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The story as I understand it so far;


Sony makes a movie starring Seth Rogan and James Franco that is a comedy based around a US government backed attempt to assassinate Kim Jong-Un, the current leader of the Peoples Republic of North Korea.


The NK's catch on to this (they ARE advertising the shit out of the movie, after all), and they set their hacking teams on the job. The teams get access to the entire movie, outtakes, emails, and apparently shit tons of other information that Sony has protected/is proprietary.


Many theaters, now having been made aware of the actual content of the entire movie, the issues that the PRNK have with it, decide that they won't screen the movie.


Sony, in response to this, cans the film entirely.







Feel free to correct anything above, as I have not delved deeply into this situation. Still, I think this deserves some dickscussion. Ready, GO!

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The story as I understand it so far;


Sony makes a movie starring Seth Rogan and James Franco that is a comedy based around a US government backed attempt to assassinate Kim Jong-Un, the current leader of the Peoples Republic of North Korea.


The NK's catch on to this (they ARE advertising the shit out of the movie, after all), and they set their hacking teams on the job. The teams get access to the entire movie, outtakes, emails, and apparently shit tons of other information that Sony has protected/is proprietary.


Many theaters, now having been made aware of the actual content of the entire movie, the issues that the PRNK have with it, decide that they won't screen the movie.


Sony, in response to this, cans the film entirely.







Feel free to correct anything above, as I have not delved deeply into this situation. Still, I think this deserves some dickscussion. Ready, GO!


The picture being pulled is a joke. I guess the little chubby leader can't take a joke like his daddy, I mean the guys from south park laid it on pretty thick in Team America...

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Meh, I'll watch it on netflix in a year


From what I understand Netflix, Amazon Prime video, etc... would be hesitant to release it too due to hacking concerns. I wouldn't bet that the movie will be easy to see outside of downloading a torrent, lol.


One thing I do think is that maybe NK overplayed their hand and they will get more fallout/attention put on their hacking program than they counted on.

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The story as I understand it so far;


Sony makes a movie starring Seth Rogan and James Franco that is a comedy based around a US government backed attempt to assassinate Kim Jong-Un, the current leader of the Peoples Republic of North Korea.


The NK's catch on to this (they ARE advertising the shit out of the movie, after all), and they set their hacking teams on the job. The teams get access to the entire movie, outtakes, emails, and apparently shit tons of other information that Sony has protected/is proprietary.


Many theaters, now having been made aware of the actual content of the entire movie, the issues that the PRNK have with it, decide that they won't screen the movie.


Sony, in response to this, cans the film entirely.







Feel free to correct anything above, as I have not delved deeply into this situation. Still, I think this deserves some dickscussion. Ready, GO!


Few other things worth noting: The theaters pulled out due to threats of terrorist like attacks against their theaters if they show the film and they didn't want to take that liability. Some theaters said they would show it as long as Sony was willing to foot the security detail bill. My personal opinion is that their exec's worried they would be hacked and who knows what bs would spill from their hidden info. Also, for what it's worth it's already been shown many places and even a ton of showings in Columbus, just not officially full nationwide release.


Lastly, the US Gov confirmed that the hack came from outside North Korea but was backed by North Korea suggesting a hacker for hire possible situation.

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Personally I don't care about this movie. But I do care and am very concerned they were able to hack in to Sony? Whats to stop them or anyone else for that matter from hacking into things like - our defense computers, computers that run our power ie electric etc. Talk about chaos????

Strictly my opinion (and I'm old), but when I read crap like this, folks I think our country is living on the edge right now and there's not a thing we can do about it either - scary stuff

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Did anyone else read the hacked stuff? There was stuff in there about a cross over film of 21 Jump Street and Men in Black. Also talks about Spiderman appearing in Captain America and Marvel getting the rights back to make new Spiderman movies.


As for being scared of them having the ability to hack the systems, that is the future of war my friend.

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Many theaters, now having been made aware of the actual content of the entire movie, the issues that the PRNK have with it, decide that they won't screen the movie.


Wasn't about the content of the film. It was about threats of violence in the hackers' message against any theater that does screen it. So theaters decided they'd rather be safe than sorry and started pulling it then when enough of the bigger chains had announced they wouldn't be screening it Sony pulled it entirely.

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Ummm exactly my point!!!! We have no idea (NONE) how far things have gone, whats being worked on now etc. So I'm afraid (very afraid) of what the not to distant future may hold -

Again, just the .02 cents from an old but wise man -


Afraid of what?


Sony's security is a joke.. I know someone who has worked there, and said it was a complete circus.

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Afraid of what?


Sony's security is a joke.. I know someone who has worked there, and said it was a complete circus.


Given their history with the rootkit scandal, the multiple PSN hackings... I believe it. Somewhere in their corporate culture somebody said fuck it and started all of this.

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Afraid of what?


Sony's security is a joke.. I know someone who has worked there, and said it was a complete circus.


To be fair, 99% of major corporations networks have been compromised in one way or another over the years. Obviously not to this degree normally but still.

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I have a feeling this movie was going to pretty much tank at the box office anyhow.


The hack wasn't planned probably, but they spun it to all be about this movie. No one is talking about all the other stuff that leaked. Probably going to get some DHS grant or something for being a terrorist target now...

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I hope in the earlier responses you're correct, that the security of SONY corp wasn't to good. And yeah that most of the security of other corps in this country is lacking. But my fingers stay crossed everyday that no country or militant group will be able to "hack" into our security -
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Did anyone else read the hacked stuff? There was stuff in there about a cross over film of 21 Jump Street and Men in Black. Also talks about Spiderman appearing in Captain America and Marvel getting the rights back to make new Spiderman movies.


That's old news ;)

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