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Go west young man


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Welp it finally happened. After living in Columbus for 30 years I'm moving out to Boulder Colorado! I love the outdoors (skiing/snowboarding, dirtbiking, mountain biking, fishing, hiking, etc.) & have had it on the back burner for the past 10 years.


The original plan was to go out right after college but then i met the wife & reasons to stay started to accumulate. But every year or so I'd find my self on vacation out west (Colorado, Park City UT even California). And every time I found my self asking "why in the fuck have you not yet made it your number one objective to live here"?


After selling our house a few months ago we started applying for jobs & boom, accepted an offer that has us moving out this weekend. Shit's been moving at ludicrous speed since about 10 days ago.


Even with just the wife, dog & I it's still been hectic as balls getting everything squared away. Buying cars, selling cars, selling motorcycles, fixing cars, fixing motorcycles, researching the most cost effective way to move & pricing out companies, de-cluttering, packing, getting a storage locker, seeing friends, family & colleague's for final good byes, finding a suitable place to live with t-minus 10 days til the move, getting the DL on how to grow pot and trying to get an in with mexican cartels. I now understand why they say move out west while you're young...it's because you haven't accumulated a bunch of shit you want to take with you!


Anyways the majority of the micro bullshit is over with...which has me refocused on the larger picture of successfully completing one my life long goals & moving to one of the most beautiful places in the US. And being able to take our time getting there.


Perks of hustling like we did is that we can now afford to take a leisurely rout out to Boulder over the next 7 days ( straight through it only takes 22hrs or so).


I'm not done with the trip planning yet but I think we'll cut north through Chicago (do dinner with family) then hit Mount Rushmore & the Badlands and some other shit (open to additional suggestions). Hell, I'd do almost anything to avoid that drive across Kansas & Eastern Colorado on I-70;talk about mind numbing. If you can swing it, it's actually better to make that part of the drive at night. But I plan on avoiding that whole shitty corn infested experience and will swoop down from Wyoming.


Anyways I'm back to being as excited as I was when we first accepted the job offer. I can't wait to get on the road.

Edited by Sturg
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That sounds amazing! When I got transferred from my tech school in California to my new one in Mississippi I moved the wife back home for the summer and we took a more Southern route. I really regret not driving through Colorado. I don't know when I'll be able to get back out that way. I was really hoping to get stationed there, or maybe Washington. I guess when I get out of the Air Force I can decide whether I want to come back to Ohio or not.
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Awesome. I love it out west. And way to handle the drive. It is one hell of a boring experience if you don't pick your route carefully. Good luck, man!




I have liteallry driven end to end more than once- and the straight leg from Denver to Chicago is the most boring stretch of nothing to see road in the country.


Second depending on the day West Texas-Dallas to El Paso. Just nothing to see but some wind mills and 2 hours of cow shit smell coming into El Paso.

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I have liteallry driven end to end more than once- and the straight leg from Denver to Chicago is the most boring stretch of nothing to see road in the country


Second depending on the day West Texas-Dallas to El Paso. Just nothing to see but some wind mills and 2 hours of cow shit smell coming into El Paso.


I will have disagree. I-10 from El paso to the other side, orange, tx, is absolultly horrible!

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Ohh, and OP, congrats! I will also be moving out west, Albuquerque, New Mexico, to be exact, at the beginning of September. Soon as I finish up my FAA school in OKC, I'm headed that way. Looking forward to taking advantage of being so close to all the ski resorts!
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Congrats on making it happen!! While I had a lot less to take with me it was a big deal for me moving to Phoenix but I don't regret it one bit, love the outdoors as well and AZ has tons to offer also. Boulder is a great choice, been a couple times and its a beautiful city.


I-80 is the least of the worst I say, crossed it many times. I-70 as stated is just miserable east of Denver. If your going to go as far north as the Badlands/Mt. Rushmore its only a couple hours more drive to "Devils Tower" in Wyoming, always wanted to see that myself.

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