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Hardcore Heroin


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Lost my best friend from high school to it 5 years ago. I'd be interested in catching this documentary online to see if any of his friends are in it. I knew quite a few people that were in that life.


As far as myself, I very much echo Derek's "zombie" sentiment. I got my tonsils out a few years ago, and as an adult it's a much bigger deal than when you're a kid. I missed 2 weeks of work and lost 20 lbs because I couldn't eat. They put me on liquid codene and by the end of the 1st week I couldn't sleep without taking the shit, and if I didn't take it I got really bad headaches and sick to my stomach. It was miserable. If that happened to me after just a week, I sure hope I don't ever get into a situation where I need to be prescribed something like oxy.

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I lived in Portsmouth from 1998-2004, I've seen shit that you would think only happens in places like Mexico or Detroit.


I've seen meth head hookers walk down US 23 with no pants trying to turn tricks for their next hit.


I saw a guy come into a gas station I worked at trying to sell a stolen tv with a gash so big on his head I could see what the dude was thinking. Turns out he got high, tried to steal the TV, got whacked in the dome with a pipe wrench, and was so high he had no idea he was pretty much bleeding out.


The cops showed up right after he left asking if I had seen a guy with a head wound and at TV, I told them follow the fucking blood trail.


Later the guy came through the drive through driving a car, in a hospital gown with a head full of staples and wanted to buy a 40 of malt liquor.


That was your typical tuesday in Portsmouth...

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You should write a book, wagner stories are the best :lol:


I know I could write a great HBO series based on the years I lived in Portsmouth.


You haven't lived until you are trying to take a piss in a townie bar bathroom and a Royal Rumble breaks out over who has dibs on the next pool game.

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:lolguy: @ lil homie with a sawed off bolt action down his pants .


That one is easy to explain



Moron A steals gun collection

Realizes no one on street wants to buy nice bolt action rifle

saws off stock and barrel

Moron B buys it for $50

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I just poured 4,000mcg of Fentanyl (~100x more potent than morphine) down the sink last night. I'd hate to see what that would sell for on the street.


Just had some of that on the 22nd last month prior to my nerve block pre-op. I've had more ortho related surgeries than I care to admit and have taken Percocet and Vicodin many times. Never had any issues giving it up. Feel sorry for those that don't have the self control to stop. Maybe sorry isn't the right word, but damn people. Quit feeling sorry for yourselves.

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Seemed very staged overall. Thought dealers had much better weapons. ..


Nat Geo is probably the most credible tv channel. An ex co worker knows one of the Return Fraud guys. Apparently they NatGeo has connections who have connections. He said A camera man hung around them for 2 weeks. Never asked any questions unless the subject started the conversation (we're gonna go get some cash "how you gonna do that?") and were very hands off.

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I agree about the channel, but almost all of the people with guns, whether in Mexico or Columbus had revolvers? And a sawed of rifle? My buddies on the police force would tell you gangs and dealers have some serious fire power.
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I agree about the channel, but almost all of the people with guns, whether in Mexico or Columbus had revolvers? And a sawed of rifle? My buddies on the police force would tell you gangs and dealers have some serious fire power.


Drug dealers and gangs are a lot like grocery stores, you have nice well funded operations, then you have the bargain chain types. Some have nice things, others, not so much.

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I agree about the channel, but almost all of the people with guns, whether in Mexico or Columbus had revolvers? And a sawed of rifle? My buddies on the police force would tell you gangs and dealers have some serious fire power.


Maybe those dealers are smart enough not to be on tv?

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agreed...I expected much more from this special...more about southern OH, and 33. There have been many heroin ODs with high school kids at suburban schools in the past few years. Amazingly, they never get media attention. It is a real problem.
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I agree about the channel, but almost all of the people with guns, whether in Mexico or Columbus had revolvers? And a sawed of rifle? My buddies on the police force would tell you gangs and dealers have some serious fire power.


The wholesaler had semi auto handguns.


The 2 street dealers were normal street dealers. Those guys were probably 17 years old. It may have been staged, but I don't think it was staged by the channel. If anything it was staged by the street gang running the show "hey you 2 morons, go be on TV"

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I don't know about staged so much as poorly planned for a documentary. Kinda all over the map and wasn't really focusing on documenting the real problem. It all felt kind of sensationally edited as well, which is disappointing considering I grew up reading nat geo magazine and their frank reporting was the most appealing part (and the titties of the native tribes).
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I didn't see the episode waiting for it to pop up on the search fuction on TWC. But Nat Geo rode with our Medic and EMS coordinator on the westside. We run on Heroin OD's 3-4 times a day.


The shit is everywhere, in every town. Now the real Nasty shit is Krokodil. That's nasty what it does to ya. And It's here too.

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I will never understand what drives people to want to do hard drugs.


Not to be captain obvious here but it's because actually being on the drug is awesome. Seriously, if it sucked as much to be on them as it did the rest of the time when you are not nobody would do them. I mean it's a pretty flippant answer considering the damage it does to one's life/health/family but really it has to be fantastic for one to want to put themselves through it. Of course once you are chemically dependent then you time off it feels significantly worse by comparison so your time on feels even better, even if overall your quality of life Is declining rapidly.


I mean there are several other factors that have to be in play: predisposition, addiction prone, depression, etc...but really people do this shit because inherently people want to feel good and a lot of this stuff feels fucking fantastic.


I mean, why do so many people wax poetic about beer? Same kind of concept on a grander scale. Beer hangovers suck if you don't manage them right, alcoholism is a rampant problem in the country too, but in the moment that first sip of an ice cold one on a summer night? The fifth one when you are catching your second wind? The ninth after your boot and rally in the parking lot where the waitress you were going to go home with has walked of in disgust and yet you still feel invincible? Pretty great, right?

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Not to be captain obvious here but it's because actually being on the drug is awesome. Seriously, if it sucked as much to be on them as it did the rest of the time when you are not nobody would do them. I mean it's a pretty flippant answer considering the damage it does to one's life/health/family but really it has to be fantastic for one to want to put themselves through it. Of course once you are chemically dependent then you time off it feels significantly worse by comparison so your time on feels even better, even if overall your quality of life Is declining rapidly.


I mean there are several other factors that have to be in play: predisposition, addiction prone, depression, etc...but really people do this shit because inherently people want to feel good and a lot of this stuff feels fucking fantastic.


I mean, why do so many people wax poetic about beer? Same kind of concept on a grander scale. Beer hangovers suck if you don't manage them right, alcoholism is a rampant problem in the country too, but in the moment that first sip of an ice cold one on a summer night? The fifth one when you are catching your second wind? The ninth after your boot and rally in the parking lot where the waitress you were going to go home with has walked of in disgust and yet you still feel invincible? Pretty great, right?


I've never once thought, "Man, I bet it'd be AWESOME to get high on something that eats my flesh!"

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