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A different Kind of Kill story... African Style!


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We are losing contact with the very thing that helped us get this far. Some people continue to work on the skill of hunting and passing the knowhow on to others. Today in America, that makes you a sadist. Yes, we mass produce foods now, both on the farm and manmade. But, most people are ok with not knowing the details of their food source. Someone prideful shows pics from a hunt, and we treat it like they went to another country and raped children. We don't know the laws there, but we make an uninformed assumption, based on our perception and limited Krogering experiences.


Yes, they used a Guild and that's viewed by many as cheating. You can't just show up and walk into the bush there and say I'm here to hunt. You need the Guild, who has permission, let alone to help you. Good KILL's

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Couldn't you just shoot the animals with a... Camera?


Lmao J/K. Amazing animals. I hope you get some great mounts out of them.


Here's an interesting observation I just had. I eat meat everyday. Mostly store bought, sometimes wild. I really don't like meat anymore especially everyday burgers. Flavor is going to hell in a hand basket due to mass production, IMO.

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I don't see how this compares with killing a rodent like a raccoon, you guys keep living in your holes, and hopefully the world doesn't go to shit in our lifetime.


Holy shit so much this. You guys bitching better not so much as swat a fly, or put out mouse traps, because you know, they're animals too. Pretty sure death is death regardless of it being in the wild or in a man-made chicken breeding ground... and +1 for a swift death being much more humane than rotting alive until your brain runs out of blood and your lungs collapse upon themselves while you're missing half your intestines. You know, the 'natural' way. :rolleyes:


That said, I'm 100% against animal ABUSE, but this is far from it.

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We are losing contact with the very thing that helped us get this far. Some people continue to work on the skill of hunting and passing the knowhow on to others. Today in America, that makes you a sadist. Yes, we mass produce foods now, both on the farm and manmade. But, most people are ok with not knowing the details of their food source. Someone prideful shows pics from a hunt, and we treat it like they went to another country and raped children. We don't know the laws there, but we make an uninformed assumption, based on our perception and limited Krogering experiences.


Yes, they used a Guild and that's viewed by many as cheating. You can't just show up and walk into the bush there and say I'm here to hunt. You need the Guild, who has permission, let alone to help you. Good KILL's


Legally you must have a professional hunter accompanying only 2 people at maximum. Also they must be Namibian Citizens. This is the only way to get permits in Namibia.

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Fail, a cheerleader killed these animals. We're gonna need a pic of you wrestling an alpha lion in your skivvies to upgrade your man card. [emoji90]

Good hunt OP, those mounts will be an awesome conversation piece in your man cave! I want a moose but have no where to put the big bastard!

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Hunting to feed your family because you have no other choice is a necessity.

Flying around the world to shoot animals because it's "fun" is another thing all together.


But it's ma damn right to shooooottttttt a innocent animal



Such a waste

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I agree, at least the above hunting benefited SOMEONE else.


The world is going to shit because people are against killing animals, got it. :dumb:


I don't like seeing you wear tights while riding your bicycle down the road either. I'm stereotyping you doing that based on your "save the animals that I have no idea about" dumb posts.


Yeah go fight one of these animals with your "fists". Lemme know how that goes.

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I disapprove.


yeah, I'm having a difficult time with this post ...


every african animal looks like some exotic/endangered species ...


I'm under-educated here but would probably not share this to a general audience...


Congratulations on shooting a feeding animal with a high powered rifle.




:lol: dont mind these pussys, hunt on good buddy. Good kills!



who else here wants to eat whale meat, just to piss off people


nice kills, glad you helped feed the people



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Holy shit so much this. You guys bitching better not so much as swat a fly, or put out mouse traps, because you know, they're animals too. Pretty sure death is death regardless of it being in the wild or in a man-made chicken breeding ground... and +1 for a swift death being much more humane than rotting alive until your brain runs out of blood and your lungs collapse upon themselves while you're missing half your intestines. You know, the 'natural' way. :rolleyes:


That said, I'm 100% against animal ABUSE, but this is far from it.


You want to see a vegan's head explode, ask them how many mice/moles/etc get shredded limb from limb in a wheat thresher each harvest. Ask them how humane they think that is. Ask them how their organic bread tastes seasoned with the suffering of rodents.

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Can Vegan's eat animal crackers?


I know a vegan who flipped out after having a sip of Honey Brown ale. He was distraught that his drink was created using bee labor.


As if the bees would be taking vacations to fucking Jamaica if we hadn't enslaved them and forced them to make honey for our pleasure.

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Are the naysayers aware that all parks and golf course communities have animal purges? They hire a team of individuals to come in and kill off the excess population so that the strong can get enough food and live a healthy life. This generally does not make the news, but it happens every year. The meat used to be donated to shelters, but some new screwed up regulation makes then destroy it rather than feed the hungry. Not knowing about it doesn't make it go away.
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Are the naysayers aware that all parks and golf course communities have animal purges? They hire a team of individuals to come in and kill off the excess population so that the strong can get enough food and live a healthy life. This generally does not make the news, but it happens every year. The meat used to be donated to shelters, but some new screwed up regulation makes then destroy it rather than feed the hungry. Not knowing about it doesn't make it go away.


Take your reality and get outta here. No one wants to hear the truth.

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