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Former Ranger came across this vid of him getting nearly hit with IED

Otis Nice

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Also glad he is OK. Crazy vid. These guys do not get enough credit for what they do. I know that's not why they do it, and they don't ask for it, but they shouldn't have to.

I was watching an add for wounded warriors the other day, and thought "why does a need for this even exist??". These guys and their families should be taken care of for life, I'm talking no wants, no stress over money or finding a job, family fully supported. If you lose your leg for this country, then this country should make sure you have every comfort possible. /rant

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Also glad he is OK. Crazy vid. These guys do not get enough credit for what they do. I know that's not why they do it, and they don't ask for it, but they shouldn't have to.

I was watching an add for wounded warriors the other day, and thought "why does a need for this even exist??". These guys and their families should be taken care of for life, I'm talking no wants, no stress over money or finding a job, family fully supported. If you lose your leg for this country, then this country should make sure you have every comfort possible. /rant


I am 100% with you on the families being taken care of. They put their lives on the line for us and if they give their life or limb, please use tax dollars for that instead of the lazy fucks who sit at home and do NOTHING for the bettering of our country.

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I am 100% with you on the families being taken care of. They put their lives on the line for us and if they give their life or limb, please use tax dollars for that instead of the lazy fucks who sit at home and do NOTHING for the bettering of our country.


This 1000x over. We should be taking care of our Vets way better than what we do... I was watching something on VICE I believe and it was a vet that got hit by a IED in Afghanistan, has minor brain damage, and he only gets $400 a month and isn't allowed on active duty anymore since the injuries. It makes me sick that Ms. Fuckseverydudeinthebar has 7 kids and gets paid for every one of them by our government, gets food stamps, etc. etc. but our damn Vets can't even get taken care of or what theyre promised when they join!

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I was watching an add for wounded warriors the other day, and thought "why does a need for this even exist??". These guys and their families should be taken care of for life, I'm talking no wants, no stress over money or finding a job, family fully supported. If you lose your leg for this country, then this country should make sure you have every comfort possible. /rant


It's called Veteran Disability and unfortunately like everything in government it has been bureaucratically fucked to death. It follows the worker's comp scheme so if you aren't legally saavy it's very hard to get everything coming to you. Fortunately there are volunteer groups to help with veteran disability benefits, but they are seriously underfunded and understaffed, so whenever you can volunteer.


. It makes me sick that Ms. Fuckseverydudeinthebar has 7 kids and gets paid for every one of them by our government, gets food stamps, etc. etc. but our damn Vets can't even get taken care of or what theyre promised when they join!


You are totally right, those 7 kids should get jobs and pay their own way in this world!!!!

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It's called Veteran Disability and unfortunately like everything in government it has been bureaucratically fucked to death. It follows the worker's comp scheme so if you aren't legally saavy it's very hard to get everything coming to you. Fortunately there are volunteer groups to help with veteran disability benefits, but they are seriously underfunded and understaffed, so whenever you can volunteer.


WWP isn't one of the better ones

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I was watching something on VICE I believe and it was a vet that got hit by a IED in Afghanistan, has minor brain damage, and he only gets $400 a month and isn't allowed on active duty anymore since the injuries.


This very thing happened to a friend of mine. She had 15 years in. Pulled 2 guys out of the humvee before she passed out. Purple heart awarded.


Took her over 2 years to see a dime.


Ranger regiment or just tabbed?


I don't know of too many Regiment dudes who patrol.


No clue to be honest. I'm closer to his oldest brother than him. I'd hate to speculate and be wrong, but I do know that SF recruited him then his knees went to crap from too many jumps or something. I'm wanting to say he was in a Ranger regiment, but I don't really know.

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I'll be short and to the point. I take care of some vets, but the system is so fucked, many times they have to see dr's at va hospitals. Most of the time, these va dr's are not the best (to put it lightly). Everything with the govt is slow as fuck and inefficient as fuck. And quite simply, physicians can't make a good living as va docs. So the va gets the b-team.


If the damn govt would let them see any private physician and reimburse docs a reasonable rate for veterans' healthcare, these vets would have much easier, quicker access to world class care. But, it's the govt.

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I'll be short and to the point. I take care of some vets, but the system is so fucked, many times they have to see dr's at va hospitals. Most of the time, these va dr's are not the best (to put it lightly). Everything with the govt is slow as fuck and inefficient as fuck. And quite simply, physicians can't make a good living as va docs. So the va gets the b-team.


If the damn govt would let them see any private physician and reimburse docs a reasonable rate for veterans' healthcare, these vets would have much easier, quicker access to world class care. But, it's the govt.


Why let market forces enable better care...when we can just fix the system through regulations and mandates to our standards....


You and I think very much alike. ANYTHING the gov does is not for profit (if is just happened to make money eg. USPS, then they fire the "CEO" and let it start sinking again), so the incentive to preform with in the market utility is voided and offers sub standard services.


As for the IED, glad he is alive, that would be scary. I would worry about being ambushed after the IED maybe more so...

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I'll be short and to the point. I take care of some vets, but the system is so fucked, many times they have to see dr's at va hospitals. Most of the time, these va dr's are not the best (to put it lightly). Everything with the govt is slow as fuck and inefficient as fuck. And quite simply, physicians can't make a good living as va docs. So the va gets the b-team.


If the damn govt would let them see any private physician and reimburse docs a reasonable rate for veterans' healthcare, these vets would have much easier, quicker access to world class care. But, it's the govt.


yes some are the B-team, but some are straight up volunteers who do it because they care about veterans. Again there is always a shortage of volunteers to help out in these areas so if you are able, volunteer when you can because it makes a difference. Manpower is sometimes worth more than money.

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