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Pizza Slap

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Saw this days ago on another site. 100% deserved. Actually got off easy for embarrassing that kid like that around everybody by doing the pizza slap. Should've pulled him out of the chair after and slapped him with pizza til he woken up out of his knocked out state.
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I'm surprised the guy with the camera didn't get lit up, too.


I haven't read the comments on the video, but I hope people are pointing out to him that it isn't a "sucker punch" when you provoke someone and then get jacked. It's called retaliation. Unfortunately from him, bro brought a hard left to the pizza slice fight.

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That's what happens when someone who thinks their cool gets what is coming. I guess hitting someone who is not expecting it with pizza is not a sucker punch?


Lucky that guy did not come totally unglued and drag his ass out of that booth and give him a hillbilly stomp party.

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How can he pizza slap!


Joking aside, that prick deserved every bit of it. Hes obviously a bully to the kid and it looks like he'd had enough. If someone smacked me in the face with a piece of pizza then laughed calling me a faggot as he walked off, you bet your ass hes going to get a haymaker.


There was a kid one of my HS classes that people picked on. He acted like and dressed like Marshall Mathers, but deep inside the kid was actually cool and smart kid. One day someone called him a wigger and he decided he had had enough. Knocked that kid the fuck out. Nobody picked on him anymore.

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That's what happens when someone who thinks their cool gets what is coming. I guess hitting someone who is not expecting it with pizza is not a sucker punch?


Lucky that guy did not come totally unglued and drag his ass out of that booth and give him a hillbilly stomp party.


Yeah I was waiting for him to get him on the ground and start kicking him

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Gotta agree with most everyone here. Seems to me that guy did him a favor by teaching him a fucking lesson and not shooting him or something worse. Perhaps now he'll think twice before doing something disrespectful to someone or will, at the very least, stand his ground like a man instead of punking the victim further by turning his back on him dismissively.
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Saw a similar punch in HS up close. Didn't get knocked out but hit hard as fuck. Kid I knew was kinda messing with another kids gf. Between classes I was in the cafeteria for study hall. Kid was leaned on the table to the right, but same side as me talking about something...all of a sudden other kid just comes up and blasts him just like in the video. I can still hear the sound the fist/face combo made.
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