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Question for CR smart investors

Forrest Gump 9

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I've been tracking NUS for the last 2-3 years. Made and lost some $$ on it. But when I thought I got it figured out it threw me a loop. I've been buying it at ~$40 and sell it at ~$45. The cycle run about ten days.


Anyway, yesterday they came out with their earning which they missed. The stock dropped about 4% but then something happened and the stock just went straight up and ended up with 16% gain for the day. Can someone explain what happened?

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You did great, you stuck to your plan and exit. Sure sometimes you leave money on the table but that's trading. The good news is you didn't stay in due to greed and lose your shirt.


If you want to try to take all that's on the table next time use trailing stop, but even that isn't a guarantee.

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If you were up 43% in a stock since September, but the dividend yield was decent, would you stay in it or liquidate?



My Fidelity IRA allows options, but I've never done any strategies...



If you want to hold:


I would sell call options against the stock so you can continue to hold your long position and collect dividends with the up and downside risk. Selling the call would collect premium if the stock goes down to offset your stock loss. If the stock goes up you get the upside on your equity but lose the premium on your option. This I think is the best to do for any large long holding position.

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Best place to start is with a real market simulator such as the one on investopedia.com that's also a great site for basic reading on investing. A pretty good book is "trading in the zone". It's a little different since it deals with the mental game of trading which IMO is much more important than the technical side. Simple investing is a different yet similar game, just takes different skills/ time frames.


You got a long way to find what works best for you, your personality, and the amount of effort your looking to put in. Hit me up for questions any time.




I feel like I should take about 4k and play this game....


Where is a good place to start? Any good books?

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Nope. I sold mine right at $45. And see it kept on going up, pissed me off but oh well, I made some $$




Alot of bad news but the thing is still ripping. Interesting stock. Looks like it trades insync with HLF so if you dip back in I would add that to your radar for comparison.


5 year chart with HLF



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Alot of bad news but the thing is still ripping. Interesting stock. Looks like it trades insync with HLF so if you dip back in I would add that to your radar for comparison.


5 year chart with HLF




Yeah, I've been tracking them both, but only trade NUS. The last week had been brutal for me, lots of what-ifs. I feel like this stock about to drop big time. What do you think?

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