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Lawyer up? Will and estate question


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Just wanted to get the thoughts of other people.


My great aunt died 3 years ago, the house she was living in was supposed to be sold off and split with family members. It seems like her sister's kid got some of the others to sign off the house to him. My grandma's side was entitled to a third. We never received a notice and the house is now in his name.


The house is not worth a ton, it's more of principle thing. My family was the one who took care of my great aunt until her death. The other side didn't come around at all. Each one of us would end up with around $3k if it were done according to the will.


Should I contact a lawyer? Or forget it?

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why fight with family?

it's pitiful how family will end up hating each other fighting over money/material things when someone dies.


when my ex-wife's Grandma died, she was pretty poor, her most valuable possessions were a flat screen TV, a car not worth much, and an electric fire place. I couldn't believe the fighting and maneuvering the family did against eachother fighting over the electric fireplace. Pretty much separated family ties over a fire place that was worth $300


Sorry about your loss.

I would not jeopardize your family over it.

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If you don't feel like fighting for it, because it would cost more than the $3000 to go after it, I'd tell them face to face what they did screws the other family members over. If they don't make things right, cut the cord until they make amends.





If family is willing to screw over family, that's not family. Blood relations can only far so far. If they will screw you over once, they will do it again down the road.

Edited by Mojoe
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why fight with family?

it's pitiful how family will end up hating each other fighting over money/material things when someone dies.


when my ex-wife's Grandma died, she was pretty poor, her most valuable possessions were a flat screen TV, a car not worth much, and an electric fire place. I couldn't believe the fighting and maneuvering the family did against eachother fighting over the electric fireplace. Pretty much separated family ties over a fire place that was worth $300


Sorry about your loss.

I would not jeopardize your family over it.


No, this is part of the family that didn't even come around.


They were only related by blood and in the original will from back in the 90's when it was written (house was owned by my great-uncle, he died around '92ish when I was a kid, given to my aunt. Splitting the house was in his will allowing her to live in it until she died). They stopped coming around in the early 90's b/c my sister had a child with a black man. We don't care about the money, it's just that they shouldn't get jack shit. They are garbage and only cared about the money aspect and what they were going to get out of it.

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Wills are the means to lessen the drama of these types of situations. My wife's practices deals with these types of issues. If you want to speak with her, I can pm you her info.
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Been there. 8 years ago my sister, yeah my sister, screwed me out of $250K. I let it slide but our relationship was never the same. Sometimes you have to say fuck money and try to move past it.
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Going through something similar with my Dad's estate and the family currently. Not everything was spelled out in the Will clearly (his lawyer is an idiot). Unless you're going to get $$ from this it's probably not worth the hassle. You do see who your "true" family is though when there's money involved. It's really kinda sad.
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No, this is part of the family that didn't even come around.


They were only related by blood and in the original will from back in the 90's when it was written (house was owned by my great-uncle, he died around '92ish when I was a kid, given to my aunt. Splitting the house was in his will allowing her to live in it until she died). They stopped coming around in the early 90's b/c my sister had a child with a black man. We don't care about the money, it's just that they shouldn't get jack shit. They are garbage and only cared about the money aspect and what they were going to get out of it.


I'd get a copy of the will and get your ducks in a row. See what chance you have if it means that much to you. If so, I'd go talk to him in person and see what his response is. If he is willing to make things right, tell him what you are owed. If not, send him a letter from your lawyer. If you're share or the family's "total share" is only going to be $3k, it's probably not worth the trouble...

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Been there. 8 years ago my sister, yeah my sister, screwed me out of $250K. I let it slide but our relationship was never the same. Sometimes you have to say fuck money and try to move past it.


You have the ability to let a quarter of a million dollars "slide"? You must make Gandhi look like Mike Tyson.


I salute your inner chill, Dude.

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