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Fines for child obesity


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Rolled oats with blueberries for breakfast


20 almonds for a snack (8 almonds is close to one serving)


PB and banana sandwich for lunch


Spinach salad for after lunch snack


Chicken pasta for dinner


Easy meals for the day that can cost you less than your one meal at a typical restaurant.


Log this into My Fitness Pal. You have 13% Protein, 41% carbs, 45% fats. You also only used 984 calories, far below what a man should be eating. Is there a sauce on your pasta?


White bread is NOT healthy. Rice and potatoes are NOT healthy. Pasta is NOT healthy. A lot of the examples in this thread are of the things that poor people eat, almost exlusively, and that's why they are unhealthy. People who spend more eat some of those same items, but not exclusively, and not in the same amounts.


In addition, processed foods are almost always cheaper. Find fresh chicken, by weight, that is cheaper than chicken nuggets or the garbage full of preservatives. The same goes for hot dogs. The same goes for frozen sides (i.e., french fries, tater tots, etc.).


You guys gave examples of meals that should be CHEAPER than the things unhealthy people eat. A box of Hamburger Helper is $0.77. Kraft Mac 'N Cheese is super cheap too. For every meal you post that is "cheap", understand that people who can't afford much will buy what is cheap, and in addition, easy (a different problem).


I can't speak to what it costs for these items, or the healthy options, in Puerto Rico.

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BMI had me on the edge. Even though I im 6' 2" and 185lbs...ha ha. No idea how they got that. Doesn't matter though. Changing eating habits, I am down to mid 170's these last couple weeks.

6'2"-175 is skinny, you even lift brah??

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Log this into My Fitness Pal. You have 13% Protein, 41% carbs, 45% fats. You also only used 984 calories, far below what a man should be eating.


Thanks for doing the math, I thought I was nuts. I weigh 155lbs and if that's all I ate in a day I'd be craving a quart of ice cream.


My undocumented observation is that people a) underestimate how much they consume in day (which is why there's all these overweight "calorie counters" who insist that they're eating like birds), and b) underestimate how much meals cost because they only hit the main ingredients. My wife thought that we kept to a pretty tight food budget before I sat her down and added up all of our grocery receipts for a month.

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Thanks for doing the math, I thought I was nuts. I weigh 155lbs and if that's all I ate in a day I'd be craving a quart of ice cream.


My undocumented observation is that people a) underestimate how much they consume in day (which is why there's all these overweight "calorie counters" who insist that they're eating like birds), and b) underestimate how much meals cost because they only hit the main ingredients. My wife thought that we kept to a pretty tight food budget before I sat her down and added up all of our grocery receipts for a month.


I'm used to facebook; I was looking for the 'like' button.

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Yeah, some of the "cheap meal" suggestions posted in this thread work if you're on a super limited budget temporarily, but you're missing out on a LOT of important nutrients and vitamins if you eat rice and beans every day for dinner and have a banana for lunch.


IMO, in the States anyway, you're REALLY fucking up if you don't have like ~$8-10/day to eat. Hell, SNAP alone pays something like that I think.

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I'm starting a religion based on eating and therefore the possibility of this law would conflict my amendment right to freedom of religion. The government has no right to tell people how to live, and just because you may not agree with how some people choose to live or take care of themselves doesn't give you the right to try and control them. That is the basis that this contry was founded. If I can't choose my own food I will seriously consider becoming a citizen of some other contry.
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I'm starting a religion based on eating and therefore the possibility of this law would conflict my amendment right to freedom of religion. The government has no right to tell people how to live, and just because you may not agree with how some people choose to live or take care of themselves doesn't give you the right to try and control them. That is the basis that this contry was founded. If I can't choose my own food I will seriously consider becoming a citizen of some other contry.


This thread is about another country.

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I'm starting a religion based on eating and therefore the possibility of this law would conflict my amendment right to freedom of religion. The government has no right to tell people how to live, and just because you may not agree with how some people choose to live or take care of themselves doesn't give you the right to try and control them. That is the basis that this contry was founded. If I can't choose my own food I will seriously consider becoming a citizen of some other contry.


I agree with what you're saying - but I will say that if you can't fit into a SINGLE airplane/bus/train/whatever seat, you need to buy two. Public humiliation be damned. Don't want to be embarrassed? Don't go out in public. That simple.


Your freedom to eat whatever you want should not impact my freedom to not.

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Are potatoes healthy?


Sweet taters, yes. Regular white/gold taters, not so much. Dark fleshed ones are better, but potatoes have a high glycemic index. Eating with oil or vinegar helps reduce that, or cooking then refrigerating overnight before eating.



6'2"-175 is skinny, you even lift brah??


Nah, but I should.


One thing I haven't seen mentioned in this thread is the total lack of nutrients in most of the Crap in your produce departments that you think are healthy. Most apples you find in grocery stores are terrible for you. They have been designed with tons of sugar content. Most onions, same thing. That asparagus that was harvested 3 weeks ago that you are just now buying, lost most of it's nutritional value before it ever hit the grocery store.

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Just curious about how your company defines 'healthy', what kicks you to the lower or higher premium?


We can opt into a health assessment which includes an exam and questionnaire. You get a $100 voucher just to opt in. Don't know what all the measurements are but if you're a smoker I've been told you're screwed. I have a $0 Health insurance premium, they pay it all. HSA Plan with max out of pocket of $4k and they fund it in full each year for me given my tenure and Assessment. Sweet deal for a family of four.

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Site your source please. Where can you purchase ingredients for a proper meal for 2 people (including quality protein) for $4/person, consistently? Please post this meal.


Frozen bag of chicken tits are seven bucks at Meijer. Taters and frozen/steamed brocolli are cheap too. Throw in a dollar loaf of bread and that's a nice little meal.

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Rice and potatoes are NOT healthy. Pasta is NOT healthy. A lot of the examples in this thread are of the things that poor people eat, almost exlusively, and that's why they are unhealthy.


Brown rice isn't unhealthy. Way better in terms of carbs and rate of absorbtion. Pasta wise Dreamfields is a great altnerative to regular, not expensive and tastes 100% like regular pasta. Again, very good in terms of carb absorption. Both are not to be eaten as main dishes.


People who spend more eat some of those same items, but not exclusively, and not in the same amounts.


Portion control is where it's at. I've lost weight simply by eating small portions, waiting 30 minutes and going back for a bit more if and where needed. Usually I'm full and don't go back.


You guys gave examples of meals that should be CHEAPER than the things unhealthy people eat. A box of Hamburger Helper is $0.77. Kraft Mac 'N Cheese is super cheap too. For every meal you post that is "cheap", understand that people who can't afford much will buy what is cheap, and in addition, easy (a different problem).


True but I can't regulate the fact that a box of HH at $.77 is what people eat as their main meal. IMO it's fine so long as they realize that's not how they should eat it. I won't lie, I love me $.99 mac and Cheese, but I eat it as a side dish. I lead with Veggies, add in a small portion of meat, add some M&C and a tall glass of water. I actually drink a 12oz glass of water about 15 minutes before dinner. My big vice is a stack of Oreos after 8pm when no one is looking :p

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Sweet taters, yes. Regular white/gold taters, not so much. Dark fleshed ones are better, but potatoes have a high glycemic index. Eating with oil or vinegar helps reduce that, or cooking then refrigerating overnight before eating.





Nah, but I should.


One thing I haven't seen mentioned in this thread is the total lack of nutrients in most of the Crap in your produce departments that you think are healthy. Most apples you find in grocery stores are terrible for you. They have been designed with tons of sugar content. Most onions, same thing. That asparagus that was harvested 3 weeks ago that you are just now buying, lost most of it's nutritional value before it ever hit the grocery store.

Just giving you a hard time. I am 6 foot 210 and trying to shed about 10 pounds right now.

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I blame video games and social media. Nobody plays outside anymore. I ate heaping piles of food as a kid but I also ran around all night with friends.. I was a twig.


^^ this. As kid I would go outside after breakfast, come home to eat lunch and piss then wait until the sound of mom yelling for us to eat dinner to come inside. I was almost always tan like cuban now I'm white as a ghost.

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I agree with what you're saying - but I will say that if you can't fit into a SINGLE airplane/bus/train/whatever seat, you need to buy two. Public humiliation be damned. Don't want to be embarrassed? Don't go out in public. That simple.


Your freedom to eat whatever you want should not impact my freedom to not.


What you're refering to is more about being politically correct then freedom, and I could care less if people's feelings get hurt. People have a choice to ride a plane or not, so things like charging more for a plane ticket are on the right side of constitutionalism.

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^^ this. As kid I would go outside after breakfast, come home to eat lunch and piss then wait until the sound of mom yelling for us to eat dinner to come inside. I was almost always tan like cuban now I'm white as a ghost.


Same here, but often I'd forget to eat lunch because I was too busy. I'd eat a double dinner with 0 fucks given. I was 6-2 135lbs as a senior in high school, now.... 6-2 270lbs. Fuck I need to go outside.

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Eating proper foods without aids pumped into them, isn't cheap. Last night I purchased a handful of fruits and veggies to juice with because I have a vagina. Well over $100, and that will only last a few days.


Meat / seafood is always a couple hundred dollar excursion, twice a month,and I don't have children.


How could you possibly punish someone who can barely afford to even eat mcdonalds?

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Eating proper foods without aids pumped into them, isn't cheap. Last night I purchased a handful of fruits and veggies to juice with because I have a vagina. Well over $100, and that will only last a few days.


Meat / seafood is always a couple hundred dollar excursion, twice a month,and I don't have children.


How could you possibly punish someone who can barely afford to even eat mcdonalds?


I would have to agree. Punishment is not a viable solution. And you are right about quality food NOT being cheap. Refer to my references above about candy, almonds, and chicken.


Cheese/milk without rbst, nutrient rich fruits and vegetables, non-gmo foods, etc all cost an arm and a leg.


Obesity is not only sign of health issues. I know lots of non-obese people with some serious caffeine and artificial sweetener issues.

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