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That "just a car" kind of money....


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When you have that kind of money, a Lambo is your winter beater because AWD.


This. If I can afford that kind of car, I'm not worried. Isn't that the point?


Some perspective: I currently ball in the land of rarely ever driving an 89 Supra and freaking out when a bird flies withing 100 feet or someone parks in the same lot.


Really, it's all about perspective. If you go out and buy the awd lambo as a daily, then that's what it is to you. That lambo is someone else's Vibe. :) And perhaps that same guy's 'garage queen' is at home sleeping for the winter. Of course, if he were truly balling, he would've parked up front amongst the mere mortals and truly not given two shits. :p

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Saying and doing are two different things.


I only know of one person who actually drives his car that's worth more than my house is Doc


Keep in mind that the reality is that it is still just a car. Even at that price, it's just a car. Most business owners write them off and lease them to a corporation, depreciate it over time as part of the business, etc. Creative ways to do it abound. No one plops down $250k+ on a car as it makes little financial sense. Hell even our minvan is titled in a corporation for when my wife ran her business.


Chances are if you drive it like a typical car, you can afford it. It's the people you see parking sideways in the back lot who wash it daily and drive it only on dry days that likely fit the stereotype that exists and can't comfortably afford the cars they are rocking.

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not that my GTR is anything crazy, but i drive the fuck out of it all winter long. i can't tell you how many times i've used the front splitter to plow the bottom of my driveway. i have the snow tires on the car from october to april, and literally drive it anything but deep snow. now that my kids are getting bigger, i can't fit all 3 in the car comfortably anymore.
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