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Beardsmen...how many on CR?


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I am curious, how many guys on here have beards? Trimmed and neat, epic and crazy, doesn't matter. Is it an ongoing thing? Seasonal? How do the ladies in your life feel about it? How do you care for it? No maintenance? Shampoo and conditioner? Beard oils?
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No fapping. Just curious. If I wanted to do that, I would probably be more successful looking at the awesome CR workout thread and reading about all the awesome bods everyone has doing 5000lb curls and 2mil pound deadlifts and whatever else the CR Workout Crew does. That, or get on Phil's facebook page and read about his epic workouts.
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I've had a beard for about 13 years now. Hides my double chin well and it's one of the reasons how I met my wife (she loves to run her hands through it). I keep it pretty trimmed as having a beard in sales is a no-no. I would like to try some of those oils I've seen pop up but I use a 2-in-1 Head and Shoulders which keeps it soft and flame free.
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I've had a beard for about 13 years now. Hides my double chin well and it's one of the reasons how I met my wife (she loves to run her hands through it). I keep it pretty trimmed as having a beard in sales is a no-no. I would like to try some of those oils I've seen pop up but I use a 2-in-1 Head and Shoulders which keeps it soft and flame free.


I may have something in the works in regards to beard oils. There is some good stuff out there, but overpriced IMHO. I'll PM you later.


I feel you on the sales thing. I am in the produce industry, and facial hair is pretty much in-heard of. 2 Years ago when I was at Produce Alliance, I got quote a few stares since I was the only person out of thousands there is a beard, ha ha. It was hilarious.

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I've had a beard for a year now, keep it short and trimmed. I use hair clippers on it, number 2 guard for summer and number 3 for winter. No oils, just daily shampoo.


I'd been thinking of growing it out, always just had a goatee. Then the gf brought it up. She likes it, but next summer I'm going back to the goatee.

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Full beard here. I always keep it a certain length but November I let it grow.


Also interested in any one who uses beard oil.


Wife hates beards


I use beard oils daily, and beard/shave soap twice a week. Washing it more than that depletes natural oils (same problem if you wash your head too much), and causes dry skin, flaking, etc.


I was talking to the wife about it the other day, and I think in the coming weeks, i'm going to make the beard oils in house. I was paying $20-$25/1oz bottle. Which is about market for quality stuff, but I can make it for less. You can find stuff in the $12-$15 area, but I haven't seen where they list ingredients, so I shy away from that. When I make my own, i'll be able to use natural and/or certified organic ingredients, so there won't be any crazy chemicals or anything like that. I try to stay away from mass produced shampoos, soaps, lotions, etc. Pretty much anything that has a ton of ingredients that I can't pronounce.


Any way, if I move forward with making my own in house, you may see some in the for sale section as I am going to have to make far more than I will need because of the quantities I have to purchase the ingredients in.

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After I left the fire dept. (18AUG2012 @ 0600) I grew mine out for about 1 3/4 years. #1 comment from guys "thats awesome". #1 comment from girls "what's your wife think about that". It's definity a topic of conversation, surprisingly the old people who came in the ER loved it. I got a lot of "you must be eating a lot of vitamins and minerals to have a beard like that". I even got an invite to join the Central Ohio Santa Claus group :lol: What did get old was the west side population commenting on how I looked like duck dynasty. I never did watch that show.


I had my barber trim my beard with every haircut so it was as well groomed as possible (shaping it evenly while still letting it grow). The wife bought a beard wash that worked well (Bluebeard's was the brand) and I would wash, brush/comb it daily. She liked it but would voice her disdain if I hadn't showered yet...I would get bed beard. Prior to going out or into work i'd run what ever product i was using in my hair through it, helped cut down on the Ted Kaczynski look. I got some beard wax for christmas but just ended up using regular hair product ( American crew fiber or pomade). It was more upkeep than im used to. My beard didn't go straight down, it kind of went down and out. So any food that might drop back onto the plate while eating ended up getting caught in the beard. She let me walk around the house with an entire pepperoni on my face before I later discovered it. I hacked it off in the spring of 2014 knowing that I would be looking for jobs upon moving and, regardless of qualifications, no health care organization would hire someone looking like a methed out biker. I still wear a beard but shave it down to stubble every month.


Here it is around Thanksgiving 2013 (i'm on the right).



Edited by Sturg
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I have shaved with a razor 3 times in my life. Senior pictures, another random time, than right before chemo. I have had a longer beard for the last couple years now after it grew back. Just use a stand shampoo/ conditioner every day. I have not tried any of the oils or anything specific for beards. Maybe i should.


Now I trim it a couple times a year for various reason. I went to Roosters at Polaris one time before a wedding. Service was good, but holy shit was that expensive and will not return for that reason.


As others said I seem to get the most comments from other guys. It gets pretty annoying. Most people ask how long it took to grow or if i have ever seen Duck Dynasty. Every so often girls at the bar will ask to touch it or what my wife thinks of it. I have even had a couple weirdos buy me a drink.

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for the past 3 years i have kept a neatly trimmed (straight thick lines and about 1/2 inch long hair) chinstrap beard with a separated mustache.


as someone else mentioned, it hides my double chin well. lol

plenty of complements from the ladies, even though i'm married.

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I am curious, how many guys on here have beards? Trimmed and neat, epic and crazy, doesn't matter. Is it an ongoing thing? I hate NOT having a beard. Seasonal? How do the ladies in your life feel about it? Wife loves it. Only opinion I even remotely consider. How do you care for it? Buy it cards on it's birthday and flowers on valentines day. No maintenance? Shampoo and conditioner? yes Beard oils? Not yet but want to try.


Homos. Every last one of you.


I was reading a thing the other day where this dude said he got more compliments from other man than any other demographic.


I see about 50/50. Most guys say, "I wish I could grow a beard like that."



Wife hates beards




Shaved for an interview, got new offers at current position.


Know dem feels. I did the same thing. Currently regrowing.

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Yeah, I get dudes opening doors for me if I have a bigger beard. It's pretty funny. Like a beard hierarchy. I get compliments from chics too, but more so from guys. It's not homo, so I don't care, and I can accept a compliment.
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