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E Lawyers- Renter/ Housing question

Radio Flyer1647545514

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I moved into a condo with my girlfriend which she had been renting for 2 years previously. We just signed another one year lease with the landlord, not the condo association and we're a month in.


The By Laws provided to my landlord in 1975 strictly state he can rent after he has owned the condo for one year and as long as the lease term is 6 months or longer. The By Laws were revised in 1977 taking this part out and now it needs to be approved by the board for him to rent but our landlord said he was never presented with this copy.


The President of the condo association sent our landlord a letter saying he's not allowed to rent and we need to be out. She has hired a lawyer to keep up on the matter.


In the previously letter they have explained problems with barking dogs and loud music. We've never had the police come or ever had a neighbor come knock on our door to complain about it. I spoke with our immediate neighbors and they have zero complaints.


On the loud dog barking note I hear this same lady's dog barking constantly when I take my dogs out to the dog park provided on the premises here and my dogs don't make a sound.


The previous letter also stated that our landlord needs to come up with a date for use to leave in the very near future or forceful action will be taken to have us removed. They will then allow him to rent to others if he gets it approved by the board.


These people don't even know my name, so I don't feel an eviction notice is something I need to worry about. I'm not planning on staying here past the next year but I don't want to find a place and pack up and move again with the holidays on the way.


I do feel we are being singled out in this matter by the condo association president. My girlfriend and her have a past in which the president put her hands on my girlfriend in a forceful way over an argument they were having. This was over 6 months ago but witnesses we there to see what happened. She never did call the cops on her.


Do I have rights to stay here? Will taking it to court draw out the process long enough so I don't have to worry about moving until I'm ready? If they approve him to rent after we leave could he rent back to us? Is it legal for them to deny us individually as renters.

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Also, you could just do what my sister did to get around the condo assoc. Just have him rewrite the lease as a type of land contract. The Assoc can't say shit about him "selling" the place.
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I feel like there are peices of this missing.


I moved into a condo with my girlfriend which she had been renting for 2 years previously. We just signed another one year lease with the landlord, not the condo association and we're a month in.

She was renting for TWO years prior to all of this?

The By Laws provided to my landlord in 1975 strictly state he can rent after he has owned the condo for one year and as long as the lease term is 6 months or longer. The By Laws were revised in 1977 taking this part out and now it needs to be approved by the board for him to rent but our landlord said he was never presented with this copy.


The President of the condo association sent our landlord a letter saying he's not allowed to rent and we need to be out. She has hired a lawyer to keep up on the matter.


In the previously letter they have explained problems with barking dogs and loud music. We've never had the police come or ever had a neighbor come knock on our door to complain about it. I spoke with our immediate neighbors and they have zero complaints.


On the loud dog barking note I hear this same lady's dog barking constantly when I take my dogs out to the dog park provided on the premises here and my dogs don't make a sound.

Record times of days and how long the dog is barking and even go as far as pinpointing which house it is in your notes. write it all down


The previous letter also stated that our landlord needs to come up with a date for use to leave in the very near future or forceful action will be taken to have us removed. They will then allow him to rent to others if he gets it approved by the board. They have threatened legal action. Call thier bluff, and talk to a lawyer.

These people don't even know my name, so I don't feel an eviction notice is something I need to worry about. I'm not planning on staying here past the next year but I don't want to find a place and pack up and move again with the holidays on the way.


I do feel we are being singled out in this matter by the condo association president. My girlfriend and her have a past in which the president put her hands on my girlfriend in a forceful way over an argument they were having. This was over 6 months ago but witnesses we there to see what happened. She never did call the cops on her.

The Condo association was aware she was renting prior to this lease renewal? What was this incident involving?


Do I have rights to stay here? Will taking it to court draw out the process long enough so I don't have to worry about moving until I'm ready? If they approve him to rent after we leave could he rent back to us? Is it legal for them to deny us individually as renters.


Fucking HOAs. Never ever not even once.

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Working in property management, I'll never live in one. Most people don't research the associations bylaws, or Ohio condo law before buying, but upon buying they sign this contract essentially agreeing to obey any rules decided by their elected board.

Happens all the time, if an agreement can't be reached, it will be a waste of resources to fight them in court, and since your only contract is with the owner, your recourse would be against him. Doesn't sound like he's a bad guy, or that you want anything from him.

My advice would be to have him request a hearing with the board, and hope that the rest of the board doesn't share the presidents opinion or is more reasonable.

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The law protects the tenant. The owner is in violation-not you. You should have no issue staying the term of your lease. Clearly, you will not be renewing. As you have a valid lease, there is little the condo association can do to remove you. If they trouble you, call the Atty General of the state, or your Congressional representitive-Amazing how quickly things are dropped or fixed when the government intervenes
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Yes, she had been here for 2 years before we signed this new lease agreement.


The initial confrontation they had was about a tire being left on the front porch for a few days and how it looked trashy and about not picking up dog poop in the condo park.


They say that letters were sent to the landlord during the past year notifying him he was in violation by renting to her. He (landlord) says he never received any notices.


I don't wish to take our landlord to court for anything, that's not my goal.


As far as noise complaints go, I work during what would be concerned low volume level hours so I'm not even home to play music at a level that would be bothersome. Can I get a noise complain violation in the middle of the day?

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