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Hardcore Heroin


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I'm sure drugs like this are much worse.


The thing I don't get is how on gods earth can you turn to Heroin from pills. I mean there's no such thing as a "casual" Heroin user. What forces compel you to use a drug that has a 95% chance of absolutely destroying your life only to leave you using it just so you don't get sick. I mean I did some experimentation back in the day, but never fathomed doing Heroin or Crack.


Also, judging from a few recent Doctors appointments (and a good buddy of mine that has to drive to Illinois to get his Percocet prescriptions) Ohio is going bat-shit on the pain-pill problem. Like it's nearly impossible to get a prescription written for them anymore, even if you have a valid reason. I went to the Doctors office a week or two ago and more or less had to straight up tell the Doc "hey look, im not here for pills, I just want to know why im in pain/if I damaged a muscle". Seriously from the time I mentioned the word pain he seemed to immediately throw me into the "pain pills" crowd, you could see it in his eyes to the point I felt I had to say something.

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The thing I don't get is how on gods earth can you turn to Heroin from pills. I mean there's no such thing as a "casual" Heroin user. What forces compel you to use a drug that has a 95% chance of absolutely destroying your life only to leave you using it just so you don't get sick. I mean I did some experimentation back in the day, but never fathomed doing Heroin or Crack.


It's quite a small jump from pill addiction to Heroin use, they are both opiates and have surprisingly similar effects. For anyone who has taken OxyContin you pretty much know what low level heroin use feels like. but still these are not casual pill users making the jump from oxy to H, you have to already have a pretty consistent chemical dependency going on.


This is a lot different from the college drug scene I remember in the 90's where H was purely a recreational drug like acid and pot. I even had a college professorof mine, a holdover of the 60's generation and a friend of hunter Thompson, ask me to score her some once (I am not now nor have I ever been a drug dealer) and she called me a square because I told her I couldnt. It was a much different user demographic 20 years ago.


We tend to forget about modern heroin users in everyday life because most are not kids, but actual adults from 25-65 in functioning society. It's pretty easy for some to have a serious addiction and still be able to hold down a job and look normal.


Also, judging from a few recent Doctors appointments (and a good buddy of mine that has to drive to Illinois to get his Percocet prescriptions) Ohio is going bat-shit on the pain-pill problem. Like it's nearly impossible to get a prescription written for them anymore, even if you have a valid reason. I went to the Doctors office a week or two ago and more or less had to straight up tell the Doc "hey look, im not here for pills, I just want to know why im in pain/if I damaged a muscle". Seriously from the time I mentioned the word pain he seemed to immediately throw me into the "pain pills" crowd, you could see it in his eyes to the point I felt I had to say something.


Yes and no. Get physically injured enough to go to the hospital and they will throw tons of pain meds at you. It's continuing the prescriptions in a legal way that are harder. I broke my back in 2013 and the hospital gave me a two month supply of oxy, right off the bat no problem. The more shocking thing is when it ran out I decided not to renew I was actually dope sick for about two weeks. A casual acquaintance saw me during that time and offered to get me in touch with someone who could hook me up with pain pills, so it wasn't even hard to find a drug dealer to sell me illegal pills. But it is exactly this condition of it beng hard to maintain a legal opiate prescription that drives people to heroin use.


If you really want to understand how one makes the jump from pills to H, there is a podcast kevin smith the film director does with Jason mews about Jason's drug addiction and recovery where jay details his progression from casual use to intense heroin addiction. Like many he has an injury that sends him down the pain pill path, but he also had an unusual child hood where his mother was a junkie and turned him into a dealer at an early age. The show is called jay and silent bob get old and you can download it off iTunes. Don't let your kids listen to it if you have any.

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Before moving I worked in the ER at Mount Carmel West for a few years. We saw so many heroin /IV drug related medical problems & tons of patients drug seeking for narcotics. Unfortunately I could write a novel about my experiences & the pure distain I have for anyone involved with heroin.


ugh, i'm getting annoyed just thinking about it.

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  • 2 months later...
Please someone post a link to the show later if it's hosted somewhere. I don't have cable and would like to see it. (I might try to find it on Hulu, etc.)

Back from the dead, but I just got around to watching it.


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I'mnot going to lie I started out about 6 years ago due to back pain and a car accident was prescribed percocet 30mg eventually for a good amount of time. I started being dependant on them, then it became an addiction over time. My doctor cut me off my supply of meds and I didn't know what to do. I still have never stuck a needle in my body nor used herion. (i understand its synthetic herion I was on). Its been 2 years now since I have touched anything. I had a seizure went to the hospital, rehab for several days and I am doing well today. I live 1 day at a time and thats the only way to do it.


It really was like a tunnel with no light at the end. Generally I don't like to talk about it but the addiction is with me forever.

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I'mnot going to lie I started out about 6 years ago due to back pain and a car accident was prescribed percocet 30mg eventually for a good amount of time. I started being dependant on them, then it became an addiction over time. My doctor cut me off my supply of meds and I didn't know what to do. I still have never stuck a needle in my body nor used herion. (i understand its synthetic herion I was on). Its been 2 years now since I have touched anything. I had a seizure went to the hospital, rehab for several days and I am doing well today. I live 1 day at a time and thats the only way to do it.


It really was like a tunnel with no light at the end. Generally I don't like to talk about it but the addiction is with me forever.


Glad you were able to deal with addiction and have the dedication to stay clean. My brother-in-law hasn't been so lucky. He started out a few years ago after a broken ankle getting hooked on pain killers and craving the high it provided, he then discovered how cheap it was to try heroin and the rest is history. He's tried to break the addiction several times but he's prescribed Suboxone now which is just a substitute and no real fix. So if he's out for more than a day he starts back up on Heroin.


It's completely destroyed his life and his families life around him. He's 26 and still lives at home with his dad and can't keep a job for anything. He's a complete drain on his dad who's dropped probably close to $100,000 trying to help him. Problem is he isn't man enough to face his problems head-on and only tries to substitute other meds/drugs for heroin. Now his dad is facing bankruptcy and loosing his house/car because of everything it's cost him.


I hate to say it because it makes me feel soulless but sometimes I think it would be less stress on the family if he just stuck a needle in his arm one last time and over shot it.

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