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Computer nerds....dumb it down for me: SEO


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Do you mean, take the DGW account and add tacpack.com as my website? Or are you talking about something different?


Do that certainly -


What I am also noting is that you can create the "link" to your site as the "location" of the image - so folks when they just touch the image that pops up, and it also is then tracked. Simple easy way to populate traffic sessions essentially. If you want to check out some of ken blocks or national geographic images for example, many times they use this "idea". The whole check the link in profile business is old school. You need to have extra circular sources for traffic hits, this being one. And what better way then leveraging people that already seem to like "you/tacpack".


EDIT : Did your web site designer code your site for google analytics?


Personally I am not a big proponent of adwords - seems now there are better methods to start with and "free" while you begin your venture, think like your infant, roll, then crawl, then walk, ect. Obviously there are other concepts like your's in other industries, Jack Box, Dog Box, Record boxes ect. I always like to see how they choose to advertise and see where I feel they fall short; or where I could use and idea they had in my space. You can get some data from Adobe and IBM as well on many of these sites, from who and where they are getting their users. Some of this data will come with a price however it can be enlightening if you find you're not happy with traction.


My .02 aside from SEO type stuff, which can be endless... Is to create a medium of experience and interaction for tac packs. Define the experience on how you envision it, however I get this vibe from the other subscription box ideas. Experience is what will renew subscriptions, not just whats in the box.

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offtopic; but i tried to sign up for newsletter and it gave me a 404 error, then a pop-up that asked for email to subscribe and that worked.


edit:also your fb, twitter link takes you to shopify.


What links? the ones on FB and twitter?


THANK YOU. trying to get these fixed!

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First, I would fix my robots.txt so it doesn't name paths to parts of the site like /admin . Next I would specify the "who we are" type information in the adbots section as allowed.


Now, I would get a GMAIL account for the business. They use keywords in gmail to feed the bots. Then I would use your company name as much as possible in the email.


Finally, you can pay for SEO and really that is not the best way but its the fastest. Unless you are good with python and URL libraries so you can write your own searching tool and get yourself up higher.


your robots.txt needs help yo!

# we use Shopify as our ecommerce platform User-agent: * Disallow: /admin Disallow: /cart Disallow: /orders Disallow: /checkout Disallow: /6799055/checkouts Disallow: /carts Disallow: /account Disallow: /collections/*+* Disallow: /collections/*%2B* Disallow: /collections/*%2b* Disallow: /blogs/*+* Disallow: /blogs/*%2B* Disallow: /blogs/*%2b* Sitemap: http://www.tacpack.com/sitemap.xml # Google adsbot ignores robots.txt unless specifically named! User-agent: adsbot-google Disallow: /checkout Disallow: /carts Disallow: /orders Disallow: /6799055/checkouts User-agent: Nutch Disallow: /

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First, I would fix my robots.txt so it doesn't name paths to parts of the site like /admin . Next I would specify the "who we are" type information in the adbots section as allowed.


Now, I would get a GMAIL account for the business. They use keywords in gmail to feed the bots. Then I would use your company name as much as possible in the email.


Finally, you can pay for SEO and really that is not the best way but its the fastest. Unless you are good with python and URL libraries so you can write your own searching tool and get yourself up higher.


your robots.txt needs help yo!

# we use Shopify as our ecommerce platform User-agent: * Disallow: /admin Disallow: /cart Disallow: /orders Disallow: /checkout Disallow: /6799055/checkouts Disallow: /carts Disallow: /account Disallow: /collections/*+* Disallow: /collections/*%2B* Disallow: /collections/*%2b* Disallow: /blogs/*+* Disallow: /blogs/*%2B* Disallow: /blogs/*%2b* Sitemap: http://www.tacpack.com/sitemap.xml # Google adsbot ignores robots.txt unless specifically named! User-agent: adsbot-google Disallow: /checkout Disallow: /carts Disallow: /orders Disallow: /6799055/checkouts User-agent: Nutch Disallow: /


what are robot.txt and how do they work/help/not-help?

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what are robot.txt and how do they work/help/not-help?


Been a long time, but your robots.txt will restrict/guide the crawlers from search engines as they go through your site. Telling them "don't pay attention to this" or "don't go here" to water it down.

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Been a long time, but your robots.txt will restrict/guide the crawlers from search engines as they go through your site. Telling them "don't pay attention to this" or "don't go here" to water it down.


So, do I want to modify them to say "go here"? or is it "item" specific?

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BTW, I signed up for google analytics and posted the USER ID into the designated space in shopify... then went to the google analytics site to "turn it on" and felt like a tidal wave of stuff that I can't understand just smacked me in the face....


Google analytics for dummies? Anyone?

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A robots.txt file tells a crawler-bot (google for example) where it can and cannot go. If you add directives to keep a bot away, an attacker can read the file and tell where your vulnerabilities are.


If you want people to know about your product, you have to spend money. We all bought ipods because apple crammed them down our throats via a multi-million dollar campaign.


Right now if I Google tac pack, I get another company with a product called tac pack. That will make SEO difficult. From your website I can't really tell what it is you sell or what I would buy. Might take a look at that and see if you can get the site to a point where I would easily understand what I get.

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From your website I can't really tell what it is you sell or what I would buy. Might take a look at that and see if you can get the site to a point where I would easily understand what I get.


I should probably describe the product beneath the logo where it says "first boxes ship 2/15" right?

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I should probably describe the product beneath the logo where it says "first boxes ship 2/15" right?


Pretty much go to google, search your product, click on first result or two, and if it's not your site then do what they do. Some things are just going to take time.

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BTW, I signed up for google analytics and posted the USER ID into the designated space in shopify... then went to the google analytics site to "turn it on" and felt like a tidal wave of stuff that I can't understand just smacked me in the face....


Google analytics for dummies? Anyone?


Hahahaha - yes it is overwhelming, until to you find your actionable insights.


Dont take to much stock in it early on, however using this will help you minimally monitor your traffic. Meaning you could see how many folks really come from XYZ marketing campaign and where they came from where they exited, so on and so forth, enabling you to optimize your page.

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  • 2 months later...
Update - Well, for some magical reason we have gone from the middle of page 6 to the 2nd result on page 2. No SEO involved, no google analytics, and no meta tags. But, we did manage to drive 16k people to the site since I started this thread! Fuck yeah social media (IG and FB)
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  • 2 months later...

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