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Terrorist attack in Paris


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It's difficult to conceive of a workable solution to dealing with religious-radical terrorism in today's politically correct society.


I truly pray for a solution: pray for the victims, pray for the innocent family members of these nut-job terrorists, and pray for a swift and righteous retribution for their heinous acts.

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Biggest problem the Western World has? We still operate under ^^^THIS^^^ while the terrorists hide behind civilians and their own family, throwing volley after volley against their foes in the name of religion.


One possibility is privately-subsidized militias? US-based cells of fighters (think good ol' country boys) that are recruited through local VFW chapters/VA groups and conduct sweeps through foreign fighter territory. Think crowdsourced, Kelly's Heroes-type groups that take the fight back to native countries. Not US-government or NATO-sanctioned, but supported by the free world.


Just spitballing here...:D I realize that certain governments don't like the idea of US (or UK, Australian, Russian, etc...) citizens running around their country firing at their own people, but apparently it's happening in Paris and in the US already. They can't control their own religious zealots? Eye for an eye...

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One possibility is privately-subsidized militias? US-based cells of fighters (think good ol' country boys) that are recruited through local VFW chapters/VA groups and conduct sweeps through foreign fighter territory. Think crowdsourced, Kelly's Heroes-type groups that take the fight back to native countries. Not US-government or NATO-sanctioned, but supported by the free world.


Sounds like the plot of the newest Call of Duty game. Atlas becomes the world's most powerful private military contractor, the CEO (played by Kevin Spacey) starts to form his own agenda and ends up attacking the US for "the greater good".

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Sounds like the plot of the newest Call of Duty game. Atlas becomes the world's most powerful private military contractor, the CEO (played by Kevin Spacey) starts to form his own agenda and ends up attacking the US for "the greater good".


<<< Not a gamer.


Sounds like we're training a generation of American combatants to send over to Durkastan. You guys are all actually training for splinter cell ops!!!1!1

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I can't even give them any credit in the least. They are untrained children with weapons. Their movement is COD at best. They are simply praying on easy victims, simple targets of opportunity. They have guns and the will to use them on anyone. That's it. Their message is pathetic by their actions. They have not hit one target of any significance, since 9/11, and that's if you want to lump ISIS in with Al Qaida, and Taliban. I respect a street thug more for just trying to get his cash. At least the thug isn't blaming his action a religion.
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If that is the case, it will be the Russians invading the Mideast, not Us. See "Red Storm Rising".


Funny I was just talking to my boss yesterday about the low oil prices and my job. He said we are fine but Russia is in a world of hurt with these low oil prices.

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He mentioned Venezuela as well. He said we are ok at $49 barrel but to frack we need to be at $65. I was also informed that my job is good because we already have 2 years of work under contract and by then the price of oil will be back up and the fracking will continue.
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"Police issued a document to forces across the region saying the three men were being sought for murder in relation to the Charlie Hebdo attack. The document, reviewed by a Reuters correspondent, named them as Said Kouachi, born in 1980, Cherif Kouachi, born in 1982, and Hamyd Mourad, born in 1996.


The police source said one of them had been identified by his identity card which had been left in the getaway car."


I can't believe that type of thing happens still...



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Biggest problem the Western World has? We still operate under ^^^THIS^^^ while the terrorists hide behind civilians and their own family, throwing volley after volley against their foes in the name of religion.


One possibility is privately-subsidized militias? US-based cells of fighters (think good ol' country boys) that are recruited through local VFW chapters/VA groups and conduct sweeps through foreign fighter territory. Think crowdsourced, Kelly's Heroes-type groups that take the fight back to native countries. Not US-government or NATO-sanctioned, but supported by the free world.


Just spitballing here...:D I realize that certain governments don't like the idea of US (or UK, Australian, Russian, etc...) citizens running around their country firing at their own people, but apparently it's happening in Paris and in the US already. They can't control their own religious zealots? Eye for an eye...


The elected idiots in this country don't have the stomach to do the job right. This is not a ware on religion or a certain people, its a war on animals that need to be removed of their ability to live.


You don't see many other religions doing this...

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You don't see many other religions doing this...



Stop, I can name almost a dozen off the top of my head, Brian.


The LRA in Congo (No Religious affiliation), Kahane Chai, in Israel (Jewish), Aum Shinrikyo in Japan (Crazy hodgepodge of Religious affiliations), IRA in Ireland (Formerly Catholic, now not so religious), UDA in Ireland (SUPER MEGA Protestant. Interestingly, very much in opposition to the IRA), Shining Path in Peru (Stated Aethieists), ETA in Spain/France (Catholic), FARC in Columbia (No Stated Religious affiliation, most member probably Catholic)...


You are too smart to be saying shit like that.

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