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So I just went out to my bike, which was parked on campus all day, got on, noticed my mirror was f'ed up. I got off the bike and noticed a small puddle of oil on the ground. Walked around to the other side and my new handle bar grips are torn to shreds and the plastic tube was broken. Not only that but my foot peg is jacked up and my break lever thing is all bent and caused some nice damage to metal cover on the right side. As if my fairings weren't already bad enough, the fall broke them in a few more places... great, I needed my bike to look like ass even more than it did. :(

wtf though, who knocks a bike over, puts it back in position then doesn't even leave a note???

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So I just went out to my bike, which was parked on campus all day, got on, noticed my mirror was f'ed up. I got off the bike and noticed a small puddle of oil on the ground. Walked around to the other side and my new handle bar grips are torn to shreds and the plastic tube was broken. Not only that but my foot peg is jacked up and my break lever thing is all bent and caused some nice damage to metal cover on the right side. As if my fairings weren't already bad enough, the fall broke them in a few more places... great, I needed my bike to look like ass even more than it did. :(

wtf though, who knocks a bike over, puts it back in position then doesn't even leave a note???

Wow that's fucked up.

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That sucks and unfortunately I can relate.

Someone swiped my car last night and blew out the drivers side corner light and headlight. No note. Totally lame.

Sorry to thread jack.:hijack:

Edit: I just looked in the mail and there was documentation there from the police saying that the accident was documented.

I am sorry to hear about your predicament MJ. Where do you park your bike on campus? Maybe it's time for an upgrade.

Edited by Kip Drordy
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Sorry to hear MJ. Don't get mad at me for saying this, but that's why I only use my bike for recreational use. People are scum and you can't trust strangers to do the right thing.

The 'don't get mad at me for saying this' almost made me smile a little bit. its cool, i mean, its not like my bike is new, but i just replaced half the shit that got messed up :(

I'm saving up for a new bike though. If i get a new one this season, its not making any trips to public areas unless i'm with it.

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Sorry to hear MJ. Don't get mad at me for saying this, but that's why I only use my bike for recreational use. People are scum and you can't trust strangers to do the right thing.

I ride as much as I can to work. I know I take the risk of something happening, but that's why you get insurance.

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It was really windy for a while today, it might have blown over, or a bike next to it blew over and got your's too. It doesn't happen often, but I had one blown over into a chain link fence. And with a cover on a bike, I've seen bikes move about from the parachute effect in high winds (Mine, a couple of nights ago. It helps if it's cabled down and can't move too far.)

Sorry to hear it MJ, it's time to do some work on your bike. It won't be fun to ride as it is now. Buy locally or mail order, a rear brake lever right away. Make a list of all you see, old and new problems, and let's get it fixed. Safety items first. Plastics also. Whatever it takes. I'm sure we'll help you out.

Anybody seen an EX500 in any of the bike-yards? For parts?

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That sucks and unfortunately I can relate.

Someone swiped my car last night and blew out the drivers side corner light and headlight. No note. Totally lame.

Sorry to thread jack.:hijack:

Dude, that blows. That just happened to Mandie last week. Her BRAND NEW (well, brand new to her) Mustang. Some drunk hit and ran. Fucked the hood, fender, bumper, and headlight. Fortunately, someone saw it and grabbed the license plate number.

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It was really windy for a while today, it might have blown over, or a bike next to it blew over and got your's too. It doesn't happen often, but I had one blown over into a chain link fence. And with a cover on a bike, I've seen bikes move about from the parachute effect in high winds (Mine, a couple of nights ago. It helps if it's cabled down and can't move too far.)

Sorry to hear it MJ, it's time to do some work on your bike. It won't be fun to ride as it is now. Buy locally or mail order, a rear brake lever right away. Make a list of all you see, old and new problems, and let's get it fixed. Safety items first. Plastics also. Whatever it takes. I'm sure we'll help you out.

Anybody seen an EX500 in any of the bike-yards? For parts?

I actually really hope it was the wind, bc i'd like to think more of people than that.

:) Most of it is cosmetic, I think with a friend helping, I can probably bend the brake lever back to place. I'll check in the morning if it is leaking oil and figure out what to do from there.

I think the lesson to be learned here is: don't go to college.

that's pretty funny, i'll take that into consideration.

Think her's is old enough? They generally only have really old bikes.

my bike is 22 years old... :)

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I bought a used dash for my 87 Hurricane from them about 5 years ago... so I'd think her EX is plenty old enough.

Oh cool. Last time I was there they only had like 1980 and older. But then again, that was a long time ago...

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Sorry to hear MJ. Don't get mad at me for saying this, but that's why I only use my bike for recreational use. People are scum and you can't trust strangers to do the right thing.

Exactly.. I'm paranoid leaving my bike anywhere I can't see it.

Too many idiots!

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I would be furious! Sorry to hear that crap happened. You don't want to think someone would do that, but I don't put anything past anyone. My friends still make fun of me because if I park my bike to go in somewhere, I like it to be where I can see it from where I am at (i.e. restaurants, etc.). Although that's next to impossible to do at OSU...

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...Most of it is cosmetic, I think with a friend helping, I can probably bend the brake lever back to place...

Take care not to damage the rear brake linkage, when trying to straighten it. It would be best to remove the brake pedal to work on it. And I'm saying this to an engineer... doah!

I can't remember if your rear brake is drum or hydraulic. Guessing drum.

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Where do you park on campus? If you park in the big spot across from Dreese or whatever it is on Neil (by all the math/engineering buildings) you might be able to talk to campus security: that whole area is under surveyllence cameras. Other parts of campus are probably the same way.

Might be worth looking into.

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Where do you park on campus? If you park in the big spot across from Dreese or whatever it is on Neil (by all the math/engineering buildings) you might be able to talk to campus security: that whole area is under surveyllence cameras. Other parts of campus are probably the same way.

Might be worth looking into.

yeah, thats where i park. I probably will check into it and keep my fingers crossed that it was the wind ...*sigh*

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So I just went out to my bike, which was parked on campus all day, got on, noticed my mirror was f'ed up. I got off the bike and noticed a small puddle of oil on the ground. Walked around to the other side and my new handle bar grips are torn to shreds and the plastic tube was broken. Not only that but my foot peg is jacked up and my break lever thing is all bent and caused some nice damage to metal cover on the right side. As if my fairings weren't already bad enough, the fall broke them in a few more places... great, I needed my bike to look like ass even more than it did. :(

wtf though, who knocks a bike over, puts it back in position then doesn't even leave a note???

I would never leave my bike at a campus, even if someone gave me $1000. Your lucky your bike didn't get stolen or completely totalled.

When I ride my bike to work, I open the loading doors up, and park it inside. I have many good friends who have had their bikes stolen.

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