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Otis Nice

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So as I roll though my social media feeds I noticed something that made me sick to my stomach, a lack of respect. There are certain people ( if you can call them that) who feel the need to mock the “never forget” slogan, and come off very aloof about what 9/11 means. I want to ask these people if they are serious and if they understand what they are saying.


I’ve never served, but I have a massive amount of friends and family who have. Some went over to fight after 9/11 and came back in one piece, others came back missing limbs, others came back with mental scars, and some never came back at all :(


My company lost people in 9/11, people in our NY offce lost friends and family on the terrible day.


The fact that there are people who mock their sacrifice and what happened to this country makes me want to rage out, but I have to remind myself you can’t fix stupid.


To all of those who served, thank you for keeping us safe, we appreciate it.



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I didn't sleep much last night. This week of my life is always difficult as I lost several customers, business partners and friends that day.


In memory of a good friend and business partner. Todd, you will forever be missed. Know that your kids are doing well and are very proud of you.


"Let's Roll"



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Well said, Wags. As I get older I choose not to associate with people like that not because of their beliefs, but because they are so cavalier in sharing them with the world.


Respect and love to those who lost loved ones on this day...or had a family member die from medical conditions clearly attributed to walking those ashen streets of lower Manhattan after the towers fell. RIP.


I'll never forget...

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I truly will never forget. I was in 6th grade, 11 years old in Mrs. Lewis's class. I had no idea the impact and the way the world would change on that day.


I think it's disgusting the way people openly share their beliefs on social media about this day. It's a day to mourn one of the greatest tragedies this country has seen, and hopefully ever will see.

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I was working in my first job and had a small office at the end of a long second floor hallway.


Someone came in and said that "someone crashed a plane into a building and its on TV upstairs"


Went into the board room and 20+ people were in there with a few crying at the first tower being hit; this is South Bend Indiana btw ...


Management said that anyone too upset could go home for the day; in a consumer sales office I think they realized no one would really be ordering furniture today.


Spoke with my parents later in the 'hey did you see that' conversation ... pretty much agree'd someone fucked up and here comes a war ...

Edited by Jackson
america ftw
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Every generation has a uniting moment. For some it was D-Day, for others it was Kent State, for us it was 9/11. These moments shape our future for better or worse, but it's up to us to determine the direction and we must be ever vigilant to ensure that direction is towards future progress, not toward repeating past mistakes.


THAT is why we must never forget those who were lost in our defining moment, and the others who gave their lives to steer us towards progress.

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I remember I was a senior in high school when this happened, I watched the second plane hit in math class. I remember someone asking the spanish teacher to turn on the tv so we could see what was going on, her response was "this is spanish class, not whats going on in America class". Fucking bitch.
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I remember I was a senior in high school when this happened, I watched the second plane hit in math class. I remember someone asking the spanish teacher to turn on the tv so we could see what was going on, her response was "this is spanish class, not whats going on in America class". Fucking bitch.




I remember being in a art class watching it on TV, got sent home early.

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I remember I was a senior in high school when this happened, I watched the second plane hit in math class. I remember someone asking the spanish teacher to turn on the tv so we could see what was going on, her response was "this is spanish class, not whats going on in America class". Fucking bitch.


Yup...I would have walked out of that class right then and there. Fuck her.


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Every generation has a uniting moment. For some it was D-Day, for others it was Kent State, for us it was 9/11. These moments shape our future for better or worse, but it's up to us to determine the direction and we must be ever vigilant to ensure that direction is towards future progress, not toward repeating past mistakes.


THAT is why we must never forget those who were lost in our defining moment, and the others who gave their lives to steer us towards progress.


Truth. This will live on as an unofficial memorial day, at least throughout the lives of those old enough to remember it. But as long as we all cling to this tragedy as our defining moment we will never be able to rise to greatness as a nation. We will forever be stuck in a rut of trying to squash whatever pathetic group is out to be the boogeyman of the week, and eating away at our own freedoms until they are all gone.


Never forget, but move on with your lives. Be happy and be free. The planet will continue to spin even after we're all gone, the sun will still shine. As long as we don't nuke the planet to death the birds will keep chirping. Go outside with a smile on your face and enjoy your day.

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I remember I was a senior in high school when this happened, I watched the second plane hit in math class. I remember someone asking the spanish teacher to turn on the tv so we could see what was going on, her response was "this is spanish class, not whats going on in America class". Fucking bitch.


Same happened at Gahanna. I was in high school and we all had our tv's on watching. The principle came over the tv and said to turn them off "Education must go on...." 10 minutes later he came back on and apologized, said to turn them back on. He wasn't aware of what happened.

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Truth. This will live on as an unofficial memorial day, at least throughout the lives of those old enough to remember it. But as long as we all cling to this tragedy as our defining moment we will never be able to rise to greatness as a nation. We will forever be stuck in a rut of trying to squash whatever pathetic group is out to be the boogeyman of the week, and eating away at our own freedoms until they are all gone.


Never forget, but move on with your lives. Be happy and be free. The planet will continue to spin even after we're all gone, the sun will still shine. As long as we don't nuke the planet to death the birds will keep chirping. Go outside with a smile on your face and enjoy your day.


Amen to this. I can not believe that it's thirteen years ago. Seem so vivid in my mind, but we can not live in fear of these terrorist.

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I had no idea what to think after the third reported attack (we hadn't heard about the 4th in PA yet). All I could do was leave work in Columbus and drive to my Dad's shop in Zanesville.


By the time I got there, people were flipping the fuck out with lines at every pump extended out into the road. We changed the price of the street sign to $4.00/gallon hoping to STOP people from lining up (we did not change the actual price at the pump), but that backfired, with people AND NEWS CREWS calling us every name in the book for gouging them. I had to step in between a guy approaching my Dad.


Scary day for sure. Not sure I slept that night?


Love him or hate him, I was impressed with how President Bush handled things that week and later, despite jokes about him reading to the elementary class, yadda yadda.

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Makes me feel old knowing that my daughters teacher was in the 6th grade when it happened.


When my daughter who is in the 3rd grade told me that and then looked at me with a double take and said her teacher could be my daughter too I was like :o

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I didn't sleep much last night. This week of my life is always difficult as I lost several customers, business partners and friends that day.


In memory of a good friend and business partner. Todd, you will forever be missed. Know that your kids are doing well and are very proud of you.


"Let's Roll"




Reading that about what they did on Flight 93 made me well with tears. :( What brave Americans they were. It's times like that where you find out the true make up of a person. Essentially taking their own lives for the good of America. As long as we all live, I hope we never have to see anything like that again on our soil... :(

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Reading that about what they did on Flight 93 made me well with tears. :( What brave Americans they were. It's times like that where you find out the true make up of a person. Essentially taking their own lives for the good of America. As long as we all live, I hope we never have to see anything like that again on our soil... :(



I well up with tears whenever I go to ground zero. I worked there for years, still go back often and while Todd didn't die there, I won't ever forget him when I visit. He really was a hero. Let's ROll will forever stay with me as he used to say that a lot, especially when calling plays both on the field and at work.

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