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GT3 - winter refresh project


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I saw a friend of mine recently I was driving the V into a parking space at a local store. He's walking to the same store from further down the parking row, and was staring at my wheels. When I got out, he didn't realize it was my car. "Dude, what were you staring at?" I asked. He replied "Man, I don't know why but I love your brakes."


There is something very sexy about some 4+ piston, fixed-caliper brakes. :megusta:

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Starting to look like a fully assembled car again :D If I'd get more then about an hour an evening in the garage I'd be making a little more progress!!!


Everything on the front hooked back up, torqued, and in place. brake ducts will stay off until after the alignment on Saturday. Still need to clean it's a little filthy. Back to heavy Cayenne rotors for now :(



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Made good progress tonight. Started off like this:




Exhaust is back on the car, bumper bar back on, last corner of the suspension bolted back up and torqued. No after pictures it got too dark!!!


Also replaced the plugs this evening. Found every coil pack has developed cracks. Not gonna have replacements here before the car hits the alignment rack on Saturday but they are going to need to be replaced soon



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Looking good, Andy.



The cracks in the coil packs is 'interesting' is that a common problem with these cars or Porsche (in general)?


Common problem with these. The mufflers sit a couple inches away and even though there's heat shields, everything is packed in there very tightly.


Hear a lot of people with this issue, especially with 100k cars. Luckily they're pretty inexpensive and pretty easy to swap out.

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Common problem with these. The mufflers sit a couple inches away and even though there's heat shields, everything is packed in there very tightly.


Hear a lot of people with this issue, especially with 100k cars. Luckily they're pretty inexpensive and pretty easy to swap out.


Yup. I don't have side mufflers an longer :D but it's a pretty common 996 thing. Not what I wanted to see at 30k miles but not surprising considering the track time it sees.


The coils were redesigned for the 997 cars slightly to supposedly protect from this cracking. New set of coil packs is $300 so it's not the end of the world but one more expense I wasn't expecting. Stuff happens.


They aren't bad enough yet to be causing misfires, and I don't really drive the car in the rain but the craacking isn't going to be getting any better. I've read this morning about a short term solution of cleaning them and coating with underbody sealant. Might give that a go in the very short term. The coil packs never seem to fail in that they don't fire, they will crack to the point of causing misfires and then need to be replaced.

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I've read this morning about a short term solution of cleaning them and coating with underbody sealant.


This makes sense. Especially if the coils still fire properly AND you've removed much of the high-heat source with the re-routed and opened exhaust.


Those hairline cracks look like they could be serviced with hi-temp RTV sealant too???

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Why did u go back to the cayenne rotors?


Light ones are worn out and replacement rings from AP racing for my 2 piece rotors are $400 each including hardware. Cayenne rotors are $100 each but more importantly I had an almost new pair sitting there. Ultimately, like the $300 I didn't expect for the coil packs, there's been a few things along the way in this refresh that I wasn't planning for so I'm trying to keep my wife from killing me from going way over budget.


I'll switch to the light rotors later this year I'm sure. The weight difference is staggering at over 6 lbs per rotor.

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Sprayed the coil packs with a rubberized sealant for now. No pictures it's kinda ghetto and I'm not exactly proud of that. How about a picture of it all bolted back together and hiden by the heat sheild.



Exhaust, bumper bar and hear shields back on the car.



Final rear corner bolted and torqued



Brakes bled. Endless fluid is clear which is a little odd to me this fluid is supposed to be the business though. Have to see about that.

video link: http://vid136.photobucket.com/albums/q192/ZainoDetail/78DDBFF4-B595-4708-B692-427FA7D9D40D_zpseeiwximw.mp4


Set final nitrogen pressure on the shocks



Routed rear canisters into their home



Car back on the ground, bumper installed, wheels torqued, axles torqued, battery charged and installed.



Put about 20 miles on it today. Wheel bearing noise gone, clunk from passenger front gone, alignment is off so I didn't want to drive it a ton yet. Ride heights are off a little from new springs. Need to re-bleed brakes, put stock wheels/tires on and re-set heights and maybe corner balance depending on how much heights changed. Then final alignment (got moved to next sat) and she's track ready.


New wing showed up Friday. Paint guy is in china for 3 weeks :(


Edited by AudiOn19s
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Ugggg. Put some miles on it and everything drives and feels great


Put it on the alignment rack yesterday and can't get the toe into spec on the passenger rear corner. I have aftermarket toe arms which give more adjustment but we still can't get it to spec. Pulling that corner back apart today to see what the deal is.

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Figured it out.


Couple of factors in play here that caused my issue. First gut response was tear everything apart again. I measured everything, compared left to right and everything seemed to be close. None the less I blew everything apart and took the hub back off the car. Good news is I'm quite proficient in this now. I inspected everything, found nothing out of sorts and put it back together. Still in the exact same measurements. Checking toe with yard stick and measurements to the fender to see if it changed...kinds the string method but without going that far.


So then I start to really dive into things. When I had the shocks rebuilt I asked the guy not to move the spring collars. He told me he had to move a couple of them but that he measured and put them all back where they originated. Shame on me for not checking once back on the car. I set it on the ground, thought it looked OK and went with it. Well, the combination of slightly stiffer springs and a couple of moved spring collars meant that the heights on the car were off, by a decent margin on a couple of the corners.


Then I realized my other goof. I had spun the ball joint on the toe arm 1 rotation during the re-assembly process causing the arm to be slightly shorter. Doesn't take much on a toe arm to make all the world of difference. To compound that, I didn't originally install the toe arms and they were put together in such a way that the adjusters weren't centered where the pieces of the arms come together. Meaning when I tried to adjust length to compensate for the rotation of the outer ball joint there wasn't enough adjustment left to make the arm longer and offset the difference. Funny thing is at it's maxed out position the passenger toe arm was still 3mm shorter in total length than the drivers side arm. So I took apart the toe arm, centered everything up, set the length like the drivers side and put it all back together. Now it's got too much toe-in but when i put it back on the rack it shouldn't be an issue to get it into spec this time.


Finally spent about an hour setting all 4 corners of the car back to baseline heights, now I need to corner balance the car this week and hit the alignment rack one more time.


Frustrating means of finding dumb mistakes, but thankfully it wasn't anything big.


Wife was nice enough to rub in that she was out driving her toy all day while I was working on mine and left it parked right there so I could wash it for her :(


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You can't be TOO sad... this weekend was f**king GORGEOUS to be doing work outside. ;)


It was really nice out, and nice to be in the garage without the heater running. I was on the alignment rack at Byers Saturday morning at 8 and we finally threw in the towel @ 10 which is when the "other" cars and coffee event was going on up there. So I pulled it around front and parked and walked around to look at the toys. First time I've seen a 918 in the flesh which was pretty cool. There were actually quite a few people I knew there which was a nice distraction but after a short time I was consumed in my head with what was going on with the car and had to leave to go investigate.



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A bunch of us rolled out from Lennox to Byers as well around 11am...definitely had some nice rides. I kept running into other "Lennox Traitors" ;)


Me: "Hey! What are you doing here?"

Them: "Wait a second, Clay...what are YOU doing here?" :lol:


Pictures don't do the color of that 918 justice...that thing is an alien, radioactive green/yellow combo.:cool:

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Since I had to dick with ride heights and everything I was hoping not to mess with, she went back on the scales last night for fine adjustments.


50.3 / 49.7 cross weights with me in it on the 2nd attempt and I called it a night. it's at 50.1 / 49.9 without driver weight.


One more trip to the alignment rack, put the brake ducts back on it and she's ready to rock.




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Final Alignment done, fresh tranny fluid and oil last night. Despite my paint guy being out of town until the beginning of may I blasted the parts with black primer and installed them for the track day this weekend.


She's officially done now other than paint on the black bits.






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