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My Apology to everyone on here I've attacked for Spiritual reasons


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If you wanna flame just move on. I posted this in the Parking lot because its a serious post.


I want to say I'm sorry to every person I've every attacked for spiritual reasons. I was wrong for judging people on something as personal as Faith.


I also wanted to share that I actually got baptized today and to share how much having faith has changed me. I'm a much happier and peaceful person.



So I hope you can forgive me for my transgressions but I felt I needed to do this because I outlashed so many times.

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You have never done anything wrong toward me as far as religious or spiritual reason is concerned. You didn't mention what faith that you were baptized for, although I have an idea. I can say this much, if these persons you had offended/attacked were true and real Christians, you had been forgiven.


Personally, I'm glad to hear that you have turned a new leaf in your life for the better. Keep it on.

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Good for you, man. It takes a real man to admit his mistakes and share his faith with those that will judge you the most. At the end of the day, you are you're biggest critic, keep up the good fight and keep going in the right direction. It's not easy......
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Nice crutch. If it helps you cope, then I'm all for it. Just don't forget a crutch isn't meant to hold you up forever, just until you can support yourself.

And for the religious folks, this comment shouldn't offend too much as I've always heard God helps those who help themselves. And being that I'm not what you would call religious in its most accepted definition, I do consider it a "tool" to cope with life.


Finding religion or otherwise, I will say it worries me when someone so completely and so quickly changes who they are fundamentally. I don't think it's realistic and it may not be healthy. I'm not saying that's the case here and I'm not saying that this won't all have a positive outcome, but I know the guy very well and I'm going to worry/wonder.

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My gf is a hardcore anti-religion atheist. I was raised in a semi-Catholic house (my grandmother is Portuguese and probably would've murdered the whole family if I wasn't baptized) but I never cared much for religion. I simply believe in the good nature of mankind, and that those who don't represent that nature will eventually die out.


Some have told me that's a transcendentalist view, that I should look at Unitarianism.


Really, though, I believe life is too short to do anything that doesn't improve your happiness. If religion has improved your happiness, I'm happy for you. I wish you the best in your life moving forward, and no matter what the cause don't ever let go of what helps you do good for yourself and others.

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My gf is a hardcore anti-religion atheist. I was raised in a semi-Catholic house (my grandmother is Portuguese and probably would've murdered the whole family if I wasn't baptized) but I never cared much for religion. I simply believe in the good nature of mankind, and that those who don't represent that nature will eventually die out.


Some have told me that's a transcendentalist view, that I should look at Unitarianism.


Really, though, I believe life is too short to do anything that doesn't improve your happiness. If religion has improved your happiness, I'm happy for you. I wish you the best in your life moving forward, and no matter what the cause don't ever let go of what helps you do good for yourself and others.


You would be more a fit to follow Dudeism. I am sure you are already aware but if not http://dudeism.com/




Thorne no hard feelings from me. Glad you are at peace with the world. Please continue down this path if it makes you feel better.

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You would be more a fit to follow Dudeism. I am sure you are already aware but if not http://dudeism.com/




Thorne no hard feelings from me. Glad you are at peace with the world. Please continue down this path if it makes you feel better.


Actually I'm an ordained Dudeist Priest and officiated my friend's wedding in April of last year :lolguy:

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Most people wait on something bad to happen in life before they find religion


That or brought up and brainwashed into it.



I'm very thankful my parents sat me down early on, explained multiple religions and said any decision is on me. I'm glad I never bought into any of it. Being an outsider, I'm amazed some of the things people actually believe in. Ludicrous, but if you need that comfort in your life and feel someone else is in control of your life, so be it. Whatever brings positive changes, go for it...

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