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Delima with time off from work

6 Speed S4

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So I put in a time off request for Dec. 25th christmas - through 29th Monday. Coming back 30th for work. I figured shouldnt be an issue, didnt matter if it wasn't paid time off or not since we have only been open 8 months.


So my parents went ahead and booked my flight, I didnt see any issue with it. Forward to today, my boss says we probly cant approve your time off. I told him the flight is booked already doesn't matter if I don't get paid for my few days off.


(Friday/ and Monday) Then he sends this email out to everyone right after I spoke to him.


"I thought we had discussed but here is a refresher about time off etc especially during the Holidays. All of those days are restricted and the days in between ,especially because of our size and because it creates issues amongst staff members. Foe example Thanksgiving and requesting Friday is a no fly zone likewise with Christmas and New Years ,labor day etc."



So now I don't know what to do now. Flight isnt refundable and I think I'm just going to go reguardless of what they say. Its 2 days off since its a holiday and through a weekend.... whats everyones thoughts?

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First I would teach him how to spell lol, and then I would go to maybe your HR rep and ask advice? Honestly I would keep those two days off and just go. However if this is your only source of income and you know you will be let go for taking those two days then I just say forget the flight.
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Soooo you took time off 4 months ahead of time and your flight is 4 months away? I think this issue should be resolved by the time you have to leave... unless you boss is a huge douche.


Where do you work?

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It hasnt been approved as of yet, I sent the request in a month ago, so 4-5 months notice. But he came to me today and said he doesn't think it can get approved.


Hes actually a good boss, but this pisses me off.


I work at a Chevy dealership in Dublin.

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just so I understand the time line:


1) you put in for time off but it is not approved

2) your parents booked a flight

3) your boss offhandedly tells you he is probably not going to approve your time off

4) your boss sends email

5) as of right now your time off has still not been approved


did I get that right?


I'm with Exodus - take the issue to HR and see what they say. If you just take the time off from work without approval you are giving your employer a pretty good reason to fire you (whether he will or not is completely up to him).


I am assuming you work for Dublin Chevrolet. I am not sure how busy car dealers are around the holidays but I imagine pretty busy what with end of year deals and incentives, the rush to clear the lot of leftovers before they take a depreciation hit, plus the small tendency for people to buy cars as xmas presents for their spouses.


The problem your manager has is that everyone wants off for the holidays, and some of those people have more seniority than you so he is letting you know that despite your early request if someone more senior than you puts in for the same time and it short hands him in your work area he may not be able to approve.


I would also try to soft touch it with your boss, make a case why he should approve your time vs someone else's. Maybe you haven't seen your folks in a while and it's really important to them, maybe its a special anniversary. Butter him up while selling him a sob story and maybe he'll be sympathetic and cut you a break. Or not. From what I hear car dealers are a brutal place to work.

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just so I understand the time line:


1) you put in for time off but it is not approved

2) your parents booked a flight

3) your boss offhandedly tells you he is probably not going to approve your time off

4) your boss sends email

5) as of right now your time off has still not been approved


did I get that right?


I'm with Exodus - take the issue to HR and see what they say. If you just take the time off from work without approval you are giving your employer a pretty good reason to fire you (whether he will or not is completely up to him).


I am assuming you work for Dublin Chevrolet. I am not sure how busy car dealers are around the holidays but I imagine pretty busy what with end of year deals and incentives, the rush to clear the lot of leftovers before they take a depreciation hit, plus the small tendency for people to buy cars as xmas presents for their spouses.


The problem your manager has is that everyone wants off for the holidays, and some of those people have more seniority than you so he is letting you know that despite your early request if someone more senior than you puts in for the same time and it short hands him in your work area he may not be able to approve.


I would also try to soft touch it with your boss, make a case why he should approve your time vs someone else's. Maybe you haven't seen your folks in a while and it's really important to them, maybe its a special anniversary. Butter him up while selling him a sob story and maybe he'll be sympathetic and cut you a break. Or not. From what I hear car dealers are a brutal place to work.


Correct on the time line. And no one has more seniority than me, I've been here since day 1 before we even opened the dealership. I will end up talking with HR and see what they say. But I am going to go on my trip one way or another whether they say I can or not. But hopefully they will approve it just the one time.

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Sounds like you need a new job.


Putting a request in 4 months away and possibly being denied is insane. I can call off anytime I want and have someone flown in to cover me. One time I was denied a full day off, and only given a half day and almost quit over that.

But I do work alone and calling off a day prior isn't the best solution for anyone..



I would tell him flights paid for, you approved it. Either fire me over it or I'm taking the time off

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If you go without it being approved, just know that can be viewed as insubordination and ultimately lead to termination. Not trying to scare you, but that is the point of an approval process.


If it were me, I probably would have emailed my boss prior to booking the flight and saying "hey, any update on my vacation request? I am waiting to book a flight and trying to save as much money as possible."


Unfortunately, the only person at fault is you for booking the flight. Not trying to be a cock smack, but I can see HR (that is what I do for a living) telling you that they'll make efforts to accommodate but ultimately, the approval process is there for a reason. Is that a terrible viewpoint for long term retention? Fuck yeah. Does it sound like they care? Nope.


Good luck dudebrohammerstein

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Correct on the time line. And no one has more seniority than me, I've been here since day 1 before we even opened the dealership. I will end up talking with HR and see what they say. But I am going to go on my trip one way or another whether they say I can or not. But hopefully they will approve it just the one time.


Then I have no idea why your boss is being a dick, but he isn't instilling a lot of loyalty in his employees with this.


Worst case scenario, you still have "sick" days saved up right?

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Then I have no idea why your boss is being a dick, but he isn't instilling a lot of loyalty in his employees with this.


Worst case scenario, you still have "sick" days saved up right?


Yes I do, I've been sick one time before we even opened and took 2 days off. Other than that never took a sick day.

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You should not have booked a flight without approval.


You should NOT go to HR unless all other options are off the table.


Being a startup, things like this happen.


Go back to your boss and tell him you are at the company's mercy and you need his help to resolve it. Act like you are desperate and you require his intervention and expertise. Do not threaten, and don't get an attitude. (Not saying you would have)

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You should not have booked a flight without approval.


You should NOT go to HR unless all other options are off the table.


Being a startup, things like this happen.


Go back to your boss and tell him you are at the company's mercy and you need his help to resolve it. Act like you are desperate and you require his intervention and expertise. Do not threaten, and don't get an attitude. (Not saying you would have)




Play to his emotions, not that he's a horrible human being for you not following procedure (the context of that statement is hard to convey over the internet, but as an FYI, I don't mean it as an asshole).

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You should not have booked a flight without approval.


You should NOT go to HR unless all other options are off the table.


Being a startup, things like this happen.


Go back to your boss and tell him you are at the company's mercy and you need his help to resolve it. Act like you are desperate and you require his intervention and expertise. Do not threaten, and don't get an attitude. (Not saying you would have)

I agree with this 100% as well.

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"I was speeding and got caught. THE COP IS A JERK!"


"I booked a vacay flight before getting approved time off. I HATE MY BOSS!"


Good grief. What in the world is going on around here?


Sorry bro, but booking a flight without approval isn't your bosses fault. You assumed you could go. Your parents booked your flight for you. You're not approved off. Nobody's fault but your own. I'm not trying to be a cockslap. Hope it works out for you, but in the end you have been there 8 months and are walking around like you're the cock of the walk and get the time off just because you're you.


Best of luck.


Sounds like you need a new job.


Putting a request in 4 months away and possibly being denied is insane. I can call off anytime I want and have someone flown in to cover me. One time I was denied a full day off, and only given a half day and almost quit over that.

But I do work alone and calling off a day prior isn't the best solution for anyone..



I would tell him flights paid for, you approved it. Either fire me over it or I'm taking the time off



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He mentions that "he thought" time off around those times had already been discussed.


So the question is, is it noted anywhere in your policies that you can't take those days off of those days will specifically require approval in order to be taken off?


...other than the e-mail he sent AFTER your request.


Not sure I'd be very happy if they made up rules after the fact, but if they were laid out previously I'd eat the flight cost and just work.

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So the question is, is it noted anywhere in your policies that you can't take those days off of those days will specifically require approval in order to be taken off?


Don't all days off work require approval? Genuine question. Everywhere I've worked, in banking, security, as an engineer at the arena, insurance, etc. have required time off to be approved ahead of time.

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Don't all days off work require approval? Genuine question. Everywhere I've worked, in banking, security, as an engineer at the arena, insurance, etc. have required time off to be approved ahead of time.


Exactly. Whether it's written somewhere or not, if there is an approval process or some kind of submission process where approval is hopefully received, the employer is good to go.

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So- Do you have PTO there?

You mentioned it not being paid. Do you not have enough time there to accrue vacation?

What is company policy for vacation requests. That should be outlined somehwere if its even a remotely decent size company (as i imagine a chevy dealership is)

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He mentions that "he thought" time off around those times had already been discussed.


So the question is, is it noted anywhere in your policies that you can't take those days off of those days will specifically require approval in order to be taken off?


...other than the e-mail he sent AFTER your request.


Not sure I'd be very happy if they made up rules after the fact, but if they were laid out previously I'd eat the flight cost and just work.


No handbook given out to me but not that I recall it was ever discussed with anyone. Im about to double check.

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