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Porch Column Repair? Woodpecker edition


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Came home the other day and saw pieces of wood all over the snow. Had a few holes where I had repaired some carpenter bee holes in the columns of my front porch. I had sprayed killer foam in there then sealed it up with caulk and then a wood plug.


Looks like the larvae were still in there because this woodpecker went nuts. after the first day I saw it i thought he was done but I was wrong went to town again yesterday.



What are my options for repair here? or am I looking a column replacement?



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Once the repairs are done, load up and have some fun. My pet-peeve is squirrels. They tear up my yard and beds. After two years of plinking them nearly every week I've finally gone several weeks without seeing any of those fuckers.

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Assuming you only have roof above and not a second floor you do not need to replace that now if you care about the cosmetics the best thing to do is replace it it would be cheap on parts but decent on labor. I would use an epoxy wood filler and then paint both columns.
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I was thinking wood filler but didn't know if that'd be Ghetto. I'll work on that and paint them. Hopefully the paint deters other bugs. I know carpenter bees usually don't care what's on the wood, they'll eat through it.


Yeah it's just a small roof, no second story.

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Had one poke a nice round hole into our front porch column which is hollow on the inside. Covered the hole then through a woodpecker nest over it. No problems since but I have had to keep running off the cockroaches of the bird world, English sparrows.
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