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READ THIS for the Garage Sale and Back Counter forums


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Recently there have been several posts in the Garage Sale and Back Counter forums that have posted either no price, or pricing that would be considered too high. Per forum rules, no one is to make negative remarks about the item for sale, or the price being asked. The seller can ask what they want for the item.


That said, if someone posts a terrible price or has a shitty FS thread, PM them. Feel free to CC me on the PM. If they have been PM'd several times and are not responding, it will allow mods and admin to asses the thread better for everyone as a whole.


For those posting things for sale, here are some simple ways to sell your item:


POST PICTURES!!!! Pics sell things on here. If you don't know how to do this, it is posted in the sticky portion of the forum.


POST DETAILS- How old is it, how much use has it had, what has been fixed on it, what does it need to work 100%, maybe why you are selling it.


MANAGE YOUR THREAD - If someone PM's you or posts in your thread with a question or offer, get back to them. Even if it's to tell them you aren't interested in their offer.




Edited by Mojoe
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