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Track Fairings


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Yeah like Isaac Papa said, pay no attention to the naysayers. Especially the tall awkward guy, he is still trying to find his place among us.

Honestly, for someone I have never met you sure know a lot about me.

And mike I don't know where u learned to count but maybe you should return to kindergartin and learn some basic mathematics because ONE track weekend=2 days. ;)

Ok so you spent two days on a track and probably with a one on one instructor because your were that bad. And two from what I was told you didnt even use your own bike. And thirdly I have had MULTIPLE personal thanks and congrats on finally saying to you what all others have wanted to.

Edited for being EXTREMELY mean and I dont want the leg humpers to get their bannana hammocks in a wad.

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get their bannana hammocks in a wad.

:???: who's got their banana hammock in a wad? maybe everyone in this thread is missing something but I don't see what she did wrong. I think what everyone's tryin to say is that you're bein a dick for no reason. If she wants to buy track plastics, she can do it. It's not my money, not your money, not anyone else's money, it doesn't really matter and it's not a big deal. And as far as her skillzzzz on the track, it was her first time and that's kinda the point of track days...to learn. Not seein a problem here. So....maybe we're all still missing something but I don't know why your banana hammock is in a wad.

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:???: who's got their banana hammock in a wad? maybe everyone in this thread is missing something but I don't see what she did wrong. I think what everyone's tryin to say is that you're bein a dick for no reason. If she wants to buy track plastics, she can do it. It's not my money, not your money, not anyone else's money, it doesn't really matter and it's not a big deal. And as far as her skillzzzz on the track, it was her first time and that's kinda the point of track days...to learn. Not seein a problem here. So....maybe we're all still missing something but I don't know why your banana hammock is in a wad.

Im not wearing underwear, and two that comment was meant for you. What do you care if i give her shit for no reason unless you think by standing up for her you have a shot at dating her or that your going to be the nice guy.

So what, maybe I am PMSing, maybe i need to vent, maybe I just dont like her and I am being to harsh but since I am the only one voicing anything I can be called the crazy guy. The amount of drama that oozes from her corner of the world is more than enough for a hazing and a bannana hammock comment. Anyone can call me anything they want because they have that right but If you have ever actually met me than youll know I am a fairly nice guy, but I cant prove that to you or anyone else and sure I seem like a dick but It doesnt bother me.

Its not anyones monies but her own, what she does with is her own choice but what burns my struedel is the constant " HEY LOOK AT ME!" posts and actions she does in person... gets real old fast. I mean if it were me I would save tha cash and buy some tires and more track days to do more track days and utlize what they teach, and I really do hope she got better from the track day ( which I know is 2 days) and can apply it to the street. I know for a fact that people get better from these type of events because I watched first hand my own girlfriend jump 20 notches up on the skill level of riding in all aspects.

I know its going to happen and guys will defend her and I look like an ass but she can hold her own because she is an independent woman and she needs no mans help.

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I found little use for plastics thus far because I still use this bike for the street. Getting the clipons, and rearsets and sliders and good tires is what helped my improvements on the track.. If by some chance I would have low sided, then I would just have to pay for fixing my rashed plastics. Not that big of a deal. If I would have high sided, I would far bigger worries than plastics(like doctor bills). So for me, plastics have not become necessary. I'd rather get the parts that are going to improve my riding ablility even more than I already have.

at least until I get the race bike project done!

Edited by cbrjess0815
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Hmmm... ok' date=' I can agree with this. I wasn't sure what was going on because I have met you, Mike. I think you're pretty cool and was really confused about the 'bullying' I was seeing on your part. I guess I don't have to understand the reasoning behind it. It isn't my business. Apparently, you and Pratt have some 'offline' beef and it has oozed itself onto the interwebs. Again, nobody's business.

I think the comments you made about her being a bad rider were uncalled for and the berating that ensued over the race glass was kind of a cheap shot. Again, not my business but that is my observation.

I guess it boils down to ignoring what you don't like and keeping your cool. If you and Pratt don't get along you guys should just avoid each other. There are plenty of persons on this forum that annoy the piss out of me but I can't let it turn me into an insult slinging wank. Some people don't get along. No big deal... except when personal attacks start happening.[/quote']

I am getting angrier in my old age but things just piss me off now and maybe I am being harsh or taking cheap shots. For that I apologize but when I have had all I can take concerning someone I am done being nice and I stop nodding and smiling as they yap on and on and on. Hell I could be just sitting here :violin: or maybe my vag hurts but what do I know.

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Jess makes a good point sara and makes me think about a few things. Unless you know how to take off all your street plastics and lights and put on your track plastics by yourself, DONT GET THEM. It takes a substantial amount of time to to it and no offense I dont see you being able to do it yourself and it will get really annoying asking someone to come take off your street stuff and put on your track stuff every time you want to do a track day. Not to mention removing all the track stuff and putting it back to street. If you dont have the tools and the ability to swap the plastics on your own, then you dont have any reason to buy them.

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If the money is ample.... why not just buy another set of OE plastics? They'll hold up better than race glass, no? I like what Jess said.

Or better yet, get another bike... I know bikes that can be had for less than ample monies.

Edited by JRMMiii
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Jess makes a good point sara and makes me think about a few things. Unless you know how to take off all your street plastics and lights and put on your track plastics by yourself, DONT GET THEM. It takes a substantial amount of time to to it and no offense I dont see you being able to do it yourself and it will get really annoying asking someone to come take off your street stuff and put on your track stuff every time you want to do a track day. Not to mention removing all the track stuff and putting it back to street. If you dont have the tools and the ability to swap the plastics on your own, then you dont have any reason to buy them.

good point. i just assumed to take that stuff on and off came natural. but if this indeed the case, pass on the plastics and invest in more tires and trackdays.

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Understandable. I seem to be getting more tolerant in my old age. I just try to avoid that which drives me crazy. Lyndse has a friend she's known for years. I tried and tried to like her but it just isn't going to happen. She's a mindless fuckwit with a pushy' date=' ego-driven hostility only found in people with very low self esteem. I finally got to a point where I realized we were not going to be friends. She started in on some bullshit about me buying Isaac a rifle for Christmas and I asked her to please be quiet because it isn't her business. That wasn't good enough and she kept on until I let her, and Lyndse, know that her presence is no longer allowed in my house. I am not about to tell Lyndse she cannot be friends with Lissa but I don't have anything to say to her and will not be subjugated to haranguing in my own home. They can hang out at Lissa's house.

Now, this is a public forum so I guess my example doesn't apply 100%. I am just trying say that you aren't going to change the actions or characteristics of those around you by indulging in poor behavior yourself. Sometimes it is best to just remove yourself from the situation and save the grief for something important.

Now that I've gotten all "Hey, Son. How was your day?" on you please forgive my interjections. It can't bother you if you don't allow it to. "Zero friction", Mike. It's the good life.[/quote']

I am like a shaken soda can, shale me all you want until you pop my top and I explode everywhere. I dont know what happened or how but something popped my top and since I have been spewing hatred left and right. I mean the Gixxie750 incident was my fault ultimantly and I will own up to that and If i saw him i would apologize and call it a day. There are very few things and people that make me uncontrollably spew molten hot crazy out and its my fault for letting it get to me.

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Honestly if ya got that much money.. buy good tires and some rearsets and clipons to make the leaning more comfortable. If something happens and you rash up your plastic, it's not like there aren't enough badass painters and body guys on this forum alone that could fix the shit cheaper than the race plastics would cost.

Like Flounder said, changing out your lights and plastics everytime you want to go to the track is gonna suck. The guys you would call on to do it everytime would probably get pretty annoyed. I wouldn't necessarily have that problem since I have the shop and the tools and the well, willingness to do it myself, but it's a pain in the ass doing it for myself. SO doing it for someone else all the time would not make me too happy.

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Or better yet, get another bike... I know bikes that can be had for less than ample monies.

aaaaand that's what you do when a beat up old track bike can be had for 2k. You think I'd buy a gixxer if it wasn't for that?

Depending on the damage, I can easily see myself doing over 2k in damage to my street bike in just 2 get-offs at the track. I think of the track bike as a self-propelled set of race plastics for the CBR.

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aaaaand that's what you do when a beat up old track bike can be had for 2k. You think I'd buy a gixxer if it wasn't for that?

Depending on the damage, I can easily see myself doing over 2k in damage to my street bike in just 2 get-offs at the track. I think of the track bike as a self-propelled set of race plastics for the CBR.

Thats why I need to build my track bike asap. Especially since I'm getting a lot faster and pushin it alot harder. A crash is bound to happen sooner or later

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aaaaand that's what you do when a beat up old track bike can be had for 2k. You think I'd buy a gixxer if it wasn't for that?

Depending on the damage, I can easily see myself doing over 2k in damage to my street bike in just 2 get-offs at the track. I think of the track bike as a self-propelled set of race plastics for the CBR.

I did well over that amount :D I need to start looking at the wera boards or something myself. If I could find something decent for 2-3k I'd probably get it in a heartbeat.

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Thats why I need to build my track bike asap. Especially since I'm getting a lot faster and pushin it alot harder. A crash is bound to happen sooner or later

I did it preemptively because I found a good deal, but judging by your track attendance record, and your pics, I'd say getting a track slut together is probably the best idea to save your street baby some heartache...

Harsh, I just thought you were getting in touch with your inner squid. :)

Imagine my disappointment when I found out racing sandals aren't really good for racing....

I did well over that amount :D I need to start looking at the wera boards or something myself. If I could find something decent for 2-3k I'd probably get it in a heartbeat.

That '03 GSXR600 I have in my garage was delivered to my door in a trailer for exactly 2k.

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Ya, one of my local friends from Mansfield totalled his this weekend, it was a black honda, laid it down and flipped it/rolled it a few times.

He said Ins. isnt going to cover it and now he has a reason to buy it back and make a full track bike out of it.

If I had the $$ I'd go for a 2nd bike before buying a 2nd set of plastics, but thats just my take.

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I am like a shaken soda can, shale me all you want until you pop my top and I explode everywhere. I dont know what happened or how but something popped my top and since I have been spewing hatred left and right. I mean the Gixxie750 incident was my fault ultimantly and I will own up to that and If i saw him i would apologize and call it a day. There are very few things and people that make me uncontrollably spew molten hot crazy out and its my fault for letting it get to me.

hmmm, living with your girlfriend driving you nuts already?

+1 That's what I was going to say. I was covered because it wasn't an actual competition.

Good to know. Who do you have for insurance?

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I had Geico when I wrecked. The only thing to watch out for is they may not offer to let you buy back the bike.

I see. If I were to go down on the track and total my bike, I would go for something different anyway....

Thats why I need to build my track bike asap. Especially since I'm getting a lot faster and pushin it alot harder. A crash is bound to happen sooner or later

Do you think you'll have it done this year?

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Do you think you'll have it done this year?

Yes.. My goal is to have it running and be able to take it to the 2nd cycleoptions day at Putnam which is in September. Although last weekend pumped me up so much all I wanna do right now is go do as many trackdays as possible so my brain is teeter tottering hardcore right now

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Im not wearing underwear, and two that comment was meant for you. What do you care if i give her shit for no reason unless you think by standing up for her you have a shot at dating her or that your going to be the nice guy.

So what, maybe I am PMSing, maybe i need to vent, maybe I just dont like her and I am being to harsh but since I am the only one voicing anything I can be called the crazy guy. The amount of drama that oozes from her corner of the world is more than enough for a hazing and a bannana hammock comment. Anyone can call me anything they want because they have that right but If you have ever actually met me than youll know I am a fairly nice guy, but I cant prove that to you or anyone else and sure I seem like a dick but It doesnt bother me.

Its not anyones monies but her own, what she does with is her own choice but what burns my struedel is the constant " HEY LOOK AT ME!" posts and actions she does in person... gets real old fast. I mean if it were me I would save tha cash and buy some tires and more track days to do more track days and utlize what they teach, and I really do hope she got better from the track day ( which I know is 2 days) and can apply it to the street. I know for a fact that people get better from these type of events because I watched first hand my own girlfriend jump 20 notches up on the skill level of riding in all aspects.

I know its going to happen and guys will defend her and I look like an ass but she can hold her own because she is an independent woman and she needs no mans help.

My point is that this thread was about her buying plastics and you shit yourself. +1 for ignoring each other if you don't get along. I wasn't saying something about it because i expect to get anything out of it but this is at least the second thread where you're a dick out of nowhere (aka bullying). Ya, I've never met you and you could be a cool guy, I just didn't see the point in making comments like you have numerous times. I've never said anything about it in the past because I figured it was a one time thing and maybe I was missing something. Anyway, that's all I've got to say, I'm sure everyone gets the point. I'm not trying to be a dick back at you or anything. :D Back on topic.....

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