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Bullshit speeding ticket


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...If I simply accepted all the tickets I've gotten I'd have no license, no job, and be useless to society, where's the advantage to me just giving in?


I highlighted the keyword in your sentence that makes all the difference.


Why would you pay all of them? Surely you weren't guilty of every single one. BUT, why waste time fighting ones you KNOW you deserve?


Think about what you're telling us, too. If you did deserve each and every one of those tickets, you probably shouldn't have your license... you're a danger to everyone on the road. Breaking the law is nobody's choice but yours.


Just like driving without a front plate and bitching about getting a ticket about it. You know what the law is, and you got caught without your front plate. Be a man and fucking pay the ticket. If you don't want tickets, put a fucking front plate on. Likewise, if you don't want a speeding ticket guess what... don't fucking speed! The laws stand for a reason, and it's not to take money from your pocket.


Yes, there are times to fight a ticket, and one of them isn't when you're admittedly doing it, knowing the outcome.

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I wish I could live up to everyone's perfect lifestyle, but I can't and I'm not going to try. I hope those of you who are riding on that high horse never find the shoe on the other foot. The fact that you can't accept that some people have a different view is annoying so keep on pointing that finger fuckers.
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I wish I could live up to everyone's perfect lifestyle, but I can't and I'm not going to try. I hope those of you who are riding on that high horse never find the shoe on the other foot. The fact that you can't accept that some people have a different view is annoying so keep on pointing that finger fuckers.


Hope that wasn't directed towards me. Not on a high horse. I said I've been caught and I've even gone to court once when I was accused falsely of "street racing" my 92 tercel from light to light on ONE Circleville "city" block. Got off scott free on that BS as I could prove I wasn't and had witness (that was a bystander I didn't know). When I speed and get caught though I pay the price. The end.

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I save my speed for the back roads. I travel 664 down here in the hocking hills multiple times a week. Even hitting the speed limit (55) or slightly over (60ish) is fast on twisties. :)


Two weeks ago I saw one of Columbus's finest sitting in someone's driveway on a two lane road with a radar gun. So saving it for the back roads doesn't mean you are any safer.


Truth is, if you are a resident of a neighborhood and you complain about speeders along a certain road the only response is to send an officer who will hand a ticket to anybody above the limit going down that road. It's they only way they can show they are doing anything. So everyone going 45 in a 35 gets a ticket (and points since it is 10 over). Some of these municipalities rely so heavily on the revenue that they write everyone for everything and will just sort it out in the plea process. To start the process, you have to plead not guilty to the initial ticket.


There is actually an economic theory at play here - those who value their time over the money or points pay one price, those who value the points and fine over their time but don't really have a good case pay another reduced price through the plea system in exchange for a guilty plea, and those who truly feel they are innocent go to trial and take the risk they pay nothing or the full price.

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I save my speed for the back roads. I travel 664 down here in the hocking hills multiple times a week. Even hitting the speed limit (55) or slightly over (60ish) is fast on twisties. :)


Two weeks ago I saw one of Columbus's finest sitting in someone's driveway on a two lane road with a radar gun. So saving it for the back roads doesn't mean you are any safer.


You're right. When I'm going 55-60 in a 55 and pass an officer (which has happened) on 664 I'm not "safe". :rolleyes:




You're pretty dense. You'll fit in great with the rest of us stubborn fools. :lolguy:

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you implied that you were less likely to get a ticket by saving it for the backroads. My point is that it might not as unlikey as you think and I shortened it to "safe" as in the colloquial phrase "safe from getting a ticket". But thanks for taking the reading comp cheap shot even thought you new what I meant. :p


And honestly as a kid growing up in NYC in the 80's, I don't have the luxury of equating "police officer" with "safe", even when I was in the fire department. I do equate Police Officer with "giant hassle" because anytime I have needed one or been in contact with one that is what it was.

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you implied that you were less likely to get a ticket by saving it for the backroads. My point is that it might not as unlikey as you think and I shortened it to "safe" as in the colloquial phrase "safe from getting a ticket". But thanks for taking the reading comp cheap shot even thought you new what I meant. :p


I implied that the speed limit (55) or slightly over (60) on an extremely curvy/hilly road FEELS fast enough for me, so yes, I'm safer going the speed limit. I didn't think it was that hard to understand. lol


And honestly as a kid growing up in NYC in the 80's, I don't have the luxury of equating "police officer" with "safe", even when I was in the fire department. I do equate Police Officer with "giant hassle" because anytime I have needed one or been in contact with one that is what it was.


Sorry you're jaded. I've never had a bad run in with an LEO.


Also, I have friends both OSP and Lancaster or Columbus PD. All are cool as all get out and would rather NOT hassle someone as it creates more hassle for them usually. I understand not all are this way and there are DEFINITELY some that abuse their power. I've never seen it first hand though.

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unless you are really in farm county boonies or roads with posted 55mph limits, un-posted speed limit is 35 not 55.


I have worked with many, many, LEOs and it is just like any other job.: There are good ones and bad ones. And sometimes the good ones are even put in bad situations and act bad. When I did private security I was glad for the police backup I had but that didn't mean I didn't see a couple of Officers toss a beatdown to a drunk every once in a while. I don't even blame the LEO who rear ended my best friend (who was on his motorcycle) and then wrote him 5 tickets to cover his ass, nor the state which tried to cover it up by generally pulling out all the stops to prevent the release of the dash cam which showed my friend doing the speed limit and the officer not paying attention right before the incident <--- but it doesn't mean I trust them to do the right thing.

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So just because it never happens to you it never happens to anyone? Your logic works fine for you but it doesn't work for everybody. Everybody has the right to do what they feel is right for their situation, and if someone feels that something is "bullshit" about the situation and wants a little advice on challenging it he should get crapped on by a bunch of guys with "moral" holier than thou attitudes?


Personally if I got a no front plate ticket I would probably feel the same way, but you know what? I won't get one because my car has a front plate. If you guys are going to be so morally judgmental about someone "owning up to it" when they break the law, how about being moral enough to not break it in the first place.


As for the "wall" of text, yeah this is entertainment for me. Even the memes you post are funny, plus I get a little satisfaction in how annoyed you guys seem by someone just speaking their mind and defending a guy's legal right to challenge the government and asking a community for advice. I suppose you guys could just not read it but then again, it would require self control and judging by the number of times you couldn't help yourself previously I think I'll be entertained for a long time. What can I say, this is better than TV.



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unless you are really in farm county boonies or roads with posted 55mph limits, un-posted speed limit is 35 not 55.


I have worked with many, many, LEOs and it is just like any other job.: There are good ones and bad ones. And sometimes the good ones are even put in bad situations and act bad. When I did private security I was glad for the police backup I had but that didn't mean I didn't see a couple of Officers toss a beatdown to a drunk every once in a while. I don't even blame the LEO who rear ended my best friend (who was on his motorcycle) and then wrote him 5 tickets to cover his ass, nor the state which tried to cover it up by generally pulling out all the stops to prevent the release of the dash cam which showed my friend doing the speed limit and the officer not paying attention right before the incident <--- but it doesn't mean I trust them to do the right thing.


Dude, is it possible to get your point across with making us read a short story every fucking time you post? For real though, stop taking this shit so serious already...

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Dude, is it possible to get your point across with making us read a short story every fucking time you post? For real though, stop taking this shit so serious already...


He just has more SWAG than you do.

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I hope those of you who are riding on that high horse never find the shoe on the other foot.



I'm having trouble picturing Farkas on a high horse. A slammed Shetland pony with bowlegs (for stance) perhaps. But for sure, you don't want to ride a high horse and find the shoe on the other foot.

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Dude, is it possible to get your point across with making us read a short story every fucking time you post? For real though, stop taking this shit so serious already...


Actually I am having fun and yeah at this point I try to make you read a short story just to be a dick.

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I'm having trouble picturing Farkas on a high horse. A slammed Shetland pony with bowlegs (for stance) perhaps. But for sure, you don't want to ride a high horse and find the shoe on the other foot.




I wish I could live up to everyone's perfect lifestyle, but I can't and I'm not going to try. I hope those of you who are riding on that high horse never find the shoe on the other foot. The fact that you can't accept that some people have a different view is annoying so keep on pointing that finger fuckers.


I'm really not riding any high horse or standing on a soap box. I've had my fair share of tickets both fair and unfair. The fair ones I paid because I have no one to blame but myself. The unfair ones, specifically one, I fought tooth and nail because it was complete and utter BS.


It's not the fact that WE have to accept your ideals are different, but YOU should have to accept that as long as you break the law, YOU are the only one liable for your actions. It's not the law's fault you speed. It's not some dangerous driver's fault for your speeding. It's not anyone else's fault but your own because that's a choice you make. Plain and simple, that's the only point I'm trying to get across.

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It's not the fact that WE have to accept your ideals are different, but YOU should have to accept that as long as you break the law, YOU are the only one liable for your actions. It's not the law's fault you speed. It's not some dangerous driver's fault for your speeding. It's not anyone else's fault but your own because that's a choice you make. Plain and simple, that's the only point I'm trying to get across.


But we already covered the fact that there are compelling reasons to plead "not guilty" and fight the ticket that go beyond whether someone did it or didn't do it. Even if you think you did it, but you think the officer also did something wrong you have to contest it to even get a look at what the municipality has in evidence. Also if you want to take advantage of the plea system for whatever reason you have to start the process.


Basically those that just "pay it" may think they are "doing the right thing" but the state or township looks at it as they get to charge a premium to people who don't want to be bothered or are intimidated by the process. They don't think you are doing the right thing, they just know they get more money if you pay it upfront for whatever reason.

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