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Hardcore Heroin


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  yenner said:
I've never once thought, "Man, I bet it'd be AWESOME to get high on something that eats my flesh!"




Obviously it feels good being high, but I am baffled by the amount of people that don't stop and think...hmmm, here are the benefits of using this drug...and here are all the horrible fkng things that are going to happen to me from using this drug. Maybe I should find a different way to enjoy life.

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  RC K9 said:


Obviously it feels good being high, but I am baffled by the amount of people that don't stop and think...hmmm, here are the benefits of using this drug...and here are all the horrible fkng things that are going to happen to me from using this drug. Maybe I should find a different way to enjoy life.


This is what I will never be able to wrap my head around. There are so many intelligent, well off, decent human beings who seem to decide that snorting pills, cocaine, etc is a good time. That wears off, so they start using heroine, that wears off and it's the next fix, and they can never go back. Have a few beers, smoke a little weed if you can still keep your shit together, and enjoy life. I've seen the snowball effect many times in my area, usually ending with my dad's funeral home. It breaks my heart when there are children involved.

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  03SVT said:
This is what I will never be able to wrap my head around. There are so many intelligent, well off, decent human beings who seem to decide that snorting pills, cocaine, etc is a good time. That wears off, so they start using heroine, that wears off and it's the next fix, and they can never go back. Have a few beers, smoke a little weed if you can still keep your shit together, and enjoy life. I've seen the snowball effect many times in my area, usually ending with my dad's funeral home. It breaks my heart when there are children involved.


It's a sad/vicious cycle. I've seen the pill shit in person and shook my head and walked away. People ask why this happens and how could someone think this is ok? Well, the problem lies in that they people doing the drugs don't think about it rationally. Most people are too stubborn and think that "It won't happen to me". "Just because thousands of others get addicted after one time use, doesn't mean that I will".

Having had been in my ortho's office a "few" times in the past couple of years, I have noticed and have been notified of changes in some of the laws in scrip writing. They are cracking down on it somewhat, but it can still be a huge issue. Way too much money to be made by the pharma companies to outlaw pills. Sad, really, when you think about it.

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I bet making this substance illegal, forcing it into the black market, massively inflating it's value, while creating criminals out of the substance-addiction prone, and providing an avenue for gangbangers and other lowlifes to get rich is the best course of action.


I honestly hope someday we see substance prohibition completely done away with. No, I'm not FOR drugs, I'm against this madness we currently have in place. Yes, being a heroin-addict is not a great way to live. However if heroin/morphine, whatever, was readily available and market controlled (read: cheap), at least the abusers would be able to hold down jobs(I may work with 3 alcoholics), not be as exposed to disease, and the black market would be severely diminished.


Oh and the taxpayer would save literally hundreds of billions of dollars or more. Though I guess we'd have to allow people to make poor life choices so let's just have a massive clusterfuck instead.

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  Wagner said:
I know I could write a great HBO series based on the years I lived in Portsmouth.


You haven't lived until you are trying to take a piss in a townie bar bathroom and a Royal Rumble breaks out over who has dibs on the next pool game.


This is in every countryside bar setting, not just in Portsmouth. Mess with somebody's quarters on a pool table and see how fast shit can get real.

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  DKilbourne said:
Way too much money to be made by the pharma companies to outlaw pills.


Therein lies problem.


  Rustlestiltskin said:
This is in every countryside bar setting, not just in Portsmouth. Mess with somebody's quarters on a pool table and see how fast shit can get real.


Truth. Seen it happen on the south end and in Circleville back in the day. Glad I'm out of that lifestyle now.

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I see lots of drug users at OSU and they are a breeding ground for awful infections. One patient I had shared needles with his girlfriend "until she got hepatitis C", but he still managed to get a fungal infection that manifested in his eye. His VFend (antifungal) treatment was 6 months, and at cost that drug is around $1000 / month for generic. I think he lost his eye anyways.


Another one ran out of peripheral vein access so he was using veins in his neck to inject heroin, and when he got an abscess on his neck he tried to drain it with a box cutter.


Sad to see people destroy themselves so completely.

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  everlight44 said:
I see lots of drug users at OSU and they are a breeding ground for awful infections. One patient I had shared needles with his girlfriend "until she got hepatitis C", but he still managed to get a fungal infection that manifested in his eye. His VFend (antifungal) treatment was 6 months, and at cost that drug is around $1000 / month for generic. I think he lost his eye anyways.


Another one ran out of peripheral vein access so he was using veins in his neck to inject heroin, and when he got an abscess on his neck he tried to drain it with a box cutter.


Sad to see people destroy themselves so completely.



Heard a story of a prostitute in Springfield with 4 broken-off needles in her neck.

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Ive seen people OD on heroin and have to call 911 and get emergency crews with Narcan out asap, its no fun...


Not really going to voice my opinion on this, Have many friends hooked on this shit, between me and my best friend we know 10+ people that have OD'd and died, the real sad part?


Nearly every insurance plan (Even free Obamacare/Medicare/Medicaid ones) offer FREE SUBOXONE TREATMENTS (Inpatient and Outpatient) to get people off this shit, yet they'd rather steal, rob, degrade theres and there friends/familys lives, then to try and get clean...


Its just sad...

Edited by Fubar231
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  RC K9 said:
I watched Requiem for a Dream years and years ago when I was a teenager. Not that I had ever thought about doing hard drugs before that point, but that movie pretty much solidified my stance, ha ha.


Train Walking is a pretty good one to watch too.

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  RC K9 said:
Krokodil is nutty. Seen a vice doc on that while ago. I will never understand what drives people to want to do hard drugs.



Yeah that shit is absolutely NUTS! Saw this when it came out, but DAMN! How can anyone think that shits a good idea? F*ckin gasoline, pills, and all types of shit injected into your bloodstream? Blows my damn mind...

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  sol740 said:
I bet making this substance illegal, forcing it into the black market, massively inflating it's value, while creating criminals out of the substance-addiction prone, and providing an avenue for gangbangers and other lowlifes to get rich is the best course of action.


I honestly hope someday we see substance prohibition completely done away with. No, I'm not FOR drugs, I'm against this madness we currently have in place. Yes, being a heroin-addict is not a great way to live. However if heroin/morphine, whatever, was readily available and market controlled (read: cheap), at least the abusers would be able to hold down jobs(I may work with 3 alcoholics), not be as exposed to disease, and the black market would be severely diminished.


Oh and the taxpayer would save literally hundreds of billions of dollars or more. Though I guess we'd have to allow people to make poor life choices so let's just have a massive clusterfuck instead.


I honestly dont buy any of that

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Watching it for the first time right now on Nat Geo, wow, weird seeing Columbus on drugs inc.

Can we talk about the extreme sawed off 22 that the hilltop crack head is carrying? What is that thing like to fire? Bet he doesn't know either.

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  cstmg8 said:
Watching it for the first time right now on Nat Geo, wow, weird seeing Columbus on drugs inc.

Can we talk about the extreme sawed off 22 that the hilltop crack head is carrying? What is that thing like to fire? Bet he doesn't know either.


Re-airs @ 1:00am, going to catch that episode.


Had a really good friend from high school die 3 weeks ago. We lost touch but I guess he got really bad into pills, then you know the rest. Actually went clean for a number of years (guess he was a huge figure @ AA meetings etc), then relapsed bad, within a week dead :(.


If you weren't aware Heroin was a huge issue in Columbus you must be living under a fucking rock. Shit is everywhere, including all of our more affluent Suburbs.


Being a somewhat "wild child" in my teens (90's) I was on the "in's" with the drug crowd; you couldn't find Heroin, period - Not that I tried, but I was usually on the in with what was available and what was not. Heroin was absolutely unheard of back then.

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I don't think you have to live under a rock. I'm not naive enough to think it isn't around, of course you see shit on the news. Even so, I never see/ hear of it in my everyday life, then again I don't frequent hilltop looking for hookers and blow. I suppose I don't tend to surround myself with the type of person most likely to run these circles.
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  cstmg8 said:
I suppose I don't tend to surround myself with the type of person most likely to run these circles.


The fucked up thing is I don't either (anymore), and i've lived in good/excellent neighborhoods my entire life (Grew up richer then fuck in UA), and for nearly all of my adult life ran with people that were on the up and up. That said even I, living in the suburbs, have become aware of the problem Upper Arlington and Hilliard are having with kids getting hooked on this shit in fucking High School. Again, back in the 90's @ UA Heroin was absolutely unheard of.

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Yeah, these things definitely explode into peoples lives whom didn't expect it. I've dealt closely with alcoholism, and it can be tough to understand the addicts side. I'm sure drugs like this are much worse. I grew up in Athens, and its becoming quite the problem there as well.
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