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Best Locksmith around - Referral for all


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Mods, pull this down if you feel it crosses the line but I have to strongly recommend a locksmith that I recently used.


Long story short, I had a very urgent issue late at night and felt the pain of everyone trying to screw me for big $$ to come out. This guy called me back, walked me through very patiently how to secure what I needed and then rescheduled for the next morning early.


Frank McFarland is not only reliable, trustworthy and very reasonable. He works on residential, commercial and yes cars/trucks/bikes, etc. Good people and certainly am glad I found my now go-to person for locksmith work when and where needed. Will be using him on my rental properties for sure.


Cliffs: Need a good reliable and reasonable locksmith, call Frank. 614-632-5704. He's a great independent locksmith.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Seconded. Ever since Bob's shut down and some other outfit took their phone number and acted like nothing had ever changed, I've been without a shop to use at the office.


Ironically he does commerical door installs and got into locksmithing from there. He's very talented and has a rolling office that has everything he could need right there. He even rebuilt one of the deadbolts I had in my garage that I'm not using just so I'd have it ready to go on a rental unit. Like new!

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Wish you would have posted this info 2 weeks ago :(.


I locked myself out of my parents house while house sitting...cost me $80.00 for random guy on Google with great reputation 10 seconds of work. Literally it took him longer to write my receipt than it did to open the door. :mad:


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Literally it took him longer to write my receipt than it did to open the door. :mad:


Did he use a bump key? Why we even have locks on doors is beyond me anymore. This guy showed me 2 different ways to get in the house / any house in less than 10 seconds. Locks are pointless really.


Funny how we lock the doors of cars when thieves will just break windows and really the same for homes. If I were to break in a house, I wouldn't fuck with a door unless I used the above mentioned means. Instead, I'd pry a window out (again, easy as hell) or fuck it, I'd break the window. Two homes on our street that got hit were both in back widows, one broken the other pried right out with ease. No dogs, no alarm and no one home.


Cliffs: Locks are 95% useless so have an alarm, dogs and a gun, leave lights on and have a house sitter. Check, check and check.

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Did he use a bump key? Why we even have locks on doors is beyond me anymore. This guy showed me 2 different ways to get in the house / any house in less than 10 seconds. Locks are pointless really.


Nope...after a quick google search he used a 'pump wedge' which it appears I can buy for half of what I paid that guy to do it. Fuck. :)


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