer we went to lowes and purchased those solar powered mole deterrent things. jam the steaks down in the ground, leave the solar panel above the ground a bit but not enough so the mower doesnt chop it off. Cleaned our 5 acre yard right up. i wasnt optimistic when the wife handed them to me and i seen how much they was, but the fkers worked.
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Honest question, do you still use ear protection when you shoot? Not sure if it can still damage stuff in there or whatever.


Now that's an interesting question.


My wife's brother is hard of hearing and wears hearing aids yet he rides around with two 15s in the trunk bumping. All the while sitting back collecting a SS check because of his "handicap".


He's a piece of shit!

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Honest question, do you still use ear protection when you shoot? Not sure if it can still damage stuff in there or whatever.


I don't. I don't have any residual hearing so why protect what I don't have in the first place?


But if its an constant loudasfuck noise, I'll wear protection so I don't get ringing in the ears

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yes dogs areound, mine and the neighbors so in ground poison only


I have a similar problem, but with the dogs I'm afraid of using poison. What happens if one of those rodents dies above the ground and my dog gets ahold of it?


Something you can try: kill their food source. Get a grub killer for your grass and put it down.

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My grandpa took a 4 foot section of tube steel. Welded a flat plate on end and welded 6-6" spikes on it. Went out jabbing it in the ground until he yelled "got ya fucker" then casually put it away.


I recommend that.

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I have a similar problem, they are either moles or a neighborhood cat. Digging in the flower beds and potted plans on the front porch. Mothballs seems to help. They were cheap and that is where I started.


Doubt this is moles, sounds like skunks or squirrels/chipmunks.

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I had them bad a few years ago. Went out and bought a handful of traps, they were plastic rectangles with one door. Each night I would put them over the common holes I was seeing. They come out of the holes at night and right into the trap, they suffocate by morning. After a week I had killed about 6 of them and it ended the problem.
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